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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. Sounds like you are doing great and having lots of fun I find it really interesting to hear the progress you are making - Sophie and I started at about the same time as you. We are waaaaayyyy behind you and Indy, but it is hugely traumatic for Sophie to be around other dogs and people, so I am just happy that she can now work mostly offlead without running back to the car Sounds like Indy's doing the weaves better than Morse, and he's been doing agility for at least 3 years.
  2. If you are using internet explorer: (1) is the main toolbar (with forward and back buttons, etc) showing? If not, go to View --> Toolbars, and make sure Standard is checked (2) If it is just the refresh button missing, right click on the toolbar at the top (where the refresh button should be). Select customize, and you should get a list of buttons you can add. Hopefully refresh is there - select it and then hit add. If neither of these work, I don't have a clue what to do.
  3. That's what I feel too. It has also, not sure how, made me less sick along with my period. Am impressed.
  4. That's where we went on our honeymoon (St Thomas, not you mum's cruise ship). It is very, very nice - I want to go back.
  5. Morning Sam. I am up - about to drive to Wales for a Smudge hunt.
  6. Morning. Yesterday was a strange day. I ran over 3 ducks on my way to work and was all shaky for most of the morning. Afternoon was good - work has finally calmed down a bit (for now at least). In the evening we went round to see my sister, who just got back from 3 weeks in Uganda. She has some amazing pictures - she saw elephants and lions and warthogs and leopards and hippos. On our way to my sister's we took Sophie for a quick wee walk - she ran off and tried to get another dog to play with her This is the Sophie who runs home if we meet another dog on her walks. I was sooooo happy and proud of her Today, I am having a pub lucnh
  7. Morning! We had a ridiculously productive weekend (went on a group lurcher dog walk, snoozed, installed a new shower, painted the spare bedroom, rearranged lounge, sorted furniture in spare room, baked chocolate zuchinni cake, cooked a proper dinner, tidied and hoovered the house). I am now at work and ready for it to be the weekend so I can have a rest.
  8. Sophie

    Advice Please

    I don't know anything about the flower remedies, but have you tried a Feliway diffuser? It is like a DAP diffuser for cats, and just sort of helps chill them out a bit. We used it when we introduced Marmite to the house, and it made a noticeable difference.
  9. Hello to all that need them. Congrats to Nick - my sister is learning to drive, and since my parent's both drive automatics she's learning to drive in my car. She can drive it fine, but she finds doing any of the manouevres in it really difficult, since its a completely different size/shape to her instructors. Sophie went for a walk this morning She'd refused every other morning this week, but today she trotted into the woods, and we even passed a person with two dogs without her legging it home I think I'm going to have to be at work late tonight - spent a week fixing a problem, only to find the problem isn't actually fixed
  10. I've not got much advice I can give - Sophie is also rather scared of people. If we meet someone when she is offlead on a narrow path, she either runs away and finds a different way to get to where we are going, runs home, or clings to my leg until we are past. If we have guests round, she tries to hide in the garage/furthest corner of the house from where we are. Luckily, she isn't bothered if Morse is around, which he is on most of her walks, so she doesn't get too stressed most of the time. We've been doing a few things. Initially, guests don't get to say hello to her, and if they are pre-arranged guests, we install her in an out of the way bedroom just before they come. She is then free to come down if she wants, or not. For guests she 'knows' (has met with Morse around) - they go to say hello to her, but then she is left to do as she wants. We're also taking her to agility classes for socialisation with people and dogs. We're in the group with the small dogs, as they are less boisterous, and the people know she is nervous. They offer her food without looking at her, and after 3 months she has started taking it occasionally. Thats it for our approach at the moment, so will be watching for replies you get.
  11. Loobie, do you use Windows? If so, I'll send you screen shots going through the steps that I outlined, which should make more sense than my mangled explanation.
  12. Try looking in C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp Also, if you were editing it in Word, does it show up in your list of last accessed files (File --> list at the bottom)?
  13. Thanks - we did remove them with tick tweezers - it was the ones on his eyelid that he wouldn't let us remove with the tweezers that we left. According to the frontline, it needs to be done once a month for ticks, and he was so infested we were a bit worried about it - in general we only frontline the dogs once a year in the summer, if they need it, since we hate the stuff. I'll look into the Bach crab apple - now he's got rid of the ticks it would be good to get the stuff out of his system.
  14. Between Thursday evening and Saturday morning, we removed 37 ticks from Smudge He's only a little dog too, and was really completely covered in the things. He had some more on him, including on his eyelids, so we retreated him with frontline (only 3 weeks since he was last done). This seems to have killed the remaining ticks, and they are now falling off him. Does anyone have any ideas how he could have picked up so many? He does tend to go down rabbit holes, so we thought maybe down a hole somewhere? And is there any health impact from him having been infested with so many?
  15. I have those for sickness during my period - it had never occurred to me that they might also help with sickness when I have a migraine...
  16. I have a somewhat convoluted solution that will work if you have WinZip (free trial is available if you don't). Copy the text of the email into a new text file (use notepad or whatever you prefer, but not word). Save the file as a .MIM file - if you're using notepad, you need to enter eg archive1.MIM and then select 'All Files' in the save as type drop down. Double click on the .MIM file, and it should open with WinZip. IT will show several files within the archive. One of these will have your messages in. Open them til you find the one (for me it was unkown.001). Open that file (choose notepad if it asks you too choose a program to open it with), and it should look like a bit less gobbledy-gooky gobbledy gook (html in fact). Save the content as an html file (same way as you did for the MIM file, but name it filename.html), and it should then be openable in IE and show you all your messages. (If that doesn't make sense or you need more help, feel free to PM me - alternatley, someone more techy might have a much simpler solution)
  17. Alternately - they each paid £9 pounds - this *includes* the £2 that the bellboy kept. The other £3 went back to the men. Total of £30 (not sure that makes sense, but it makes sense in my head)
  18. Sounds really good. Sophie has been doing agility for about 8 weeks now, and last night I could really see how her confidence has grown. We still have to do it a bit differently from everyone else (noone else can hold her collar, she's not confident enough to do a wait and let me walk away from her, and she won't take food from any of the instructors so I have to be everywhere at once), but everyone is really patient with her and really supportive.
  19. I can recommend Rebecca Cox as well - she took Sophie's beginner and intermediate class, and my mum knows her quite well through Reading and District Dog Training club. Also Elizabeth Kershaw is in Berkshire - she's written at least one book on clicker training, and is the trainer/behaviourist for one of the dog magazines. She's also very good (also helps with the teaching at R&DDTC). Her website with contact details is - canine education
  20. She is back Well, her body is back, her mind isn't quite back yet though. She has a collar to wear,which she hates - I'm trying to sort out some alternative like boxers or sommat. 10 days of no walks Think I am going to have one stir crazy lurcher on my hands in a week or so (actually probably a day or so). We have to wait to hear about the histology results now - the lump was black which can indicate skin cancer, but she is a young dog so the vet doesn't think it is cancer. Fingers crossed the news is good. to anyone that needs one.
  21. Thanks - am counting down the minutes until I can phone at 1 and find out when she can come home. I know she'll be fine, our vets are great, but I can't stop worrying. Oh dear. That sucks. We were told by work yesterday that we must answer our mobiles at all times in the next few weeks - thought ok, until it went off at 1a.m. - it's not even a work mobile, its a personal one
  22. Morning. I am wibbling Sophie is at the vet for an operation to remove a lump. She'd better be ok.
  23. Thanks Celeste - that is pretty much what we are trying. We have the problem that it seems it was fairly strongly entrenched in her by previous owners that she will not eat outside. It took us two months of trying and training to get her to take food from us on walks. Even now, if she is at all worried, she reverts back to no food taking, so we are making slow progress. Kerrio - might take you up on that offer. Will PM. Thanks
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