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Everything posted by Jakeysmum

  1. Jakeysmum


    She is Lucy in honour of Lucy, hope you don't mind, He is Dexter, of course neither knows their name but they respond to the sounds and fuss. They have just come back from vet, he reckons dad's a collie and they are 12 to 16 weeks. Healthy. Much more awake today, but the house they were picked up from was full of young men smoking drugs so that probably explains why they were so quiet yesterday!
  2. Jakeysmum


    Oh yes, wanted to keep girly, steve likes boy, but none are staying! x
  3. Jakeysmum


    Thankyou to you all. The pups are now here with me thanks to a lady who picked them up in her lovely clean car even though they were very smelly! They are cross, mum being GSD, and here they are boy girl they are very quiet. Thankyou once again x
  4. Jakeysmum


    I have just had a call from a lady who want's me to try and find rescue help for two 16 week old alsation pups. They are threatening to pts if not TOMORROW! If anyone can help please pm me and I will personally pick them up and ensure they are safe till rescue can help, but I'm not in a position to keep longer than monday as I will be back to work myself. I have not seen them and only know that they are un vaxxed and would appear to have never seen a vet. I have not seen them.
  5. I can put up with ANYTHING (even the rubbish talentless Catherine Tate) for yummy David Tennant x
  6. I'm sure Lucy is having a ball. Big hugs Ellie, they are lovely piccies of a special girl x
  7. This man deserves to suffer, and if he can do it to an animal what 's to stop him doing it to a child. I lost sleep when I read this story and i'm glad he has been sent to prison.
  8. I remember Jasper, he has waited a long time for you, I hope you will be very happy together x
  9. Cracking game! I love to see us win x
  10. Mine have loads! They have got 5 each that they wear plus about two each that they don't. My name is claire and i'm a collar addict. I haven't bought a collar for one week.
  11. Aww congratulations! My big baby is 16 now but her 20 week scan was just like her when she was born it was amazing. Have you picked names yet? x
  12. I thought the schnauzer looked great but I really liked the american cocker and the wheaten.
  13. What a lovely walk, sorry I missed this one. Great to see Mal pottering around x
  14. I think it will be like most licences, only the fine upstanding citizens bother with tv and car licences and insurance etc, shame as I agree that there has to be a way of making sure dogs go to knowledable and suitable homes. How could we enforce any law, we would have to have police equipped with scanners and as they have just got rid of there duty to collect strays i'm not sure they would be keen to begin partolling parks scanning dogs etc. A start but I don't know how it will help the situation with dog attacks like the ones they list, these dogs were not pets but guard dogs in the main x
  15. Jakeysmum


    for oldies club please x
  16. Used to get it from 'farm and pet place', my local tesco used to have some of them (because they do puppy and senior too) and either netto or jollyes (can't remember now).
  17. Shame boosters aren't included but fantastic idea to encourage people who have lapsed or never vaccinated thanks x
  18. I didn't like jrt's, small yappy things, or labradors, just dull dogs. Now I have both! Jem isn't a typical jrt, and isn't yappy, and life with Bonzo is never dull (if you have met him you will know what I mean). I always used to say I didn't want a yorkie, not that I disliked them just couldn't see myself with one, but all the ones I have met have been lovely. I think a dog deep down is a dog and they vary in size and shape but still have the same needs and all give the same love and affection if you know what I mean so now I can't think of any breed I wouldn't love x
  19. Hope you had a lovely Gotcha day Henry, love Jem, Bonzo and Leo we will save your kisses for our next walk x (and me, ste and katie too)
  20. I'm horrified. If dog people don't pull together, whatever their chosen breed, we will all be in trouble. Silly man x
  21. I would like to make clear my comment about Barbara Woodhouse was a joke, not too clear above. She was rather cruel at times. But I think attitudes to dog ownership and training have really changed. A family dog 50 years ago was fed scraps, walked itself, had it's nose rubbed in it and shot if it bit. I think the dog trainers today at least use kind methods and hopefully this encourages viewers to use kind methods x
  22. I like watching them, I appreciate that you don't see all of what goes on and that you shouldn't try this at home etc, I think it does good to show that dogs can learn and also they often point out that the problem is mainly the owner not the dog. I think it is educational. I have never tried any of their techniques. I am a member of the Mic fan club though. Anyone remember Barbara woodhouse? Now SHE could train a dog!
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