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Everything posted by alexis

  1. glad the op went well and hope things continue to go well over the next few months!
  2. Thanks! GP surgery said today they should have some by Monday so we'll see!
  3. alexis

    April Rmf

    Ok. Does bathing in plain water aggravate it? Some people find running the bath through a sock full of oatmeal is good. How many emollients have you tried? Some suit people better than others. Good luck in finding a solution, it's horrid for little ones!
  4. alexis

    April Rmf

    have you tried other emollients in the bath, some people have to try a few before they find one that suits.Does just bathing in plain water aggravate it? I know some people find that running a bath and putting a sock full of oatmeal or oats can help too.
  5. alexis

    April Rmf

    Sounds like the epaderm would work for her. You really do just use it like you would soap and in the bath as soap or instead of bubbles. If you use Epaderm in the bath then it's likely you won't need to limit the number of baths Georgia has. Bear in mind you will need a lot of it and a child should be using about 250g of emollient a week so a 500g tub won't last u very long!! They need to be applied as often as possible and I usually recommend at least 3-4 times a day. Maybe you could decant some epaderm into a small travel bottle which she can use at nursery? If it is bad she might need some steroid cream for a few nights with gloves on top to try to get the healing process started?
  6. HAHAHA! Sorry while I laugh at this! I have been trying to get a form from a midife for the last 10 weeks and she never has any! Plus they aren't even starting to process them until later this month so no money until May by the time baby will be here! Everyone I know has had trouble getting forms and then you don't hear anything at all as they aren't processing them! I'll believe it when I get the money!! I shall be asking again this week for a form so we'll see! I'm 36 weeks today! Everyone I know has also had to ask for the form as their midwife hasn't mentioned it. Have just phoned my GP and they don't know if their forms have arrived yet!
  7. AWW gorgeous puppies! i think Mischa's story is on the wiccs site under special case dogs
  8. wishing Charlie a peaceful journey
  9. alexis

    Goodbye Walk

    I would say say yes but baby due 30th April so probably not good timing!!
  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you enjoyed your day!
  11. Had my last day at work today, can't believe baby is due in a month's time! I'm planning on relaxing for a few days and wondering when my nesting instinct will kick in as there is lots of housework that needs doing! New bamboo flooring arrives on Wed for the bedroom and there's lots of decorating left to do as well!
  12. good luck with the car and I hope you mum and dad recover quickly.
  13. Where do I need to send Poosa to next?
  14. Bump and i are fine - 34 weeks today. starting to feel a bit uncomfortable now and fed up with indigestion but I've had a relatively easy pregnancy so far! Still at work until 31st March but it's getting difficult on home visits to help little old ladies get dressed and undressed to look at their feet - wish they wouldn't wear tights plus girdles plus trousers!!Getting difficult carrying piles of notes around as well. Only 8 days of work left tho, and then I'll probably complain I'm bored up here on my own! Baby is due 30th April but bound to be late! But that gives us a chance to get the house in London and the one up here in a better state - still decorating both of the main bedrooms ( one is just bare plaster with no flooring!) and we haven't even started on the nursery yet!
  15. Good luck with it. Be careful where you have allergy tests done though as a lot of places are very unreliable. Unfortunately most of the NHS allergy service is overwhelmed and will only see people with severe anaphylactic type reactions but it is worth asking your GP as some areas are better than others. There is a blood test called RAST but this only looks at a few common allergens.
  16. If you check in the BNF which is the dr's official guide to drugs and drug interactions and side effects then there is no mention of tramadol and diclofenac being dangerous when used together. I can't find anything which says that either. They are often used together as they seem to be effective when used like this and often the pain team who are the experts in pain relief recommend them together.Diclofenac can decrease the amount of tramadol needed for pain relief
  17. My step mother in law uses them and finds them useful but is still smoking normal cigs as well i think so not sure how good they are at helping u to give up. OH tried it as he's been trying to give up for ages ( only 7 weeks till baby is due and he's better have stopped by then!) and he didn't like it.
  18. Hello! Hope poorly dogs are all better today. i had to have Angus rattie put to sleep tonight as he'd become wobbly on his legs over the past few weeks and was becoming a bit disorientated and vet thinks he had some sort of brain problem like a tumour. his brother was put to sleep when i was away on holiday due to an abominal tumour, sproggie did a fab job looking after them when I was away so now i have one rattie left and have to decide if he'll accept some cage mates. I still have the horrid cols with earache, sore throat and headaches but can only take paracetamol which is doing nothing! OH's car is also poorly as the ABS sensors are bust and will cost £500 to fix, we aren't having much luck lately!
  19. glad it's good news so far and Flora's home!
  20. Havne't read back as got back form holiday saturday and have been ill ever since! Have had a cold for 10 days and ear ache and sore throat for a week which isn't shifting! Flying with ear ache is not recommended! Now I've got a horrid tickly cough, nausea and diarrhoea as well and feel lousy! hope everyone is ok Holiday was great and very relaxing!
  21. Just saying a quick bye for now as we're off to Heathrow this afternoon and flying out to South Africa for 2 weeks at 6.30am tomorrow. See u all when we get back!
  22. well the pump has been replaced in the boiler and i now have heat!! It's not perfect but I'm hoping the 3rd radiato rin the living room is just being slow and will warm up too! YAY!
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