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Everything posted by suzeanna

  1. Thanks everyone...yes he seems to be fine! she found nothing to worry about, no evidence that he'd done himself any harm by drinking the blue loo water (it had been there for a while, so should be pretty weak). We've just got to keep an eye on him and take him back if we have any further concerns. A urine sample was normal, and he showed no pain when she palpated his tummy.
  2. What does the new dogs act say exactly? there is a collie on the walk we take Dyl on....he's chained up outside a bungalow, I don't know if he goes indoors at bedtime, but whatever time of day and evening you go past he's chained up. He has a kennel and a bowl of water, so he has shelter and water but he barks a lot. Their neighbours are either very tolerant or deaf! I feel so sorry for him, collies of all dogs shouldn't be kept like that, although I know a lot of farm dogs are, or certainly used to be.
  3. He got us up twice in the night, he had the runs. Then he started making a very odd noise..something between a snort, a retch, and a hiccup. My OH remarked in a *by the way* sort of manner that he thought he heard Dylan drinking out of the loo the night before last...and I've got one of those Harpic thingies in the cistern that turn the water blue. I started to panic rather, thought maybe I should get him to the vet this morning but he's snoozing happily now, hasn't been to the loo since nearly 6.40, his nose is cool and moist and he's not making weird noises any more. I think I should be ok to leave it till our appointment tonight..shouldn't I?
  4. I'm freezing and I daren't turn the heating up any more as it will cost a fortune. Poor Dylan got us up every two hours during the night cos he had the runs...I cursed him at the time, but rather outside than on the carpet.
  5. Hope she's soon well enough to come home to you
  6. I was going to suggest...if its just a short way thats there a pet taxi in the area that would take him? but it looks as if its sorted
  7. Poor poor girl. Will be thinking of you tomorrow
  8. We have an appt for 5pm tomorrow with his favourite vet (and my OH's!)
  9. Should I be worried? Dylan has a very large water bowl downstairs, and a normal size one upstairs (the sort you use as a feeding bowl in those raised feeders). Over the last week or so, I've noticed he is drinking a lot more than normal, I keep having to refill them both much more frequently. He looks well in himself, we haven't changed his food or his exercise level. Is this anything to be concerned about?
  10. The thing that strikes me the most is that the majority of the time, the people who are complain aren't black, or Muslim, or whoever is supposedly finding things offensive, but white middleclass *politically correct* types. That school which tried to change the Three Little Pigs story into Three Little Puppies (and was overruled) obviously is unaware that Muslims consider dogs to be unclean, and would have not been impressed by that either. A lot of people (not including me, I never could see what was funny about him) thought that Ali G was hilarious...a white Jewish man, pretending to be black. If gollies are offensive, surely so was he?
  11. Good luck with the homecheck Julie! what mix is he, or doesn't anyone know? Sue x
  12. Emma...I hate to say it, but it definitely sounds as if something is going on. Its almost textbook...accusing you of being paranoid, or even having an affair yourself. I've read this sort of thing in the agony aunts columns in the papers, and they advise different things, but I seem to remember one of them saying approach the other woman, in a manner that implies he has told you about it...she will come out with the truth even if he wont. Of course, if you are wrong (and it seems unlikely!) you could be left feeling an idiot, but what's worse? at least you'd know the truth one way or another. Haven't read back yet (meant to be doing the housework) but is someone having trouble with a dry scalp? my OH has a dry scalp not helped by eczema, I just got a Snake Oil massage bar from rub it in your hands to warm it and then massage your scalp, leave fifteen minutes, then shampoo hair as normal. It's brilliant...(bit of a weird smell, but that goes when washed) no dry skin, no itching, and his hair is really soft and shiny.
  13. suzeanna


    Hi Lou, welcome to the madhouse...I mean the Refuge! pics of really always welcome.
  14. Hi, welcome to the Refuge I hope you will be a regular visitor! (just remember, we like pics of your dogs)
  15. In the north at least any showers by Sunday night could be of snow, then they are giving it very cold next week! (and I mean Derbyshire upwards, not the North as in Scotland)
  16. I've been looking for a pair of high waisted black tankini bottoms..can I find any? no! all the shops have are teeny bikini bottoms or boy pants, and the mail order catalogues have all sold out of black.
  17. I thought Fabulous Willy deserved his win, though I liked the Maltese too. I agree that Zena is a very unbiased judge but I could be biased myself...she gave our dobes firsts and reserve Best of Breed about...ooer...17 years ago! I used to show papillons and I always showed on a loose lead, I didn't notice the dogs carried their heads any lower than those shown stringed, but it did let them get all four feet on the floor.
  18. Spell his name Dyk? or Diq? perhaps not the first one....
  19. I used to show dobes around 16 years ago and the chains we used were very fine, in fact so fine that if you'd tried to actually haul a dog on them they would have snapped! at home our dogs wore ordinary collars and were walked on collar and lead, but in the ring you need as little as possible to *spoil the line of the neck*. Everyone baited like mad to keep their dogs attention so then the poor old judge had to look at teeth and get covered in liver slobber I must confess some people did string the dog with the lead held up above the head, but I always ran with a loose lead, and so do many others.
  20. A fellow my OH chats to most mornings when walking Dylan has recently been walking a golden retriever called Sam, for a lady who is very ill. He told Philip yesterday that she has gone into the local hospice, which doesnt sound hopeful. Philip said what's going to happen to Sam, and Derek said he'll have to go to the RSPCA, I suppose. (Derek has a dog and he and Sam dont get on.) Sam is not a youngster..probably around ten or so, but very strong, even with a halti on Derek has a job to hold him, and his owner used to frequently have to let him go because he nearly pulled her over. He is very unfriendly towards other dogs..well, male ones anyway, as we found when we had to pull him away from Dylan. Would a retriever rescue be able to help place a dog like him, or would the kindest option be for him to follow his mum? I dont want to tell Derek about rescues only to find he gets turned down, and if Sam goes to the RSPCA and gets rehomed to somewhere that cant cope with him, I can see trouble ahead. (no, before anyone asks, there is no family to take him, she is a single lady living alone.)
  21. suzeanna


    You didn't let him down at probably gave him more chance at life than many others would have done, and I bet he knew and was grateful.
  22. Sixteen years or so ago my daughter met three guys in a pub one night....they were all doing the quiz. She got on well with all of them, and they were mates for years. of them wanted to become more than friends. She was doubtful, but went out with him, some months later she dumped him, said they were better as friends. Couple of years later, he said lets try again? so she weakened, went out with him again for about six months...dumped him. She didn't see him for years and years, then bumped into him one day. They started going out again then living together, and now they've been married for six years this April. Just a random thought...not aimed at anyone in particular...
  23. If he doesnt like crates because of being kept in a small one all the time when he was young, I don't think crate training is a feasible option I'm sorry to say I agree with the others; for whatever reasons, he obviously is an unhappy worried boy a lot of the time, and finds many situations stressful. You would never forgive yourself if anything happened to your grandchild, and possibly your daughter wouldn't forgive you either. I have owned a dobe which for no reasons medical or training wise became totally lethal when he was walked, attacked any other dog or person given half a chance and we had no alternative but to pts...he wasn't even two years old. It was a heartbreaking decision, but the only one in the end. No one will feel you have given up too soon, we will think you are very brave, and thinking of your dog as well as your grandchild.
  24. Really??? well I never! you mean it wasn't like the My Little Pony ones who just stand there looking pretty??
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