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Sooty Has Gone

Carole Stitcher

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Thank you all for your sympathy and support.


We have known since March that she had the tumour, she came into season in April and basically started going downhill since then, having crises along the way, recovering from them (with a lot of help and Reiki from Muriel), but each crisis left her a little weaker.


She amazed her vets at her ability to recover, there are many dogs that wouldn't, but she was determined to live and to make as much as she could of it.


She had major bleeds from her tumour on a few occasions, fought her way back from them, there are many who would have been pts at a much earlier stage, but we felt her determination so strongly (and Sooty had a way of communicating her wishes) that we let her choose her own path, as long as the vet agreed that she was in no pain.


She had a stroke on November 4th, I can't describe how awful she looked that day, but still the feeling was there that she still wasn't ready. By the following Tuesday she was her perky self, she just couldn't stand up.


An incredibly clean dog, no matter what I tried she would not toilet inside, insisted on going outside, and then wouldn't just do what was needed where we put her, but moved to get to just the right spot, even if that meant crawling through the grass on her tummy. I cannot express how hard it was for us to let her do that, but one of the most endearing traits about her was her independence and determination to do it 'her own self'.


By the following Saturday she was able to stand by herself, if a little wobbly and even took herself for a stroll around the garden. There were high points and there were low points, but we think that the tumour was bleeding constantly, if slowly, and she was getting more anaemic. She went to see Nick the following Tuesday, when we made the appointment the previous week we had been sure that this would be the time for her to be pts. He said that he hadn't expected her to still be here and was even more surprised to see that she seemed to be recovering from the stroke.


Last night it was obvious that although she still did not want to leave, we could not let her continue, she was so weak, she couldn't eat, she couldn't drink. We had to take the decision out of her paws, much as we didn't want to.


The vet on call was Nick, her favourite, the one who had saved her life on Wednesday November 16th last year, and the one that we had wanted to be who sent her on her way. That he was on call rather than any of the other vets at the practice reinforced the fact that this was meant to be her time.


It took an hour and four injections for her to leave, she just didn't want to give up and her circulation was poor because of the anaemia. It was harrowing for us, it was harrowing for Nick, but we all knew it was right.


We have lit a candle for her here


If you click on the twinkling star on the top right hand corner a picture of her comes up.


I would like to specially thank those who have taken the time and trouble to send pm's. They have brought tears, as you would expect, but they are appreciated, and I will answer when I feel a little stronger.

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