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Everything posted by lucyandmeg

  1. Murphy is in the hampshire hogs on saturday div 6 and my boyfriends kelpie is in div 7 with the hampshire hounds. Megan and willow are both in the harriers on sunday (bottom of div 1! ) and they are all in the multibreed team on the monday.
  2. Dones the rest of her face look any differnt? My first reaction was horners syndrome which can make one side of the face look droopy all of a sudden. I dont' know if an eye infection can make the eye look like that, but certainly a trip to the vets would be wise, please let us know how you get on.
  3. lucyandmeg


    Tut, tut, thats naughty for the vet to give out tablets without a label showing dosage requirements!!
  4. Hi, sorry missed this one. Yes the replys do help and we have got a few planned now, thanks very much.
  5. My computer does this alot, it just seems to switch off randomly - could it be overheating, or just dying?!
  6. I'm there all week, its my mini-holiday!
  7. The Hampshire Harriers went sub 18 yesterday at Maidstone managing a time of 17.91! Still couldn't manage to beat the shooting stars so came 2nd in div 1 and 2nd for the overall trophy. But its always been our dream to go sub 18! Its a fantastic feeling. Can't wait to get outside to see what we can do outdoors. We've come so far - when we first went div 1 we lost every single race!
  8. Must have been something in the air, murphy did it, but with a completely "i can't be bothered" attitude. I've never seen a spaniel move so slowly!!
  9. Down on the south coast in the new forest, so most shows are quite a trek from where we are.
  10. Hopefully if our entries are accepted i will be there all 4 days. Our team has entered 1 starter team, 2 open teams and 1 multibreed.
  11. Does anyone know why there is no agility at All About Dogs in Brentwood this year? I'm gutted as i really enjoyed that show usually doing both flyball and agility. Theres hardly any agility down this way this year, there used to be lots of UKA shows at Newbury, but they all seem to have migrated to Cheltenham. Petrols so expensive now that i can't afford too much travelling.
  12. Isn't it a great feeling when you have had to work so hard and they eventually get it? Murphy was exactly the same and yet last competition he ran perfectly all day, and now has 340 points! Lots of cuddles for bertie! Well done.
  13. Its made by dermapet uk. derma pet uk
  14. Vets can still charge for the time taken to check the records and write the prescription, in my practice this is £6 odd, so basically you may still get charged per prescription. If you are claiming back from insurance i think you have to purchase drugs from the vet.
  15. Murphy has the same problem - or at least he used to, hes on a supplement called onychoitin, which is like a biotin supplement that we buy from the vets. Its fantastic, he didn't have spilt claws for ages when he was on them so i stopped it for a month or so and he split a nail shortly after i stopped. Since going back on them he hasn't had one ye, so i know its the supplement that prevents them breaking.
  16. I'm very dubious about axa, because from previous threads its seems that all companies underwritten by axa have increased their premiums hugely arfter the first couple of years - namely m and s and sainsbury's, so what is to say axa isn't doing the same themselves?
  17. Annyetta has done the brag for me above as well as murphy was on the same team, however my bigest brag is that murphy managed to do a whole days racing without making one mistake - even when naughty mummy let go to early and did an early change over, he just went round the first jump and carried on. Given that he has previously been a naughty springer who has taken years to teach flyball, with no interest in balls originally and wating to chase the other team all the time this is quite amazing for him. He's not the fastest dog in the world but we both enjoy it so i'm really pleased. We've just got to see now if he can manage it outside with lots of smells and sunlight - he's a shadow chaser and his brain tend to switch off when its sunny!
  18. Sorry to hear hes back in hospital again.
  19. Theres been a big epidermic here in the south, the cold weather seems to have killed alot of the bug off but november was dreadful. Luckily mine had it for 3 weeks last christmas so they have got some immunity now.
  20. Oh i wondered what had happened to chris, murphy came from there. What a shame.
  21. I look forwards to seeing the alpha dogz at competitions soon. I take it pumpkin is still doing well?
  22. lucyandmeg


    My nutty springer spaniel has finally got his flyball dog certificate!! Its only taken him about 2 years! I'm so pleased with him, at one point i never thought it would happen. My boyfriends kelpie has also got her flyball dog award after just one competition, shes so clever!
  23. Went to maidstone yesterday and megs team came 2nd in div 2, with extremely close racing with seed 1, the shooting stars, so very close to coming first. Our fastest time of the day was 18.49 which is our personal best indoors - infact we only went below 19 seconds once all summer outside! Murphy did his first indoor competition yesterday, and was a bit difficult in the morning but managed to complete 8 whole runs in the afternoon over full height jumps, so i'm really proud of my dippy spaniel. His team also came second, but were very close to first with 2 teams drawing and when taking the fastes time the winners was 21.69 and murphy's team was 21.74! I'm hoping he may have finally got his flyball dog certificate, but i'm not going to celebrate yet! It was a great day out yesterday despite the rain and snow, and a great way to end the year.
  24. My special dog, Ellie who is a 4 yr old golden retriever who is partially sighted. She has micropthalmia, which basically means her eyes never grew so she is quite short sighted, and genetic cataracts in both eyes which takes away about 20% of her vision per eye. It certainly doesn't stop her enjoying life though!
  25. I can never be woithout a collie. I love all my dogs, but megan is such a special little dog to me, my first ever dog, who is very loyal and obedient, and has such a special talent for agility and flyball, we have great fun together. She knows when i am upset and will do all she can to cheer me up. I know you aren't supposed to have favourites, and i would hate to loose any of my dogs but i just dread anything ever happening to her as i would miss her so much. The only trouble is i know that it is very unlikely i will ever find a collie like megan again, cos she really is special.
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