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Everything posted by elefan

  1. Fantastic news for Wendy - men eh? Good luck Tigger - want a non-stinky breath snog!!!
  2. Loads of positive thoughts coming your way.
  3. Happy Birthday to you Kathy.
  4. I support The Elephant Sanctuary. That's why I am Elefan!!! Tarra and Bella are :wub:
  5. Reply from brother:- To be able to put someone's info on a UK controlled / hosted site, the 1st DP principle - fair and lawful processing must be satisfied. Consent of the individual will satisfy that requirement. However consent can always be withdrawn. So as I see it if the subject wants their information removed they can apply under Section 10 of the DP Act especially where damage / distress is being caused. The application should spell out the distress. This gives the Data Controller / the processor 21 days in which to respond to the application. If they say sorry still going to process, the next option is to go to the Info Commissioner with a complaint, but it is essential to have gone through the request and got an answer, ask for a review of the intial decision and say that if they dont stop processing because of the distress being caused a complaint will be made. The ICO will then consider investigate the complaint with the processor. If the person is not on the Voters List i.e. they are not on the public version, that is further evidence to show they do not want to be 'public'. HTH
  6. My brother is the Data Protection/Freedom of Information officer for a police force. He says there is a way but he will have to email me from home after work so I will post later if I can. Cheers Penny
  7. Poor Doo has obviously been pining all year for Santa Squid!
  8. OMG I'm in pain!!!! WAAAAY too exciting for me I'm afraid. Wendy, you must worry about them so much when you're at work
  9. Fig Newtons, molasses and watermelons for starters......
  10. Ooh yes, I've not taken part before but would like to, very much, oh yes.
  11. elefan


    Addicted of Somerset!
  12. So very, very sorry Wendy. Run free Dolly.
  13. Oh bless her, and Wiggle welcoming her home :wub:
  14. Masses of good thoughts for Dolly today and for Wendy. xx
  15. Loads of good, positive thoughts from me. x
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