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rode Tiffany - felt a little awkward as her current loaner who was showing her to me obviously loves her very much and would buy her if she had the money but she is going home to the cech rep soon...


She was very well-behaved, lovely paces and very comfy canter - she asked me if i wanted to jump her but i havent jumped properly for a good few years and certainly didnt want to on a horse i hadnt ridden before.


After riding her in the school i hacked her out up the road and she was a star - there were people blackberry picking with russling bags and she didnt bother - i thought she would be more spooky than she was. I guess the only good thing i can say about working at a trekking centre is that i have hacked out a lot of different horses young and old and although my riding might not always be the smartest, spooking doesnt bother me. I felt very safe on her and she is the most sweet-natured horse :wub: :wub:


Feel v.lucky to have found a great horse to share and the owner is really nice..just need to wait for a few weeks until loaner leaves and tiffany moves up to the new yard. The new yard has just been built - has great potential and once the school is built - the local riding club has shown interest in using the yard so that would mean access to good instructors as well.


That sounds great!! :biggrin: Whereabouts is the yard?

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Hertha came best of the Silver Medal 3 year old mares today. My boss is most excited and pleased and proud! :biggrin:


It was not exactly great weather, and my pics haven't come out too good, but thought some of you might like to see her strutting her stuff :cool:

She was so cool the whole day, an Oldenburg mind in a Trakehners body, what more could you ask for!















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Tiffany sounds wonderful, bet you can't wait to start the share!


Well done Hertha :flowers: :wub: :wub: Do you get to ride her soon Anne?


:laugh: at Wanda sitting in the tree reading her bible :laugh:


Nothing much to report, hacked out at the weekend uneventfully. Really enjoyed watching Burley on TV yesterday. I proudly told OH that Loki would have cleared the planks, planks can not be trusted and need to jumped at twice the height they actually are :happy:

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Are they as good as they claim to be :)


Welllllllll lets just say, I now happily canter on the beach in the lead (cos I can stop), I have had 2 pretty spectacular spooks and he's not bolted (and normally he would) and I have even been known to ride one handed and can now wave thank you to drivers rather than nodding like a fool!!!! :biggrin: So for me yes, they are worth every single penny!!!!


I tried 2 before I bought the one I've ended with, it does depend what you want them for. I needed something that was mild but effective!!! I've got the triple barrelled eggbutt with hooks, I tried the full cheek but it didn't give me quiet enough brakes! The eggbutt with hooks has 2 ways of putting the reins on, one is milder than the other. I use the stronger one for now but as soon as he is used to it (which won't be long now) I'll put it back on the milder one because he now understands when I put slight pressure I mean STOP! It's a lovely bit because it forms round their tongue when you are soft on the reins but just the slightest pressure it becomes ridged and it literally stops him in his tracks. I used to have to pull so hard on his mouth and I hate doing it, my thinking is 1 second of pressure is much kinder than me yanking him for ages until he stops!!


If you go onto they are really helpful if you ring them. I bought mine from Derby House in the end but only cos they didn't have the one I wanted in stock. :flowers:

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Ooh thank you will go and look :flowers:


I want to try and find a bit that he doesn't feel the need to resist so much, the KY Rotational bit has helped but I do worry about it pinching. I know I have to look to my hands and his schooling as well, but have heard so much about the mylers thought it might be worth a go.


I have no problem with breaks, so just looking for something comfortable for him, and dressage legal :rolleyes:

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Oh pants wrote a big reply and it the hamsters went on strike!! Anyway short version is:


Jen, hope you were'nt to scared by his little naughtyness? :GroupHug: I can't recommend the bit enough, it's done wonders for me! I'm not one to change a bit for no reason (Kane had his french link from the day I got him until 2 months ago) but the fact that he seems relaxed..therefore making me relaxed is enough for me!!



Ohhh yesssss...I did sort of mention that I have sort of agreed to go

drag hunting

with my friend in 2 weeks!!!!!!!! :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: To say I'm sh*tting myself is an understatement!! We've agreed we'll go and have a look, if it's too scarey we'll go on a nice quiet hack instead! There is a route with no jumps...but I know what I'm like with jumping and I'll see other people doing it and have to have a go!!! :laugh: (Must buy body protector!!) :wink:

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