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Anne Grose

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Everything posted by Anne Grose

  1. None of my dogs has been very licky and Chloe (husky cross) doesn't do it at all. Barty does very occasionally (sighthound) and the two previous (collie and a whippet/collie) didn't really do it. Just depends on the dog I guess
  2. OK so we have so far Laura E - SW London - strongest subjects - Film & TV and Music Anne G - S Derbyshire - strongest subject - Food and Drink - also comfortable with Science, History and Geography Olive - Newcastle upon Tyne - strongest subject - Film & TV and Food & Drink Rufus the Wonderdog - Middlesex - strongest subject - UNKNOWN Krusewalker - Hertfordshire - strongest subject - UNKNOWN So we definitely have Food & Drink, Film & TV, Music, covered. We need one more team member and we need to decide on a venue for auditions. I am happy to go to London as the majority of the team seem to be in the south - Don't know how Olive feels about that.
  3. The other thing we have to know for the application form is what your strongest subject is - mine is Food and Drink. Yes, it looks like we do and you are on it !!!!!!
  4. I am in South Derbyshire
  5. Yes and GJW Titmus are an English firm !!!!!! I mix the Orijen with raw minced meat from landywoods when we are travelling as I agree all dry dog food is waaaaaaaay to hard on the kidneys. Haven't had a problem with Zooplus - took 3 days to arrive to me either here in the UK or at the house in France, but you are right about Titmus being cheaper had a look at their website earlier
  6. Yes, I also typed out the answers - didn't think you could highlight - doh !!!
  7. I really rate Orijen having tried it this year for the first time for my two (raw fed dogs) while we were travelling. When you get round to it double check Zooplus prices for Orijen as they also do free delivery and you can always find a 5% discount voucher on line somewhere for them - here is one of the sites I use (don't go to the UK site) I find raw a great deal cheaper than feeding dry food but I am lucky I do have two large freezers here.
  8. I am sure I could persuade my neighbour to join us - he is a retired maths and physics professor who is an absolute whizz in the local quiz league. Who was strongest at which subjects and then we could try and get a venue suitable for all of us to try out at
  9. And the results are ????????????? Waiting with baited breath to find out who our Oldies Club team is going to be
  10. I have been doing a sponsored slim in aid of Lurcher Link for the past two weeks. I need to lose 14lbs and so far I have lost 4lbs. I would love you guys to sponsor me but also give me some moral support as this is a very hard thing for me to do. I put on the weight after my father's death in May and this diet is my way of a) getting back in shape but more importantly making my problems after my troubles help some homeless and abused lurcher's have a sofa of their own. Please help by giving generously. I will update my progress here every Monday so that you know how things are going but donations can be by paypal to [email protected] or email me on that address and I will tell you how else you can help. I look forward to as much support (both monetary and spirit wise) as you can give Anne Barty (the lurcher with more physical problems than you can shake a stick at) and Chloe (who thinks she should have been a lurcher even tho she is a husky cross)
  11. Looks like you all had a great deal of fun
  12. It was a good quiz Amy - even my know it all husband had to think about some of the answers. I do hasten to add I asked him the questions AFTER I had sent back my answers to you
  13. I'm here - ready and waiting - hope you got my pm. Sorry you have had such an awful journey
  14. Sounds like a much better idea. I will be ready for you at 5pm. Anne
  15. 5pm is perfect for me.
  16. Errrrm and what about those of us that are addicted to Strictly Come Dancing - that is on on Saturday evening. If it was earlier than that it would be OK for me, otherwise I won't be able to take part
  17. A friend of mine walks her dogs on Pontefract racecourse every day. Haven't been myself but she likes it
  18. I am soooooooo glad she is back safe and sound and none the worse for her adventures. What a lovely man to bring her back to you. What he aware of all the posters so he knew that she was lost?????
  19. Oh my god, poor Cher and Pixi - I hope she will be found soon
  20. 17 that is amazing - a very happy birthday and may there be many more
  21. Sorry Amy - don't mean to hassle Can't you just use one of the harder ones on Facebook or something like that to make it easier for you?????
  22. Doh !!!! Silly me getting the wrong end of the stick. Anyway - you ought to get the quiz organised soon because I wouldn't think you have too much longer to get your application in before they shut for this series and by the time the next one comes round you will have to start this all process all over.
  23. Laura - you have got the go ahead from the committee!!!!! Anne
  24. Hi Karen, sorry to hear about your friend's dogs. As long as the dogs are normally fit and healthy with no underlying health issues then I would not think it is necessary to take them to a vet. I have used Benelyn (sp??) childrens cough syrup in the past which I presume is the same as Tixy lix. I gave them 1 tsp as per the bottle instructions. There is also a homeopathic remedy - Drosera - which is for coughing and that is what I used on Chloe when she arrived here with KC 4 years ago. It helped her and it only lasted 4/5 days. Make sure your friend doesn't take the dogs out until they have stopped coughing.
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