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  1. I've lived on my own on and off over the years, i was never scared at all when i had the dogs. It's been a month since i lost Coin and i do feel less safe now he isn't here but i don't think about it much. Although in 2 weeks 'm going to spend 3 months in Northern California sleeping alone in a tent, and i am a bit worried that i might be scared at night.. But not really from people, since it's very isolated, more from the fact there are bears in the area, so if i hear a noise at night i think i will just stick my head in my sleeping bag and pray!
  2. coinsky


    I asked the vet about a sedative for both of mine but in each case it was felt that it wasn't necessary (and i don't remember but i think he said it can collapse the veins a bit so make the final one harder)? But both were very peaceful and fast without it, Starsky just lay with his head in my arms and did a deep breath and went, and Coin was chomping mars bar and literally as he swallowed the last bit i could tell that his eyes could no longer see and he had gone.
  3. Hi Ellie, I have made nettle soup, i just googled a recipe off the internet, it is quite strong tasting though (well mine was ) but is soooooo good for you. I also saute them. Just put them in a pan with some olive oil and garlic for a few minutes. Or with ginger and lemon. They wilt really quickly to nothing though so pick lots, and try and get the more tender baby leaves at the top. Oh, and they don't sting once they are cooked! Fiona
  4. Hi I used to work at Old Clayton, in this area i would definitely recommend them (i have also worked in one other and quit after 3 days as it was horrible ). The dogs at least get out of the kennels into runs 3 times a day and if time allows go for a walk on the paddock. The other place i worked at the dogs had hardly any bedding, hardly any toys and went out for about a millisecond. Having worked in boarding kennels for years i think the thing i would most look for is evidence that the dogs do actually get out of their kennels at least several times a day. Oh, and we used to take in lots of dog (and people) agressive dogs so thats no problem. Enjoy your holiday!
  5. Hello, I have been given a nice fleecy tartan coat (for about yorkie size), if it would be any use for the oldies club would someone please let me know where to send it? Thank you.
  6. Hello, My GSD Starsky had a TPO when he was 8 months old, the vet said he had the worst HD he had seen in a long time. The recovery was long, i think it was a month with no weight at all, then a month of 5 min walks and then gradually increase.. I was lucky (i think) in that i had a vet who believed that you should give the dog as much exercise as possible once he had recovered, so Starsky went on to live a totally normal life. He walked off lead at least 3 hours a day, chased his ball, did working trials (ok, never managed the 6ft scale) and agility. I never pushed him but he so enjoyed doing jumps and things. He did always have a weakness in his left leg (the operated one and the worst affected), and when he was 6, he went lame on that leg and the vets said i should prepare that it was the beginning of the end as they couldnt do a full hip replacement. I took him to accupuncture and 3 years later he climbed Ben Nevis I lost him this year at age 11.5 after he had an epidural that went wrong, and from which he never really recovered I do think his little legs would have still been ok for a few more years if that hadn't happened. So, my personal experience would say go for the op, Starsky lived a totally normal life after his, and i never regretted it at all. Good luck and hope everytihng works out for you both
  7. Hi Yvonne Love that picture of Precious running
  8. coinsky


    So sorry Sleep tight Dylan, watch over your mummy
  9. I have been taking my dogs for about 6 years, every other month (just to keep aches at bay), i think it helps and they never minded it at all, my vet charges £25 each dog
  10. coinsky

    Old Bear

    Awwww that face!!
  11. Run free Jade, thinking of you
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