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Mrs Mop

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Everything posted by Mrs Mop

  1. Last September, 4 hours after Gracie was pts, my house was sold and we moved in on 4th Decekmber 2009. Lots of work was needed including making the garden secure, after a lot of thought I decided to go for quality and easy maintainance. I will put each part in a seperate post to make it easier to read. This is my fencing, 6 months on and my conservatory is finished, the patio is pressed concrete and the garden fenced off as well as lots of colour. Bottom of the garden Patio as it is now.
  2. It was lovely coming on this morning to see so many threads with new posts in.
  3. To get things moving what about a photo competition, as well as our pets we can have other categories. No entry fees and no prizes, just the winning You can have judges or let the members judge. People love to show their photos off. Funniest stories, what has happened with your pets or yourself, even ghost stories, they can be fact or fiction. Again no fee and no prizes.
  4. Mrs Mop


    Ooops, sorry, wasn't very clear, the pup's details do have to be changed, for the breeder's peace of mind it would be better if they changed them or didn't chip them until they know who the owner was before they go to their new home. I have sold the dog/given the dog away is now common with dogs that come into the pounds, if the details are not changed, they will need to prove the dog was moved on or be responsible.
  5. At the top of the board on the right is "View new content", if you click on this it brings all the posts up that have been posted since your last visit. I always use this so I don't miss any important posts. Recently there have only been a few each time I come on, and some days there has only been 3 all day.
  6. Be careful if you paint the doors, they should be taken off and pained when flat or the paint may run. You can mix and match, paper some, paint others, paper like a room and they disappear from view, put mirror tiles etc on.
  7. Mrs Mop


    It may not have been aimed at people who know what goes on but the way it was written it was aimed at everyone. This is something that keeps coming up on boards, people not thinking what they are writing and upset a lot of people. The public do need to be educated on what is going on, but many don't want to know, especially those that are breeding and those that kick a teenage pup out and get another. Personally I would like to see all breeding regulated, more that all litters of pups have to be registered and making things so difficult for bybs and puppy farms to breed by having a lot of regulations. Micro chipping to be compulsory, puppies to stay with the breeder until they are 8 weeks old, this will deter a lot of breeders Pups to be microchipped before they are homed. If all dogs were chipped, the owners can be traced and the excuse I sold it won't work, the details are to them, they are responsible.
  8. I am going to run an auction for Rescue Remedies, if you are going to run one can you let me have the dates asap so they don't clash. An auction will bring people here but won't keep them, you really need to keep people so need people posting in the forum. Most people post in rmf now and rarely on the forum, I have problems with rmf because of the speed of it, I don't have problems on other boards with rmf as the members there also post on the board for important things.
  9. Mrs Mop


    Thanks Bonniebird and Barb, I have just been to hell and back with my Staffy, it has been a nightmare 2 weeks. Ellie was a breeding bitch that was kicked out when she needed help. She isn't a good example of a Staffy either, but has been bred and bred for money. This is what needs to be stopped as well as the puppy farms. If they were there wouldn't be any need for any rescue to have to pts or cherry pick.
  10. You can use wallpaper on the doors and put beading round the edges or just have a panel in the middle of wallpaper and paint the rest.
  11. I will need a place clearing for the caravan and my dogs Phebe The photos as promised. Maybe you should have a weekend of Fugees to help with the clearing, everyone bring their caravan or tents.
  12. Mrs Mop


    Why should I watch a program like that knowing that I may be extremely upset over it of course it is real life, I know what goes on, I don't need to watch a program like that to tell me. 3 of my dogs came straight from a pound, 2 were foster dogs for a rescue, 2 were in bad condition and 1 needed tumours taken off before she came here. If you want to sit and watch programs like that, that is up to you but don't expect me to because I won't.
  13. Everyone in Derbyshire be afraid, very afraid, Owl is coming. Where are the photos for me to post? 1/4 acre, plenty big enough for my caravan
  14. Reiki on the way for Edith, I hope her blood pressure comes down quickly and she makes a good recovery.
  15. With most special diets that owners get from a vet, most can be replaced by a commercial brand, my dogs are on a sensitive diet, both Joe and Merlin had to be, my dogs get Burgess Supadog Sensitive which is a lot cheaper than what I would have to pay the vet. There are other makes of sensitive dog food which are dearer. You do need to research the dog food and understand what your dog needs and don't need before putting them on another food but it can be done. I know from Merlin when he was diagnosed with the early stages of renal failure, my vet was happy to leave him on Burgess Sensitive if I found out what the phosphorus rate was, it was .1%, low enough for him to stay on it.
  16. If she is anything like Tilly she will make a lovely pet dog, very affectionate and obedient.
  17. She is my Tilly's double, how old is she? I have seen several dogs that look like Tilly in rescues, they were the same age as well so could be from the same litter and some younger as Tyler is.
  18. I have just got back from taking Ellie for a check-up, as soon as she saw Stuart the vet she launched herself at him, he quickly got us into a consulting room were Ellie launched herself at him again, they were both rolling round the floor playing, it seems that most of the staff play with Ellie like this. No wonder she gets so excited when she realises she is going to the vets. Thankfully my vets are not scary, all my dogs are happy to go there. Usually there are people in the waiting room to talk to, you can get a lot of information from them about the way the vets work. My vets have just done up the main surgery, they did discuss having cameras for people waiting to see what is going on in the back. This was quite popular until someone asked what would happen if an animal collapsed and it was shown in the waiting room. Ellie collapsed 3 times before they operated, if I had been in the waiting room and seen that I would be in a terrible state. They decided that it could be too upsetting for the people in the waiting room but they will show owners round the back if they ask. This is a case of know your dog, your dog isn't good at this, other dogs are.
  19. To many of us our dogs are our children, but dogs are not children, we can't talk to our dogs and explain what is happening, that really helps when a child is in hospital. I remember taking Merlin in, the vet wanted to take his blood pressure, they had had a lot of emergencies that day and there were 2 in then, the staff was fully stretched so he asking if I would help. The vet had been there for 12 hours and had dealt with several of these emergencies. Merlin being a Greyhound it was difficult to get his bloodpressure, the vet was really patient especially when Merlin wouldn't do what was wanted, he just gently encouraged him like we would. When I go I don't just talk about my dogs, we talk about all sorts including the World Cup, one of the vets is Spanish and wanted Spain to win, we talked football for some time. I got to know some of the nurses really well when Merlin and Gracie were going to hydro, it took Merlin 8 sessions before he felt safe enough not to need support, the nurse really did support his body in the tank, it wasn't easy for her either, in fact she was always exhausted afterwards. I would offer to help but she always refused, she didn't trust owners to support the dogs properly. I was always there when Joe had a scan, Joe had brain damage and was frightened of anything new especially vets thanks to the previous vets I had. The vet doing the scans Joe took to right away, never showed any signs of stress with him and would just stand there without anyone holding him while he was scanned. When my dog trusts a vet like that, especially a dog like Joe, then so do I.
  20. I don't think I could cope if I had left a dog with a strange vet and lost her, I would always wonder if I made the right decision or not but all those that know have had to do this adored their dog and had no choice, all we can do is our best and that does mean leaving them with people we don't know so they can recover. Sometimes we do have to do this if our vets don't do 24 hour care but that doesn't mean that our dogs are not looked after properly, I know from my vets that they get first class care and lots of love and hugs. When Ellie goes to the vets she expects everyone to play with her and they do, she adores going there. She wasn't like that when I first got her but she found that staying at the vets was fun.
  21. My vets took over the vets at a chainstore last year, they work independently from the chainstore, they were asked to take the practice over, I do know the reason but it isn't common knowledge. My vet is local, it is also a hospital and gives 24 hour care, the care my dogs have received there has been incredible. The vets, nurses and all staff do love animals and it shows.
  22. Yes it does depend on the owner, some of the owners I have seen in waiting room I wouldn't like them helping either, the dogs are getting more and more nervous in the waiting room before they see the vet. The nurses at the vets I go to are reliable, they treat the animals with respect, if the animal is nervous they get someone to help, they don't struggle on their own. I have every confidence in the nurses in the vets I go to, I have got to know them very well over the years and if it wasn't for a nurse last Tuesday, I wouldn't have Ellie now. Unfortuately not all owners are calm and competent and they do make the animals worse. In my vets animals don't get dragged away, several of my dogs haven't wanted to go into the back so a nurse was called to come into the consulting room instead. Maybe I am lucky with my vets, the animals are not taken were there are others, they are taken to a quiet place if they are willing to go, with no weird noises etc.
  23. I have got to know the staff at my vets really well over the years I have been with them, talking to the nurses they all say that far too many vets use unqualified nurses to do procedures they shouldn't because they won't pay the money to have trained staff. One of the reasons they love working there is they are never asked to do anything that they haven't been trained to do and they are encouraged to continue training for other aspects of care. Many of the qualified nurses have taken courses and can work in most parts of the practice. The vets are also encouraged to develop and learn more, several came straight from vet school and are now consultants. The nurses are encouraged to hug and interact with the animals, this is what they get at home so they need it when they are in hospital as well. Owners are not encouraged to go behind the consulting rooms, this is because the owners interfer and upset the animals, I have been behind several times and know what goes on. It is a lot easier for vets to take blood from an animal if the owner isn't there, they pass onto the animal a lot of fears that the animal wouldn't have. Ellie's treatment this past week has been wonderful, the nurse that has been taking care of her during the day I have know for some time, She also does hydrotherapy, Merlin took a long time to trust someone, with her he trusted very quickly, that said a lot about her. This same nurse asked to be with Gracie when she was pts, I had phoned ahead that I was bringing her in and she saw it up on the board, she knew Gracie well because of hydro. The vet who she is under came to this vet to learn about soft tissue and skeletan problems and is now a consultant in his own right. Thankfully not all vets are not like the one on Panarama, there are some really good vets out there, finding them is a bit more difficult.
  24. I did manage to get a bit more sleep last night but the hole did block with dried mucus, I had to use tweezers to pull it out. Ellie has eaten tuna this morning and had all her medication. She is moving round more now as well. The vet phoned yesterday afternoon to ask how she was, he will be seeing her at 6pm today. I will be adding veg to her meals today and tomorrow if it goes well will add either rice or pasta. Ellie is asleep now, all I want is sleep.
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