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Everything posted by Lizzie

  1. OMG!!! My doc has been giving me cow medicine thats also vulture poison Update on chooks, day 4 of missing neighbours, the streets resident fox has been hanging around and the chooks are real noisy. No one has been into them as I asked other neighbours if they had seen anyone and my 3 would have let me know if someone was within 50 feet of our house. I will be having a quiet word with them on their return, offering to look after the chickens if they decide to go away in the future.
  2. For Khanu & Jazz, and for other hurty folks. Checked on next doors chooks, they look fine although I am bloody annoyed with the inconsiderate idiots just going off on a jolly without asking someone to look after them. They have left the run open so they can roam around, wonder how long it will be before one of the local foxes realise that dinner is running round.
  3. I'm a bit concerned My next door neighbours have been away since sunday afternoon, but no-one has been in to look after the chickens. I can't get round there, the place is like fort knox! They haven't clucked yet today. I hope they are safe.
  4. Lizzie

    July Rmf

    My OH lived up to his nickname of Nextto (Useless) The dressing that needed changing was done after I had removed the old one and made sure no blood was visible, he gets woozy at the sight of blood. I gave him the new dressing, I had to show him how to open it first he then slapped it on and walked away, silly B left the protective backing on it! I spent 10 minutes looking in the mirror, twisting and turning to sort it out! It's more than flesh and blood can stand to look at my nether regions!
  5. Lizzie

    July Rmf

    for Dex, hoping for better news. Nige & Tess for Houndzrus friend. What can I say Helly? So sorry to hear your Dad's cancer is back. I do believe in miracles, let's hope for one. My RMF is petty by comparison for all the sadness around at the moment, Pierce's ear infection is slowly improving. Thanks for all your good thoughts, I'm sure all the positive energy helped. Had a minor op on thursday, I now have a sore rump. Someone needs to change the dressing coz I can't see what I'm doing. All possible volunteers in this house have not stepped forward.
  6. Lizzie

    July Rmf

    It's my Pierce's 3rd gotcha day today and my poor little man is not well. He has a horrible ear infection that keeps flaring up, the vet is trying different antibiotics & drops, looks like he may have to be sedated and a sample of nasties sent to the lab. Poor lad is in pain, I really feel for him, but he is being so good letting me clean his ear and putting the drops in. I love this boy to bits
  7. hello everyone not been online much, but I wanted to tell you about the fab time I had at the Le Mans 24 hour race! It was so good its taken two weeks to wipe the grin from my face While we were there we met up with some lovely folks from another forum I'm a member of, very good company. During the meet up they did a bit of fundraising for the armed forces charity, I'm pleased to say almost £800 was raised in a couple of hours! It looks like saving like mad to go again next year!
  8. Gentle for Cliffy and Nigel.
  9. It's a hard call Jazz You will do what is best, you always do. Saw a sad sight today someone I knew from years ago was in the queue at the supermarket,in her hand was 2 cans of Pimms. When I came out, she was sat in her car drinking one, she had been "dry" for several years, just feel so sorry such an addiction or illness causes so much unhappiness. Sorry Jazz, I was posting the same time as you.
  10. Got any spare Helly? The first twinges of sciatica, I can't lie down and I'm having trouble sitting. Thats why I'm here at silly o'clock.
  11. Mags, you look fabulous, lovely photo's and wonderful venue.
  12. Oh so true! Can I drive the getaway car please? As currently "resting" a little part time bank robbing would help with the finances greatly.
  13. Spike a handsome and gorgeous doglet in looks and character. Lovely pic's and a nice lot of memories.
  14. Fingers crossed for the Beardie girl, thinking positive thoughts for her. Any luck with the contact number I gave you owl?
  15. Oooooh! Isn't he cute. Happy 2nd birthday Eddie.
  16. I am deeply upset. Nico has eaten one of my Roland Cartier shoes.
  17. Lizzie


    Yes Billy, they have a right of way through their property, very close to the house. None of their dogs have been any problem before, I think the "professional rambler" as he calls himself, must have provoked one of them. No other walkers using the path have complained.
  18. Lizzie


    Help! A friend has just rung me in bits, the police have been to see him about a rambler crossing his land that has been nipped by one of his dogs. He knows this guy, also he knows that he will be back within the next couple of days to see if he has "disposed" of hs dogs. I need contact numbers for Springer Spaniel Rescue and Wiemeraner Rescue organisations or some decent advice for him.
  19. Happy (belated) Birthday. I hope it was a good one and you got spoilt loads.
  20. Oh Bugger!!!!!! I missed it What happened? Will it be repeated? Damnation I really wanted to watch that.
  21. To greys mum and daughter.
  22. After almost a year of depression, mainly due to stress at work, I left my job. I'm now unemployed and it has put a strain on the family finances, but it was the best thing I could have done. I too loved my job, but had to put up with a lot of carp from the managerial side. I can't give any advice, but know what you are going through. As for the depression, I only get the odd day now which I can deal with.
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