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Everything posted by Rachelpirate

  1. That made my day, I nearly spat coke all over the computer... :laugh:
  2. We're not 100% on Ria's breeding... she's definately got Grey in her, definately Staffie, probably Ridgeback and Great Dane too. She's quite a mutt. Hehe.
  3. I'll do you one better... I have a whole album of bizarre goings on at the Dogs Trust Evesham - Pictures from ze Dogs Trust
  4. Have been told that Ria was a horse (specifically a "great big orange horse"). And that Roxy was a pot bellied pig - fair enough, really.
  5. I think I prefer them as they are, they're different. Are they expensive to get/keep?
  6. Then there's the kind I like to call the "Swamp Monster Staffie" which has been bred to give small children nightmares and offend the elderly... it has a musty smell, scabby appearence, high levels of flatulence and grunts like a pig. See below -
  7. Ooh, I've always loved these when I've seen them in zoos, but I never realised you could keep them as pets! Is it true that they turn into salamanders if you keep them out of water?
  8. There are quite a few "types" of Staffie from what I've seen - Roxy is more of the dinky Staffie with short legs, I think they're more of a KC Staff. Then there's the longer legged ones with the massive heads that I think you see more as pets, and working in rescue you see countless different shapes in between! Also I think a lot of Staff crosses end up looking more like slightly different looking Staffs, if you get me... the Staffie look seems to be more dominant in Staff crosses.
  9. Ria (Ridgeback/Staffie cross) has been called a Pitbull, an "Australian Ridgeback", a "Dash Hound" and a Scooby Doo (that one's pretty understandable). Connie (Blonde collie cross) is a Fox, a Wolf, a Greyhound and a Lab. Bear in mind she's long coated... Roxy my Staffie has been a Pitbull and a pot bellied pig (again, understandable). Wilbur my pure black Lab often gets mistaken for a Rottie, or a Springer Spainel.
  10. It's not symmetrical, doesn't seem to be itchy. It starts off as just normal bald skin, then gets little spots on which erupt into boils. She's had some biopsies taken now though so the results should be in soon, just hope it isn't anything too horrible...
  11. Send her to meee! :wub: Ellie's so lovely, she's got to be one of my favourite fugee dogs.
  12. Luckily Connie didn't need stitches or anyhting, so there's no vets bill. I would do, but the thing is I don't really want to get her dog into trouble... suppose that's the difference between her and me! I'm sure he is a nice dog really. Haven't heard any more today so I'm hoping she was just letting off steam.
  13. Have done. It shows she's wearing a muzzle too. True... in fact, she was hitting Connie with an umberella! If she hadn't run off before I got a chance to talk to her I think I would have had something to say... Roxy was just powering on forwards on our normal route, without even looking at what was going on and Ria had shot off in the opposite direction as soon as the woman started waving her umberella and screaming, so we had to go and find her. Wilbur was kind of bumbling around on the sidelines looking upset.
  14. Thanks ranirottie, it's just a little tear, nothing too serious. Course being an ear it was p*ssing out blood! Rumpole - yes, hers has done this several times, it has no recall at all. I have a friend who said her dogs doesn't like this Beardie either, as it always runs up and bounces on him. The thing is I don't suppose there's any way to prove that mine didn't run over.
  15. That's pretty much what I was thinking but I just wanted to be sure. I don't know whether the fact that Connie is muzzled would be a good or bad thing, either showing that she is under control and can't hurt anyone, or that is is aggressive. Melp, thanks, will do. Sorry Rumpole, posted at the same time as you. Thanks for the advice, sounds like what I thought. If she did report us though, would the police phone us or would it be done throught the dog warden?
  16. As some of you may know, Connie (Collie cross) can be funny about some dogs. That's why she is muzzled at all times when out. There's a woman with a Beardie that lives near us, the Beardie always comes barrelling over and is very rude - Connie has had a go at it before because of this (muzzled though so no damage). Today it came running round the corner, and he and Connie started fighting. They were fighting for only about 5 seconds, I'm assuming the Beardie isn't injured as Connie is muzzled. Connie has a torn ear. The other four of my dogs didn't get involved at all. She started shouting and swearing at us saying she was going to report our "effing dog", then stormed off before we could say anything. What I need to know (if anyone knows) is whether anything can come of this? Both dogs were off the lead, mine was muzzled and by us, hers ran over, hers I assume isn't injured and mine is slightly. If she reports it to the police can they do anything without evidence that it even happened? Also I'm worried that if anything does come of it, even though Ria and Roxy weren't involved, with them being a Staffie and Staff cross they might get the blame? Thanks! Rachel
  17. Moose Oakley Jake Connie Bess Sid Captain Amber Tigger Belle Madison Benjamin Nell Steffie Misty Betty Benji Sonia Ria Brook Roxy Wilbur Mandy Breeze Flower Kia Chester Slick
  18. The vet is pretty much stumped on this one - Roxy has started losing her hair again, particularly around her face and back legs. Thing is that she just had an ACTH test and the results indicated that the Cushings was all under control. She doesn't have her pot belly much anymore and isn't drinking as much which seems to suggest it is under control. I don't know if anyone's had any similar experience with a Cushings, or non-cushings dog? She's got to go in and be sedated so they can do biopsies on her skin.
  19. We have two 4/5 month old puppies at Dogs Trust Evesham (don't know where you're located?). Mum was a Husky and Dad was a Rottie, but they look Shepherdy... very nervous but generally good tempered, but they do need someone with large breed experience as they're going to be big 'uns. One male and one female.
  20. She's absoluetly beautiful, oldie Staffies rock (hehe).
  21. Turn the second one round and add some microphones...
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