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Everything posted by Godin

  1. Day two now complete, still no headache and I've now tried 8 different flavours, broccoli and cheese was a bit odd Lets see how tomorrow goes
  2. I started CD today and so far so good and no headache as yet!
  3. I'll ask Sandy on Monday, it was just a thought I have a sachet of original oat so simple for breakfast now and was hoping I could just change to the CD porridge
  4. Godin

    Kathy W

    Happy Birthday Kathy
  5. Question I forgot to ask you Wendy! How long do you have to be on CD before you are allowed the porridge?
  6. Congrats and welcome baby Felix
  7. I have PM'd and apologise for wibbliness of said PM
  8. Thankyou I have booked my first CD appointment for next week and I'm just a tad nervous I have various questions I'd like to ask you Wendy , but I'm refraining
  9. Orca Congratulations Wendy and the boys and of course Katie on the pup and a lovely new home
  10. I have got the all clear from my GP to do CD he has reduced my meds and my BP is the lowest its been for about 3yrs And......... He put me the scales and......... I've lost a stone and 2lbs since before christmas!!!
  11. This evening I have paid both our corporation tax and our personal tax so I don't forget before the end of the month Kazz you can register to pay VAT online, but I've never managed to get round to doing it, I'm sure it tells you how to do it on the back of the return Owl it's not a suitcase its the folder icon at the side of each thread I am now off to bed as I have to be up well early to get Tom to early birds so I can go to the doctors, night night xxx
  12. Sarah if I could manage it without the risk of losing a finger or two I would
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