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Happy Birthday George & Charlie

Amanda Jvv

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So 6 years ago two little puppies came into my life :wub:








Well life has never been the same again. Their presence changed everything and because of them and my interest in dogs, I've met so many wonderful people and came about my adddition of Revel.

They've seen boyfriends, jobs and new places to live, come and go. Yet they've always remained my constant.


So here's to 6 years boys and many many more to come. Happy Birthday :GroupHug:








New beds a day early for their presents


Charlie (well he had to have his on the sofa you see...


and well Revel had to have a bed too but um mum bought it a tad too small and a new one is on order :laugh: 307238649.jpg


Gratuitous part :D

George 307238662.jpg

Revel (looking so lovingly at his mum on her knee... :wub: ) 307238654.jpg

And after a bath...(much to their disgust) 307238644.jpg

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Happy Birthday George and Charlie :wub: You are even more special than most because you welcomed Revel into your home and loved him, you are really really special boys :wub:


aaah sweet. Thank you for those lovely words. The last pic shows how far we've come from the first growls and jealousy from George to offering Revel his rump as a pillow :laugh: I hope your boys are well and Beenzie is feeling better.

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