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Everything posted by Tisaann

  1. The 'Nope, 273 more bumps to go' post
  2. The sing to the tune of 'green bottles' bump There are only 276 more bumps sitting on the wall 276 more bumps sitting on the wall and if 1 276 bumps should accidently fall there'll be 275 more bumps sitting on the wall
  3. Mmmm how convenient. My son phoned me last night at 9.30pm to say that he would be a bit late home as he twisted his foot whilst coming down the stairs in his mates house and it was all swollen. I offered to go and pick him up but he said he was almost home and when he came through the door his foot was already the size of a balloon so it looks like another week off for him....... probably with no revising either
  4. My son (16) has to do his own ironing and keep his bedroom tidy. We have a smallish white board on the wall in the kitchen and if I want him to do any chores (hovering, dusting ect.) then I write it on the board before I go to work and it is done by the time I get home. For this he gets £10 a week and he has never once moaned about any chore that he has to do
  5. Son goes back to school tomorrow after 2 weeks holiday and NOT ONCE has he revised. He was doing well at school until it was made into an Academy a year ago and now hates school with a passion, even to the point of not wanting to go on to further education.
  6. the 'good grief I forgot about this fred' bump
  7. Oh Dear! Welcome to my world. My body's way of dealing with stress is to form itchy can't-get-rid-of lumps and when dealing with difficult/rude/demanding customers over the phone I find that I claw these lumps until either the phone call finishes or I cause pain whilst scratching and they bleed and I have to stop. If it wasn't for these people my job would be great but I just don't know how to deal with nasty people I'm one of life's 'don't say anything at the time but think of lots of responces once I lay in bed at night'. So all I can offer I'm afraid is a big and a big X
  8. When I was younger I thought it would be a good idea to pop one of these in my mouth to make my teeth white...........wrong move...VERY WRONG MOVE
  9. What a pleasure those pictures are. Thank you for sharing. X
  10. Mines due for renewal soon and my current one sent me a quote that had gone up by £5. So I read Martin's Money Tips and on there he says to get a quote from the existing one as it is usualy cheaper. So I did and it turned out to be £30 cheaper plus 1 free month in the 1st year and 2 free months for every following year so long as I stay claim free. (More Than) How come is it that I have never made a claim in 20 years of driving but each year the price goes up
  11. When DP went down I was totally lost and used to wander around from room to room in a depressed daze. Then I received an e-mail from KathyW with the link and have been on here ever since. I sometimes go and look at DP but it seems to have moved on and there are very few names I reconise now. I have to say that I prefere here as it's more cosy and though I have never spoken or met up with anyone I do feel as if you are all friends.
  12. There is a grand opening of one very close to me next month. It will be called Mitcham Eastfields. As far as I can work out it has been on the cards for years but work only started last year after meetings upon meeting and then votes taking place.
  13. Oh Lordie, how cool was that. Wish I was the one with the tweezers. There's nothing more satisfying than a result
  14. Geeze what is going on in the world today. for your Son
  15. I was in Asda's last week and at the checkout they only had on the stands bags that cost 5p (long lasting) or small hessian bags for £2.00. The usual cheap, easy to split thin see through carrier bags were being dished out by the cashier. So with a FULL trolly load the cashier gave me 4 bags, once filled I asked for some more bags....she gave me 2.....once filled I again asked for a few more bags.....once again she gave me 2.....and it was at this point that I tetchely asked why I had to practacally beg for some bags and her reply was that they wanted us to recycle and at some point in the next few months we would have to provide our own bags as they would no longer stock any. So tonight I 'googled' for the old fashioned string bags that used to be around as kids and found several sites, being one that I am going to buy some from. However, I did come across a site that showed how to make them and wonder if someone could make them to sell on behalf of a rescue or to make to auction on behalf of a rescue. So, without further adoo, I give all those clever peeps out there the instructions.......... Melinama's pattern for crocheted string bags: (use cotton yarn, buttonhole thread or Serilon 20) Chain 7 and slip stitch into a circle; Eighteen double crochet into the circle; {Double crochet (dc) and chain one} into each of the 18 dc of the previous row; {dc, chain one} TWICE into each of the holes made by the chain stitches of the previous row (you now have 36 dcs and 36 chains); {single crochet (sc), chain three} into each of the 36 holes in previous row; {sc, chain four} into each hole for 14 rows; {dc, chain two} into each hole for 2 rows; {two dcs in each hole} for nine holes only! then: chain 30, turn around, and slip attach in two stitches to other end of the nine holes you just put two double crochets into; turn around one more time and {double crochet into two chains, skip one} 20 times. You now have 20 double crochets on the handle; {dc, chain two} into nine holes only; repeat steps 8-11 and you should be back where you started; dc into each of the 20 dcs of the handle; {dc, chain two} into nine holes; repeat steps 13-14, slip chain into a couple more stitches, and you're done. One bag should take 2-3 hours depending on your speed and anxiety level. Be sure not to collapse (tighten) the stitches too much. As a guide The price I will be paying is £3.80 + P+P
  16. Tsk! I thought we were all amongst friends. In which case warts an all can be shared without ridicule
  17. Oh crikey. One of those is a 'spit' away from where I work I will look into it on Monday. Here, have a cuddle from me for taking the time to look them up thank you
  18. Ooo it looks really homely and nice. If you have any stew left can you send it to me please as I love the stuff
  19. Oh blimey! you have just reminded me. The physio lady said it might be a good idea to go for a proper massage with a proper massuer as they can dedicate more time to the problem area. Thanks ANYONE KNOW OF A MASSAGE PLACE IN CROYDON/STREATHAM/SUTTON/ MITCHAM AREA WHERE THE PERSON DOING IT ISNT GOING TO FLOP OUT HIS TODGER AND OFFER ME SEX
  20. Thanks for your replies guys. Seems six of 1 half a dozen of the other. . I have had an x-ray Kathy and they never saw anything wrong. So I think that I will first see if I can hire a tens machine or mabe find a Lloyds chemist and buy one, then if that doesn't work I will see if the mattress helps, (when it finally blimmin comes ) and if that fails I shall be well cheesed off (and £500 poorer) and then use the Chiro thinggy bobby as a last resort. I do have to say tho that when this first kicked off I was well crippled with it and was unable to drive for 2 weeks as just changing gear was so painfull. ( I must have sounded as if I was having muliple orgasms with all the groaning I was doing as I drove along) However, now the pain is about 80% better than it was. I now have total use of my arms and my shoulder blades only ache sometimes. The pain seems to be centered more around the base of the neck and 2 inches either side and it's as if someone is digging me really hard in this area. I do get hubby to massage my neck but after a couple of minutes he whinges that his fingers ache still, at least he tries bless ars*! Godin, I thought we suffered from the same thing until I read that yours gave you headaches whereas mine doesn't but it is in the same place. So for all of you who are suffering as well XXX Tisa
  21. I have posted on here about a chiropractor Kathy but it seemed that they cause pain to get rid of pain and as I have been in agony since November the thought of going through a different kind of pain just fills me with horror. The way the pain started is a mystery in it'self. One morning I woke up and was fine and the when I was driving I thought blimey, I feel a bit stiff'. Got home and felt achey like when flu starts so put a hot water bottle where the pain was but during the evening I just couldn't settle and then thoughout the night I was climbing the walls in agony. Went to A&E in the morning as the pain was crippleing and he gave me pain killers which didn't help so it was back and forth to the doctors for pain relief and the up shot of it all is that the muscles from my shoulder blades to the base of my neck keep going into spasm and where this has been going on for so long I have now taught my body to tence against the pain, which causes pain but because the pain never goes completly away I never relax my muscles so if I could just get to be pain free I may be able to taech my muscles to relax. Have I made scence?
  22. Has anyone used one of these and are they any good? I'm thinking of buying one for the constant cramp in the top half of my back. So far I have had 6 physio sessions (did help but hasn't cured) brought a massager and have ordered a new bed with a memory mattress (arrives 14th April) but wondered if one of these machines would be any good?
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