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Everything posted by Rudi

  1. Rudi and Koda are not overly kissy. Rudi can be strange with licking people's hands sometimes... Both kiss on a 'kiss' command or if I make kissy noises. Rudi is a more spontaneous kisser and is generally when he is happy and greeting me. I have to be careful, as if I talk to him when he's in kissing mode and near my face, I end up getting frenched. It's a greeting that goes back to the mouth licking that young dogs greet their mother/other older dogs with and also explains why some puppies are so keen to jump up people to get nearer to their faces.
  2. Can you really see that where and how??
  3. You can have Rudi and Koda rottie with pleasure but no-one's gonna pay to see me naked!!!
  4. They have increased in popularity haven't they let's hope that doesn't coincide with more ending up in rescue.
  5. No way - what if they were sick??
  6. Beautiful photos I love Scotland.
  7. That's so sad. It's criminal that old people have to give up their dogs just because they go to homes that won't accept them.
  8. 1.What time did you get up this morning? 6.30am 2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds 3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Sex in the City 4. What is your favourite TV show? Heroes 5. What do you usually have for breakfast? Nothing 6. What is your middle name? Rachel 7. What food do you dislike? Canned tuna 8. What is your favourite CD at the moment? Snow Patrol 9. What kind of car do you drive? An aubergine Escort Estate 10. Favourite sandwich? Toasted cheese and onion 11. What characteristic do you despise? Unkindness 12. Favourite item of clothing? Black polo neck. 13. If you could go anywhere in the world on holiday, where would you go? Fortrose, Scotland - see the dolphins and run the dogs on the beaches. 14. Favourite brand of clothing? Evans - the clothes fit 15. Where would you retire to? Scotland! 16.What was your most recent memorable birthday? None recently, I'm not into birthdays really. 17. Favourite sport to watch? Trials, schutzhund, VPG etc. 18. When is your birthday? 4th April 19. Are you a morning person or a night person? Don't know really. 20. What is your shoe size? 6.5 21. Pets? Rudi and Koda 22. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us? I'm going to stay with my friends and their 4 rotties and Akita - can't wait!. 23. What did you want to be when you were little? I don't remember. 24. How are you today? My mouth hurts - had a visit to the dentist this morning. Other than that, okayish. 25. What is your favorite sweet thing Black forest gateau 26.What is your favourite flower? Freesia 27. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? Friday 5th - going away to see friends. 28. what fragrance do you wear? Can't remember what it's called, it's in a pink funny shaped bottle. 29. What are you listening to right now? Sounds of traffic through my office window. 30. What was the last thing you ate? Cheese and onion toasted sandwich. 31. Favourite food? Roast dinner. 32. Favourite Drink? Amaretto on ice. 33. The first person you spoke to today? Dentist's receptionist. 34. Favourite restaurant? The Shires, Peatling Parva - fabulous carvery! 35. Real hair colour? Boring brown. 36. What was your favourite toy as a child? Sindy doll and her horse. 37. Summer or winter? Depends, mild summers are okay and so are crispy winters. Can't stand too much heat and don't like wet winters. 38. Hugs or kisses? Depends on who's giving them! 39. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla. 40. Coffee or tea? Tea 41. When was the last time you cried? Proper boo hoo about two weeks ago. I shed tears most times I read about sad stuff. 42. What is under your bed? At night, two rottweilers. 43. What did you do last night? Watched Spooks, visited the Refuge, went to bed. 44. What are you afraid of? Surprisingly (didn't think I'd care) I'm not liking being nearly 40, I feel my life is half over and I've accomplished nothing. 45. Salty or sweet? Salty. 46. How many keys on your key ring? Six - is actually counting them really sad! 47. How many years at your current job? About six. 48. Favourite day of the week? Sunday. 49. How many towns have you lived in? Lived in several houses but only 2 towns. 50. Do you make friends easily? Not really.
  9. If you're talking dog walking then a windproof/waterproof coat (check out Regatta for affordable stuff) and lots of layers. Waterproof footwear and thick socks are super important. After that waterproof trousers are my favourite item of clothing in the winter, they add an extra layer of warmth but aren't heavy. For my morning walk I put them on straight over my PJs and tuck the lot in my wellies with lovely warm hiking socks. I'm outside all day Sunday whatever the weather, and layers are always good and I start mine with a vest t-shirt, a t-shirt, a polo neck and then a woollen hoody and finally my coat, together with scarf and hat and gloves. If you're talking about smart clothing for cold weather, then I can't help at all . Me and smart don't go together.
  10. Rudi


    I haven't got any experience of this particular condition, but having read about it, it sounds very similar to the skin cancer my cocker had.
  11. I think tigers would be too discerning to eat the people on offer... I didn't think Britney was miming, if she was the sound was awful. I thought it sounded bad because she was singing live
  12. Yes, I thought she looked better not being stick thin, but just didn't think her shorts flattered her. You do wonder sometimes who dresses some celebrities
  13. What did you think of Britney? I was a bit disappointed. The song wasn't good and the shorts were not a good choice
  14. This doesn't look good - the conditions the dogs are being kept in, from what you can see in the photo, don't seem right
  15. Crickey this is awful. Where on earth are they all going to go, poor dogs. In general, are these a breed that finds a new home easily? Can't believe the first 'comment' is complaining about the article stating the kennel is near Corby. Get a life.
  16. It must be awful waiting, but at least he's home with you and not still at the vet
  17. I hope the anti-inflammatories help Ollie.
  18. I started to watch but when they showed the animals looking miserable, I switched over as I thought it was going to be depressing - sounds like I should have kept watching!
  19. I agree completely I buy meat as carefully as is possible and eat much less than I used to, and don't think because I do eat it that I am excluded from having an opinion about animal welfare.
  20. Do you mean Leslie Grantham, aka Dirty Den has he now adopted Emu? I thought he was Rod Hull's. Either way, that's pretty dire but at least you have a celebrity, Leicester's pantos seem to have none
  21. You could go on forever with comparisons and questionning how people can be morally outraged by one act, when they support another. I've got stuff in my house that quite possibly was made by people, maybe children, in appalling conditions somewhere around the globe. I'm aware of wooden things coming from sustainable sources, but who put my BT phone together for instance, a child in China? What sweatshop created my mobile phone or my TV? What about all the bits and pieces around my house that I don't really think about. Most training shoes are made by people in really sh*tty conditions. Does it make me as bad as someone who deliberately mistreats and abuses another human being? If eating meat means I condone dog fighting, then maybe it does. People assume that eating vegetables is benign, but it's not - people are trafficked into the UK to pick the vegetables - they end up caught in a cycle of owing their gang bosses more money than they earn, they aren't fed or housed well and this can go on for a long time with no way out and people get beaten and no doubt killed. Does everyone who eats vegetables know, or care, how they were harvested? Do we all buy tea, coffee and chocolate from sources where we are sure that people don't get badly treated and live and die in misery? I buy fair trade stuff sometimes, but not always. If you wanted to be completely ethical, you'd have to grow all your own food, I don't know what one would wear other than synthetics as wool would be out, no leather shoes, cotton can be GM and is also grown in areas where conditions for people aren't good, maybe it would be a case of grow your own.
  22. I think you're right that it's dubious, I read it again and in one part they're saying that people shouldn't report dogs because they 'could' be dangerous or look dangerous, in another they're asking people to report potentially dangerous dogs - which isn't right. They also have no means of sorting fact from fiction. I suppose I was thinking that sometimes it's handy to have information - when I moved to the area I now live in, it was invaluable to be warned about the local drunk who allows his dog to rampage around the park. I was told what the dog and man looked like and when I see them, I beat a hasty retreat. It wasn't a case of idle gossip - it was reported in the local newspaper that he has an order against him to keep the dog muzzled - but it never is. It's a shame the "system" lets people down - they clearly didn't get any justice for their own dog being hurt and when people feel that they aren't heard, they start petitions like these
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