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Everything posted by Laura_E

  1. Because she has slaves (otherwise known as 'humans' ) to clean up after her! Sorry that I didn't mention the probe thing before, I've only just noticed the post. But I'm glad she has finally given in and provided the much anticipated sample.
  2. Medivet are the chain I suspected it would be about. Quite a few of my friends have complained about the bills they have incurred from our local branch for unnecessary treatments. But I suppose it's important to try and remain objective.
  3. I caught a clip of this the other night when I was visiting my parents, but knowing how upset I get by these things, my mum quickly turned it over. So I came home and googled it But it looks like something people should be aware of. I'm not sure what veterinary chain it is, but I have my suspicions.
  4. Haven't watched it since last week and only caught the last 30 mins of last nights show. Why did Caoimhe leave? I saw her arguing with that Keeley girl (who seems quite annoying and interfering) but missed the bit before, was she arguing with Josie too? From what little I have seen, Steve has been acting quite strangely since Keeley came into the house. I don't understand this Baron and Baroness thing that he keeps harping on about. Seems like his nose has been put out of joint.
  5. Poor Perl. Do you think she could be holding it in because she doesn't want to poo in the same place that she has to eat and sleep? Most cats are very clean and particular about these things, my cats won't even poo in our garden- they leave it for my neighbours to deal with! Could your vet not take a sample by putting a probe up her bum? Not very pleasant for poor Perl, but at least it would be over with quickly and she would free from the prison that you have so cruelly confined her to!
  6. Continued good thought for Marmite. I hope she makes a speedy recovery.
  7. I've only just noticed this thread I'm sorry to hear that Ellie isn't well, it just isn't fair. Keeping everything crossed that she makes a speedy recovery.
  8. Laura_E

    The Cove

    Just finished watching it
  9. Hello from one Laura-Anne to another! (well, I'm actually Laura-Ann, much to my mum's annoyance after she allowed my dad to register the birth and he forgot the 'E' ) I am sure that the Oldies Club will be thrilled to hear from you, as I understand that volunteers are short on the ground in Scotland. Your dogs are lovely, and as far as pictures are concerned, the more the merrier!
  10. She was calling him a p***y the other night in a really venomous way, even though it was clear that he was on the verge of tears. I know that some people revert to playground behaviour when they like somebody, but she took it too far (in my opinion). When she first went in I quite liked her, but in the last couple of weeks she has exposed a nasty side to herself. Like last night when she slagged Dave off to everyone for calling her fat, even though he had said nothing of the sort. But I think because she does it with a smile on her face it doesn't get perceived in that way. But we all think differently and like different people, otherwise it would make for pretty boring tv. My favourite at the moment is Ben, but nobody else really stands out. I did find the new boy quite amusing the other night when he was using his geeky facade to obtain kisses from all of the female house mates. I think he is luring them all into a false sense of security before making his move!
  11. Laura_E

    The Cove

    I've seen this advertised on More 4 quite a lot recently.... After seeing the heartbreaking footage in Earthlings of the dolphin slaughter in Japan, I didn't think I would be able to bring myself to watch it, but it looks like it has had a positive impact.
  12. I think Josie is toxic and John James should steer well clear. She knew she was upsetting him the other night and just carried on chipping away, even when he was in tears she found it amusing. I'm going to be controversial here (for a change ) but I can't help from thinking that people only like her because she's fat. If one of the skinny girls had wound somebody up to the point of tears, they'd be hated. I also can't stand the way she sloths around doing bugger all apart from smoking and lying in bed. However, I have limited sympathy for John James as he treated Rachel in the exact same way at the beginning. Although I do like him, he does have two traits that I generally despise in people- 1. He is so highly strung it borders on the ridiculous, and 2. He can give it out, but can't take it.
  13. She is lovely. I'm sure she'll get snapped up quickly, especially as she is cat friendly (I love the picture of her with your kitty, who looks totally bemused by the pesky dogs!). Tess is about cocker spaniel sized, so quite small, and I feed her two sachets a day of James Wellbeloved. I also mix in some biscuits and sprinkle a couple of treats over the top to entice her to eat it. According to the guidelines on the back of the packet I should be feeding her five a day, which is ridiculous. I used to give her three a day, but she was looking quite rotund, so I cut it back. I would imagine Susie would probably need the same, so a tin should be plenty.
  14. Can I add White Zombie to the list? Oh, and Ian Dury and The Blockheads? Shameless brag time, but in the 70's (way before he was saddled down with kids) my dad toured with Ian Dury and The Blockheads when his band- which was rather embarrassingly called Eruption - supported them. It was obviously way before the times of video cameras, but from the stories that my dad tells, they put on quite a show and I'd love to have seen it.
  15. As this is a fantasy line up I'm assuming we are allowed bands with members that are no longer alive and/or together any more. In which case mine would be: Metallica Pantera Iron Maiden Nirvana Rage Against The Machine Johnny Cash Rancid Guns'n'Roses - (original line up) Nine Inch Nails Hole (original line up) The Libertines Life of Agony The Dillinger Escape Plan Limp Bizkit- (to re-live my youth) Gogol Bordello Smashing Pumpkins Deftones The Killers Drop Kick Murphys ......I'm sure there are many more that I'd like to add to that, but my minds blank at the moment. People probably haven't heard of half of my bands as I have quite an acquired taste in music! What a great thread though, I think you can find out a lot about people from their tastes in music!
  16. Lots of positive thoughts being sent to Marmite, and of course you too
  17. He could try Mens Advice Line: There should also be a domestic violence outreach service within his local authority. I am currently working with a young man who is being subjected to domestic violence (although by his sibling, not partner). When I rang up the Refuge helpline for details of DV hostels, they could only find ONE in the entire south of England that accepted men. I think we don't hear about it as much because it is a taboo subject, and I imagine a lot of men are too embarrassed to admit it is going on, but it clearly does. I hope your friend finds the help that he needs
  18. I didn't mean to make it sound like I think my job is any more important than the next persons. I know that up until recently the private sector has been hit much harder than the public sector. I just find it quite worrying that some very vulnerable young people are now going to be effectively abandoned. The Tories are very much of the opinion that people should stand on their own two feet, and I actually agree with that ethos, however, some people need help to achieve this. Most of the young people that I work with come from very dysfuctional families and have never had any positive role models in their lives, or in some cases, somebody that even gives a toss about them. So it is quite sad and concerning that alternative provisions aren't being put in place to help them, they're not suddenly going to stop having these problems because the government doesn't prioritise their needs highly enough. Like Fee and Owl both pointed out, the long term consequences of withdrawing this support will not only have an inevitably negative impact on the young people themselves, but also the wider community. I'm obviously not just referring to the youth service when I say this, I know that the probation and youth offending services have also had massive cuts. Several of my friends were made redundant from Surrey probation service last year, and the remaining staff have been expected to take over responsibility for their clients- meaning that they are now juggling caseloads of up to 50+. No matter how good you are at your job, you simply can't provide a quality service to that many people, particularly not when they have such high levels of need. But of course, despite all of the above, I am also pretty peeved about the fact that I am highly likely to lose a job that I enjoy and have worked so hard at over the years. But things could always be worse and I am fully aware that there are plenty of people in a similar, if not worse, situation. At least I only have to worry about looking after myself (and of course the animals) whereas some people have families to support.
  19. Have fun in your new home Obe. For you
  20. Ahhh, he is lovely Is he a Labrador?
  21. So sorry for your loss
  22. I had a meeting with my manager this morning and found out that our budget has been cut by 5 million, so redundancies are inevitable. I work within the Children's Services department for the local authority, providing essential services for some of the most vulnerable young people in the borough. I knew that I would probably be out of a job if the Tories got in, but it wasn't until I heard it this morning that it actually sank in. It is also quite concerning that they won't be putting other provisions in place to help these young people, so what happens to them? It seems incredibly unfair that people in the public sector, who provide essential services to the country, are having to pay the price for the mistakes made by those in the wealthiest positions. To put salt in the wounds, they'll still be receiving their christmas bonuses this year whilst the rest of us struggle to keep a roof over our heads. Having always worked in the public sector, (prior to this I worked for the Prison Service), I have never received a bonus or any sort of financial reward for my hard work, but I did at least look forward to a tiny pay increment at the end of each year. Admittedly it was only ever something like £50 a year, but nonetheless it was something. But the government have put a stop to that now too. My manager also added that the council will be offering us the absolute bare minimum redundancy package, so unless I find a job to move into straight away, I don't know what I'll do. I've been looking on job websites this afternoon, but there really isn't much around. The only jobs I have found that are remotely related to my skill set are based on the other side of London and offering salaries that are considerably lower than what I receive at the moment. I don't mind travelling, but it does mean that I'll have to spend a lot more money on travelling expenses and day care for Tess, as I won't be able to get back at lunch time to walk her. At present I earn a pretty good wage, but still have to work two additional part-time jobs to pay my mortgage. So if I did have to relocate I would really struggle. Sorry if this post sounds self pitying and self indulgent. I know that people everywhere are having to deal with the same thing. I am sure I will sort something out, just seems a bit over-whelming at the moment!
  23. Laura_E

    July Rmf

    Watching Urban Fox Attack I don't know why I am still surprised by peoples cruelty, but it always breaks my heart to see the complete lack of compassion for these lovely animals
  24. Laura_E


    Does anyone know what happened to Ibrox? I just had a look on the website and his post seems to have been removed.
  25. Poor little boy It must be awful for you too. Lots of positive thoughts being sent his way
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