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Everything posted by Rachel

  1. Purdy is doing fine The lump on her side seems to be growing and she is starting to drop weight despite increased food but she is still happy and waggy tailed. We decided that, given her condition and her probably limited life expectancy, it wasn't fair on her to uproot her again and move her on. It took several months for her to really settle properly here and become the happy girl she is now and she probably doesn't have long enough left to put her through that again. She is not, and never has been, in a kennel. She lives in the house with my own dogs and is currently curled up in an armchair waiting for her last walk. I apologise for not updating the Oldies site, I just asked for her to be removed as we had decided not to rehome her. She has been moved onto our sponsor/long stay page on the website with an update explaining that she is staying here. Thanks for caring about her
  2. Found this on Wobbler Syndrome Might be worth speaking to your normal vet (armed with print outs of this type of info) and see if he will start steroid treatment if he agrees with the possible diagnosis. At least that would hopefully give Parci a bit of help and support until proper tests can be arranged after the holidays.
  3. This is the lad in Dundalk but he looks to have too much black on him to be Bugs
  4. If I remember correctly from the RVC Blood donor session done here last year, the reason for the weight restriction is that the bags they use to collect the blood contain a set amount of anti coagulant and therefore each dog must donate a set amount (400 - 450ml) otherwise the balance of anti coagulant to blood is wrong. Obviously a small dog cannot safely give as much as a larger dog so they have the restrictions.
  5. More on his story of a new life here.
  6. I could never get a decent picture of him and I think "strange looking" is a very kind description of him. Our vet always used to say he was the ugliest dog she had ever seen but she did think he had a certain charm I think he looks better because he is so happy now
  7. I am now like a mad woman. That is just so wonderful to see. That last photo is just
  8. Rachel

    Internet Hoaxes

    Or this one
  9. Rachel


    If I'd realised quite how gorgeous he was going to turn out I would never have rehomed him
  10. Did I forget to mention his habit of rearranging his bedding to suit You have no idea how happy it makes me to see pictures like this. Give the daft old sod a big from me
  11. We use it regularly. We have several dogs here that have had demodectic mange in the past and we use the Advocate on them regularly as it keeps it under control. We also used it to treat a litter of pups that had sarcoptic mange as its much easier than the washes.
  12. It's pictures like this that remind me why I do this job
  13. I did tell you that bumping into things never bothered him I cant decide whether to or or so I'll just settle for saying Thank You!!
  14. Rachel

    Oldies Rmf

    I am now feeling like and like and will now go to bed feeling very if a bit from dealing with our latest addition.
  15. I am now all over again reading this. I cant thank Jo enough for opening her heart and her home to Tricks and thanks to all at the Oldies Club for giving us the chance to advertise him and for working so hard to try and find him his forever home. I couldn't have wished for anything better for Tricks than this but I must confess that I will miss the funny old sod
  16. Vivitonin is the most commonly prescribed drug for this type of thing in my exerience. We have had good results from it in a couple of oldies.
  17. Liver & White neutered male English Springer Spaniel found this afternoon running down the A10 between Ely & Cambridge (not far from Cottenham). Thin, wet, muddy and tired but appears unhurt. Looks from teeth to be middle aged. Very friendly with kids & dogs (finder had both). No collar, tag, chip or tattoo. Police notified, Dog Warden not available today. Now in one of our kennels. More photos from other angles available if needed. Can one of the Dog Lost folks on here check him out please, had a quick look but not got time to trawl back for months.
  18. So sorry to read this. Glor was a true inspiration, as were you for having the courage to see it through with him. He could not have had a better home and I am sure he would not have chosen any where else to end his days than with the person who gave him life
  19. Rachel


    Must say that it was neither mild or self limiting in either of the adults that I have personally watched die of Parvo. Admittedly neither had a known vaccination history but the fact is that it will still kill a previously fit, healthy adult dog.
  20. Rachel


    Information on Milk Thistle for dogs with epilepsy can be found here. Our epileptic white Shepherd Aramis (33kg) has Milk Thistle tablets once a day. We give him half the recommended adult human dose. More information on him and other general info on epilepsy in dogs can be found on various threads here. If you want any more info, please just shout.
  21. This might sound like an odd question but does anyone know what the position is regarding taking a document from someone's website for your own use? Can you just help yourself or do you need permission?
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