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katie deans

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Everything posted by katie deans

  1. morning Im only up at such a stooooopid time cos I fell asleep on the couch and have woke up with a stiff soooooooooo tired and dont feel like Ive slept at all
  2. Do you think theres any way of convincing your brother that she is a lying cow? What would happen if you came clean to the police about whats going on...Im sure given your age at the time of the initial interviews theyd have to take into account the pressure she put you under Dont really know what else to suggest but hope your brother sees sense
  3. Kendra has just had a phone call from her boyfriend Shes only 7 and hes in the year above her at school Is this the start of it now not good then
  4. Still swollen but not as bad as last night keeping him off nursery today and he is not impressed Untill I told him he couldnt go he was all woe is me but now hes saying hes okay...bloody kids
  5. Take deep breaths and count to 10 This car Ive been promised from freecycle sounds great Just need to pick-it up near Chester and get it back to Southport tomorrow evening
  6. Were back from casualty and Ethans thumb is still more than twice the size of the other 1...they didnt x-ray him and just said if its still sore in the morning to take him really cross now cos its not like the hospital is close by...we dont have a kids A&E in Southport anymore so we have to travel to it was I had to pay by cheque for petrol in the hope that by the time they cash it Ill actually have some money in the bank Oh you gotta larf!!! for everyone who's having a crappy time...there seems to be loads of horrible stuff going on at the minute reading the threads
  8. well 1 good thing has happened today (finally!) I just got a car on freecycle
  9. Court didnt go how Id have liked but it didnt go all my ex's way either The judge said they will have to investigate my allegations of violence and the fact that hes a psycopathic loser who has threatened to kill the kids so I now have to find a decent family law solicitor and have my statement lodged with the court by 16th Oct...then gobs**te gets to make his statement then we'll go back to court in 16 weeks. Luckily I have medical and police records to back up what Im saying so fingers crossed. In the meantime he can see them once a week as and when its convenient allowing for things already planned and that might crop up. Watch this space......................................
  10. think Im gonna go and watch telly in bed...cant seem to concentrate on anything of any importance and am just pacing and flitting from one thing to another I wish tomorrow was over and done with bet I cant sleep though and will be up half the night Night night fugees
  11. Its absolutely chucking it down here but theres something rather nice about being inside a nice cosy house listening to the weather outside or am I just weird
  12. I feel a bit eeurgh today...think its cos Im in court tomorrow over the kids and am not looking forward to it at all
  13. Now thats not fair I was getting all excited then....................................
  14. I picked Ethan up from nursery then went to wait for Kendra...she came out of school on time for once but only to remind me that it was tennis tonight and I need to pick her up at half 4 She said she knew Id forget so she had to come and tell me
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