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Anne Grose

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Everything posted by Anne Grose

  1. Well you know where I am if you need any more advice. I am always willing to help if I can
  2. Hi thought I would jump in here seeing as the last 6 years has seen me gain more information about dodgy hips (HD) and other orthopaedic problems then I would ever thought possible. The first thing is that unless your dog is crawling about, screaming in pain and being miserable all the time - there is absolutely no rush to be diving into surgery. I would guess that there are two options for your dog depending on his size (and your budget) FHO where they knock off the top of the femur and allow muscles to form a new socket and a THR or total hip replacement where they rebuild the joint. To be honest if he only dislocates it occasionally and in between it doesn't cause any problem, I would leave well alone. Both of the above are major surgeries and you are looking at months of rehab. They aren't to be gone into lightly and it really doesn't sound like he is anyway bad enough to need anything. Barty was diagnosed with HD off the scale when he was 6 months old. No sockets at all worth talking about and his femurs are waving about in the breeze about 2 inches higher than they should be. He is 6 now and those bits occasionally cause him a problem if he is a goof ball but the golden rule with this kind of problem is treat the dog not the xrays. There is a specialist down at the RVC in Hertfordshire who uses Barty's xrays in his lectures to students for just that subject. When you look at his xrays you can't think the dog would be walking - let alone chasing rabbits and jumping in and out of cars. Barty has Cortaflex every day and a good mineral supplement in his raw diet and that keeps him in top condition. The only thing I do is keep him on the thin side of normal. His half brother down the road is just over 30Kg Barty weighs 27.5Kg. Excess weight will be the thing that screws his hips and you should aim to keep your boy thin. There is a group on Yahoo called CanineHD where you can chat about both conservative management and the surgical options and another one called Conservative Management - both might help you clarify your thoughts that you are doing the right thing. HTH Anne, Barty & Chloe
  3. And what is the gorgeous little man's name. Can't keep calling him stray dog. Welcome to a proper home little one. Now KathyM I don't want to hear that he has been escaping from your place now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I am devastated to hear this really awful news for poor Lucky. But, one does have to ask how can a kennels allow a dog who was obviously seriously ill to be left in this condition? This really is almost bordering on abuse to take money for care of this dog and then neglect it. I hope Oldies Club can do something about this kennels. His foster carer deserves a whole bagful of gold stars for making his last few hours full of love - she must be feeling awful tonight and I send her from all of us here.
  5. Oh what brilliant news Tracey. (I can't find emoticon that showing lots of little men jumping up and down but if I could it would be here). I am still sending every good thought that I can muster that Nog will continue the way he is going.
  6. Oh my goodness, not really living up to his name is he. I can't help as I don't have the right sort of home with a manic lurcher and a bully when it comes to nervous dogs. But I do hope you find someone soon. Fingers crossed that Lucky just has a simple urine infection when he sees the vet
  7. I love Benji, he sounds such a character
  8. Two lovely, lovely girls. They are lucky to be with you. Enjoy your life together
  9. Oh poor Nog. Still, at least he is home with you - sending love and hugs. Barty is on this - Syphilinum 30C (AM & PM) twice per week (Miasm = degeneration of Bones, cells, muscles, tendons, ligaments, tissue, ongoing complaints) Do you think it worth talking to your homeopathic vet about that?? Shall be keeping him in our thoughts for a very speedy recovery
  10. This afternoon, I took Barty for his first water treadmill experience – with some trepidation I have to admit as we had tried for 4 years to get him to swim in the true hydrotherapy sense. Well, it was a complete success. After having a chat with the owners about Barty’s medical history (!!) around the pool area, we could see him getting edgy having smelt the pool, and then he freaked ever so slightly when the lady moved nearer to the pool - so we moved into the next room that just had the treadmill. We did some run throughs – a bit like agility through the tunnel and he perked up considerably. Then we shut the door and the lady went in with him. Chloe tried to get in with him but was bundled out with me and I went round to the front to see him through the glass and stroke his head. The water came in and we did three 30 second walking sessions with the water getting progressively higher. Barty loved it, he had his happy silly ears on the whole time and although he was puffing a bit, came out at the end and did his silly “I have had a lovely time†dance. You don’t know how pleased I am, I am really hoping that we will be able to strengthen his back muscles to hold his disc in place with this – I am so happy. AND, more to the point, so is Barty!!!!! Anne, Barty & Chloe
  11. If your dogs have strong immune systems then I wouldn't worry too much about it. Chloe arrived here with full kennel cough - whooping away like a good 'un - Barty never even had a sniffle. If you are worried then you can get a KC nosode to give your too - phone Ainsworths in the morning, you will have it on Monday and that will protect them. Even if they do get a very mild form, to be honest unless they are very young, very old or not well I would not be in the least worried. I transport dogs from the pound all the time in my car - my dogs never get anything - they certainly aren't vaccinated. I don't believe in it. HTH Anne
  12. Hi, right been and checked up on what it was that I used and of course, I can't find the bottle but they were made Tortuerouge and they are distributed in this country by a lovely lady called Lynne. Her email address is [email protected] and her telephone number is 01761 420878. I had a long chat with Lynne about my Chloe and she suggested the combination essence that she had and it certainly made a difference. I actually think hers was called Trust now that i think about it rather than Stress. Anyway, I would recommend that you talk to Lynne as she can help you decide exactly which essence would be best for Kimi. HTH Anne PS - forgot to say that Irish Retriever Rescue use these remedies on their rescue dogs
  13. I used a different flower essence on Chloe (my nervous rescue dog) called Stress which was very good I will go and look up the details for you. I am afraid I don't know much about the Bach remedies so can't advise although somewhere I have the guide that says which one you should use for the different things.
  14. Now we are talking Not sure about the one by the drain cover - your dog doesn't look to happy about posing there !!
  15. Glad I am not the only one who has tremendous problems posting photos here !!!!
  16. No, especially as I can't see any photos !!!!!!!!!!!!! (please take this as a joke !!!)
  17. No advice buts masses of for you both.
  18. Ahhh poor Cecil Have you tried a whistle to see if he could hear that any better. I have a gun dog type one that seems to be reasonably audible !!!
  19. I am sure there are lots of people on here who combine working full time with having a dog and I expect they will advise you on the best route to take. One thing I do know having lived with collies, whippets and lurchers for the past 15 years is that if they get bored they get destructive. As they get older, they do get better as they are happier to sleep for longer but my current 6 year old lurcher will still dig huge holes in the garden and play (!!) with my knitting/slippers/anything he can hold of, if I leave him for several hours. My dogs have a dog flap as there was a period of two years where I had an old 11 year old dog and a puppy lurcher and worked full time. I came home to destruction every day and they had someone coming in every lunchtime for two hours. Good luck !!!
  20. Dogs need company - I think you would come home to a totally wrecked house if you leave a dog alone all day - especially as you can't walk it in the morning. Collies especially being working dogs need things to do. I know how you feel about not having a dog I was desparate for a dog when I left my family home but felt it just wasn't fair to have one when I worked full time. Have you thought through everything about having a dog. You say you get home at between 5 and 6, but do you never go out in the evenings? What about volunteering to help walk a local dog at a rescue or for the Cinnamon Trust or as a weekend foster person. That way you could have the best of both worlds. I don't want to put a dampener on you having a dog but I can't help thinking it wouldn't be much of a life for the dog.
  21. I don't really know what to say When one's heart dog is diagnosed with something like this, you just really don't want to believe it. When I lost my Merrie, who was my heart dog - 4th may 2005 - I thought my world would end. I fought for her and she fought a horrible disease for as long as she could. I will never forget the day she looked into my eyes and said "I can't fight anymore mum" At least we can give them a peaceful end before the pain consumes them and life becomes intolerable. i hope Millie enjoys many more sunny days with the mum who loves who beyond all measure. My thoughts are with you both Anne
  22. Isn't she gorgeous - Ebbi and Polly are no doubt pleased as punch that you have a new addition to the family. Welcome home Teidi.
  23. Loads of positive good thoughts on their way for Sophie (and for you). I shall be thinking of you both on Monday
  24. Having got back to the UK and seen his regular vet he is of the opinion it is his disc slipped again rather than a leg injury so huge sigh of relief all round. Sorry didn't think to post here as no-one had replied. Thanks for the offer I hope Tischka made a full recovery
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