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Red Rotties

Rescue Representative
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Everything posted by Red Rotties

  1. Why shouldn't someone want a pure breed? A mongrel usually comes from people who havent had the sense to neuter their dog, are the most likely to be found straying and ending up in rescue. My heart breaks for that little black sh***** around the bins that can sit forever in rescue waiting for a new home. Yes I do love cross breeds but whilst everyone is slating the breeder that is breeding to better their breed of choice, doing all relevant health check etc remember the cross breed comes from places far worse, from people that have done no research in to breeding, have no idea what they are doing to rear a healthy puppy and usually couldnt give a dam where and who on their estate it will end up with as long as its gone. I know where I would rather source a puppy from!!
  2. For goodness sake, we have cows in the country side, thats where they live. I feel for the poor woman and her family for a very tragic death. Sometimes I do think I live in a different world to everyone else, we cant buy a puppy and now farmers shouldn't have cows in fields
  3. Just cleaned the goldwing and waved Barry off to do a static display, must be a good wifey to get up and do that lol, may go up in the car later to join him if the promised blue sky appears
  4. Just on the comment of breeding a breed with health problems, my friend and many others within the bulldogs are trying to breed better dogs, I can tell my friends line of breeding very quickly now as she has managed to breed bulldogs with a broken stop (the roll of skin over the nose, most are a long line of skin) this enables her dogs to breathe better and be much more active, hence why she gets marked down at shows
  5. I found myself in the position recently of doing a bit of care or doggy sitting for a friend who breeds bulldogs who had had a litter. Five beautiful squidgy puppies, and how I lost my heart to them. My friend is a good breeder, health checks every one of her dogs before breeding them and then usually only one litter per girl, only breeds if she has homes waiting and takes back any that falls on hard times. The love and care I witnessed shown to that litter, she slept on the couch next to them for 5 weeks. Her dogs are larger than "normal" and usually only wins her classes at shows if its a foreign judge, as they tend to look more at size and movement. I was torn, I really really wanted one of those pups. However my home these days is getting too old for a puppy, although having Basil such a short time the thought that we would have a bulldog a long time this time did keep coming up and was very tempting. I think someone up there was listening to my inner turmoil at this time because my friend lost one of her bitches and the sister of that dog was very depressed, her other dogs picked up one this and started to pick on the lone girl who had always been stuck by her sisters side and had been protected her. One day there was a vicious attack which ended up on the girl being took to the vets with her wounds. It looked like when she came home she would have to spend most of her time living in a kennel on her own for her own protection. It took me a week to realise that this girl was MY dog and after pleading with both my friend and Barry, Beattie biscuit came home. I have never looked back and my Beattie is proving to be a joy and side kick to Perry. But if the attack hadn't happened I may have ended up with a puppy, who knows one day I may well do and I will hold my head up high. I have done rescue, help where I can and have had to take dogs to be p.t.s I know what happens out there, but my dogs are here for life, so I will always have the throw away ones but probably a dog that was bred responsibly too. I am realistic enough to realise that we will never stop breeding, but, would like to see stricter rules for this, and I dont mean the acredited breeder scheme, I would like to see where it becomes illegal to breed from dogs that havent been health tested or temperment tested with the test relevent to that breed, all pups tattooed or chipped to the breeder that bred them so that if a dog they bred ended up in the pound or rescue the breeder would be liable for cost until that dog has found a new home, oh I could go on and on but am sure you get the gist of it
  6. for Cher, thats why I ended up buying a salwar kameez for my step daughters wedding, but it felt so nice I ended up buying another two
  7. It could be a reflection of her mood :laugh: Good Afternoon all
  8. Is your hubby my hubbys twin brother , that usually happens to me!!!
  9. Twirley!!! but on the plus side the sun is shining which means today the bike can come out, we are off looking for a new car for Barry today but we will go on the bike, I love our wing, did I ever tell you that
  10. after watching Mary Poppins when little I wanted a shopping bag and a umdiddidella and in summer my boys loved bish bingers cooked on a bire in a bield! :laugh:
  11. for those that need them Pickle is soooo sweet i COULD EAT HIM Di a camera would be handy on your desk, its years since I saw a woodpecker Should I ask how Nige found that out or are we better not knowing Today is New Car day for me and I cant wait, its going to take hours until 1 pm!!
  12. Lots of people needing at the moment, thinking of you all xx Melp please go and see a welfare rights person, they usually hold court at your local libary, they will fill in forms such as council tax and usually go to the top of the pile when they arrive at the office concerned if they have the w.r. stamp on it and are dealt with straight away
  13. Night God Bless Patch, safe journey xx
  14. Is it just me that thinks that looks like a pigs head upside down
  15. Could it be these ones Michelle? the Green Knowe books
  16. Male stripper???, no well how about a large family photo or a lambs wool pashmena(sp) , give us a clue about the things your Aunt used to love when she was younger
  17. Blooming heck missis it must be cold there, go and get dressed!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I loved reading as a child and still do, I remember ladybird books and Janet and John, then found Enid Blyton, and wanted to go to boarding school but could never make my mind up which one Mallory Towers or St Clairs the first big book I remember at school was Animal Farm in my last year at primary school, I loved it and remembered the quotes for years to come ie all animals are equal but ......... , come on folks you know the rest of that quote surely Loo and I also found out very early on if Mum asked us did we want a book or sweets if we said a book we would get the sweets as well as Mum loved seeing us read (maybe because we were quiet whilst reading ) Hated Lord of the Flies with a passion
  19. So sorry , I am sure your parents are reunited, young, happy and carefree again
  20. So sorry Billy, your special boy did try hard to stay though for a while and you have had some lovely times with him, I always loved the photos you posted of you all on your walks in the hills, may his love stay wrapped around you Sleep safe Mal until you and your mum are reunited again God Bless xx
  21. Good Morning, to all that need them Lesley thanks for explaining re the pigs And look here.. Helly in the newspaper
  22. "strange question of the day alert!!" How long to pigs live? If they are going to be eaten what age does that happen? Daft questions I know, but we pass a field going to my friends that has about 6 sheep in it, a shetland pony, chickens and 2 beautiful pigs. They came last year and I love seeing them but have got my self in a panic now that they will be gone every time we go passed. I find myself holding my breath until I see them. So if they are eaten about 12 months old then that time may have just passed and those little grunters will be living a happy and long life, if not I think I will have to start travelling a different way.
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