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Everything posted by lsly

  1. And all of this is so called entertainment, which is why I don't watch it
  2. I am so sorry to hear this tragic news. Nancy was loved to the last, you did not fail her, run free little girl
  3. Hello Caroline, met you somewhere before Lesley, Fern, Jem and Jock
  4. lsly

    Fao Coryn/rdr

    That is absolutely wonderful, restores my faith in human nature
  5. lsly


    Like a lot of people I constantly check this thread hoping for the news we're all waiting for. I had a bizarre experience on Saturday after collecting my daughter from school in Norfolk and travelling back to Cambs. A large (berenese cross??) was seen running down the dual carriageway ahead of me, luckily there were 2 tractors ahead so the traffic was going slowly. At the side of the road a lady was running, clearly distressed by the effort, after the dog. My first thought was that the dog had escaped from a car and that it was in danger of being hit by traffic with the lady collapsing from a heart attack after the exertion of running. So, more concerned about the dog than the consequences of stopping in the middle of a dual carriage way, I stopped the car and stopped the traffic, opened both doors to our car - wildly thinking it was the one day I had no leads in the car and the crate in the boot was a small one. I got my daughter to try and entice the dog, (she had some sweets), he came towards us and circled the car. This gave a chance for the poor lady to catch up with us. Georgina won the day, she got out in bare feet and school uniform on the road and softly spoke to the dog while holding his collar until the lady caught up. Poor woman could hardly string two words together. Apparently the dog had undone the gate and crossed 2 fields onto the dual carriageway with her chasing after him. She was looking after him for someone and they had not thought to tell her he could undo gates. We drove them both home, luckily none the worse for the adventure. I hope someone finds Annie in a similar way
  6. Oh wow, what a sad state society is in, wonder how long until it wears off
  7. I breast fed all 3 of my children. In the late 1980's it wasn't the 'done thing' in public places, we were supposed to go to the public loo! Would you eat your dinner in a public loo? I was always ready with an argument if anyone objected when I (discretely) fed my children in public, thankfully I never had cause to use it. My local paper this week depicted a lady who was thrown out of a cafe for breast feeding mothers because she was bottle feeding!
  8. sorry for being thick, what's an ejog?
  9. Oh brill, excellent , well done. I have been so hoping this little girl would find her forever home soon
  10. Methinks they are not getting the right kind of education here, perhaps they should sit in on your presentation??
  11. How about wrapping yourself up......nice meal, wine.......get the picture? PS Can dogsit my friend Riley
  12. Perhaps you need the stuff for Riley's flange
  13. for everyone cos I just can't follow - explosive hair, not being able to register with a GP, Rileyroo's flange (if she was hoooman we'd give her a ring pessary), Dumplesomewhere that does nice food, Molly's new home.........and anything else I haven't got the gist of. Some one wanted / didn't want a friend, so if you just lost one you could find a new one, I'll volunteer if you like? Lost my net connection last night due to storms, weather today brilliant but been indoors studying, not so brilliant.
  14. lsly

    Japanese Akita

    Yep Freya was shot by police through ignorance and it made me so.......... angry, how can we educate the public when the police need educating??
  15. Should we open a 'dating thread'?? It would appear posts by females seriously out number males??
  16. Way to go, equality and all that
  17. What's this Ian an invitation??
  18. lsly

    Camp Site

    Exact details/ address please
  19. I find myself thinking this is all too common in our 'throwaway society'. I have for some time driven around the UK looking at bags and boxes dumped by the roadside to see if they move
  20. did you know that most of us nurses hate being called nursey, but we're still very nice
  21. Too hot for anything here today. Why is it black dogs like to bake in the sun??
  22. Oh thats really good news, brilliant and thanks to all who helped
  23. Hi there, Sara and I both transport for RDR, we live in the same area, where are you?
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