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Everything posted by Rescuewoman

  1. You laugh but I know a certain member from here who has one for her elderly little pug!
  2. Hi adding to what Dawn has said I have rung the only two recent losses on Doglost and this is not either of their dogs. One family thought she might be but they onlylost their dog 2 weeks ago and their dog has a docked tail, this girl doesn't.
  3. This poor little love was living rough in the Warrington area for the last four weeks. Fortunately for her she chose an area where the whole street came out in force to support her by feeding her and leaving safe warm beds for her to curl up in. Today after a long battle she finally gave in and walked into someones conservatory and didn't leave! They phoned us and her past is now history She was covered in fleas, is very thin, matted and dirty, and totally exhausted as you can see in this next picture! But her life is looking up now because she is here for one night then moving over to Leicestershire tomorrow where she will join Holly Hardwick (Sue) as a foster baby! She is being taken to Whitelodge tomorrow and Claire is going to see her on the rest of her journey to Sue's. So all send her a big hug over the air waves .. she is a special girl who certainly deserves them!
  4. Well I have been to visit him tonight and he is an absolute sweetie. And there might be some very good news for him too One of the vet nurses has grandparents who recently lost their boxer and are ready for another dog and have expressed interest. We are suggesting that they take him on foster while he recovers and if he proves to be the absolute sweetie he is pretending to be now they will hopefully keep him .. put it this way all the vet nurses at the moment think that he is fabulous and love him to bits so how could they not! If that fails arrangements are already underway to move him over to Whitelodge where they have the facilities to give him more comfort and care than the kennels we use here .. so either way from now on sunshine it is win win for you
  5. It should be Raiye .. will reply to your pm later. Just need to work out where he goes when he leaves the vet. I am going to visit him tonight
  6. Doing really well. Now able to walk in a straight line. Looking more like a normal dog but vet thinks he will need 2-3 weeks rest rather than running around mad. Thanks for all your vibes I am sure they helped him pull through.
  7. Just spoken to vet, they say he is becoming more responsive. Blood tests show there is nothing else going on so it is assumed to be a severe trauma to the head which has caused this. He is still responding very negatively to loud noises at the moment, but has been brought out of isolation and put into the general holding area in the vets where he seems happier because he enjoys the love they give him He is to stay in the vets for a few days, on the drip today because he is still dehydrated, then on anti inflamatories for a few days. We will begin now to look for somewhere he can go and rest fully. At the moment he needs complete crate rest.
  8. Sorry updated other thread, he has come through the night and appears a little brighter this morning. He is still unable to stand and is very very glazed over. Vets are hoping that lots of rest will pull him through, but bloods are being taken now to rule out infection or contamination from another source.
  9. Quick update on Rocky. He has come through the night and this morning made a couple of attempts to get to his feet again, however he is still very unstable and his head movements and eye movements are not right. However vet feels that with lots of rest and stability any swelling which m ay be causing these effects should come right. He will be getting blood tests this morning to rule out any infection. Keep those good thoughts rolling for him.
  10. Sorry Raiye didn't see this when i added another thread!
  11. Wanted to post a thread to say thank you for those of you who have supported WAW as the January sponsor charity. So far we have received £120. Tonight I spoke to Melp on line and was asked if it was true WAW was closed to intakes, I said well depends what as we are slowly reopening after the trauma's some of us have had personally. When she told me the dilema there was nothing left to do! Raiye had found a dog which was off its back legs, well with a love of broken dogs myself and another volunteer set off to sunny wigan. There we met Rocky .. a lurcher (grey/staff). Sadly there is nothing wrong with Rocky's legs though, it is currently looking as though he has suffered a severe trauma to the head (although there are no obvious injuries). He is currently fighting for his life in our vets. He is in deep shock, unable to stand, is severely dehydrated and it is touch and go whether he will make it though the night. But we are giving him every chance we can. So as well as the money you gave please send him lots of healing and loving thoughts.
  12. It is one of the most frustrating things about rescue. People are happy to dump their dogs and blame it on a huge number of factors. The number of people who are moving within a week, have children who have suddenly developed asthma, etc etc would drive anyone to disbelief never mind to being totally cynical. Now I tell people "this is what I was told, but who can be sure". I no longer believe that poundies are more likely to have problems than any other dog. Maybe that is because I approach poundies with a clean sheet and don't have any preconceived notions introduced as a result of the lies people have told.
  13. So sorry to read this Kelly
  14. Rescuewoman


    Lovely to see Lily looking so well and so .. well relaxed! Kali pictures ... if Cody struggles we can arrange . I believe poor Kali has some sight problems, ie is nearly totally blind . But well loved and settled now. That takes us up to four foster dogs now from WAW .. and it is always a pleasure to see them doing so well
  15. Get them in different sizes and weights to balance things up a bit ;) I always had two dogs and when I went to three I didn't find it made much difference, however when i get to four sometimes walking them on a lead can be a comedy of errors with me being tied up all the time! Usually with multiple numbers we go out to park in car though Catherine
  16. I think that is up to interested parties to monitor as in many cases of legal enforcement. I think the Charities Commission have done a fantastic job this time and are asking for evidence of closure of Friends of Leigh Animal Sanctuary plus closing accounts. If anyone sees anyone raising funds in a method which insinuates they are a charity we now have contacts to report it again.
  17. Thank you for cross posting that on our behalf. It was a definite piece of good news to receive
  18. Lovely to see all the dogs .. but especially the angelic little Damien It was a sad sad day for everyone when we heard that Wallydoodle had left you. He was a very very lucky dog indeed to have found someone so special to love him, and you were very very lucky to have had that time with him.
  19. Having just lost a puppy to Parvo, I would definitely say vaccinate. Personally I no longer vaccinate my dogs .. but I stopped when each of them reached 12 years of age or more. A life time of regular vaccinations when they joined me. Of them all only my staff cross had any reaction to the vaccination and that only in the first year I gave it to him, and it was believed to be a very minor reaction to the stuff the vaccination is contained in not a reaction to the actual vaccination itself. In all the years of rescue we have never had a negative reaction to a vaccination with any of the dogs which have come through and you are talking many many dogs now. I would say having watched dogs in hydrotherapy and used it for some of our rescue dogs that it is well well worth doing. Catherine x
  20. Oh Ange I am so very very sorry. I have only just returned from Scotland after losing my mum and caught up on this. I wish there were words to help you through the pain. I was talking about Sweetie only today. I remember clearly putting her thread up on DP with a heavy heart thinking we would never find a home for her at her age. Within a couple of hours she was booked out to you .. one of the fastest homings we had ever had on the internet. I am always eternally grateful that those first pictures captured your heart and I will raise a belated glass to her and you tonight
  21. Thank you Sarah, since the water feels so good thought I would dip my toes I am Catherine, and I run a rescue on a voluntary basis in Warrington Cheshire along with a team of highly dedicated volunteers. The rescue, Warrington Animal Welfare, have a strong neutering policy which means we not only rescue dogs but also offer reduced or free neuterings to people who would not otherwise have their dogs done! Personally I am owned by three dogs, a Bearded Collie X called Molly who gave us all a fright a week or so ago by disappearing for 24 hours . A little Staffie x boy called Murphy who is now 14 years of age and one of my favourite ever boys he is so gentle considering the biting little boy who arrived with me! Then there is the BBB, my yorkshire terrier (enough said!). He is now 13 years old and getting younger by the day. I have worked in rescue for around 13 years and find it the most challenging thing I have ever done, while there are days I wish to give it all up .. the rest of the time I just keep going. Anyway hi to everyone Catherine x
  22. Goodnight and rest well now Donna To everyone who knew her.
  23. Just caught up on this ... am so very very sorry that it came to this for you. I know you gave him everything you possibly could but sometimes the damage just runs too deep. He is at peace now and if you do real rescue you can't avoid this at times. It is in the end the kindest thing you can do. Better to sleep an eternal sleep than to live a life of imprisonment because we allow our emotions to get in the way.
  24. Sorry if Refuge is great and has managed to escape all the things from the past, why is there the need for constant talk about the other site here ... has it left anyone traumatised? I like the Refuge and the people who post here but i avoid it because of this type of talk quite frankly .. because i don't want to join in an argument but hell it is late and i can't sleep so i thought i would comment. Oh and in case anyone forgot the idea of the sponsors lounge was to give added value to those who decided to support the site financially. I didn't till claire helped me out on that one, and as a mod there i would not allow a thread where one individual slagged off another member who was not a member, and as far as i know neither would Mel when she was a moderator there, or Rick for that matter! Oh and if this forum is perfect, why do people need to join and log in every time to read .. not exactly wide oopen is it. Hence i guess one of the reasons fewer dogs would be rehomed and saved from here. Sorry Pingu not a criticism of you or site but of those who appear unable to put the past behind them and just move on!
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