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Everything posted by Muriel

  1. Muriel

    Reiki healing

    oh Errol is gorgeous Sending him masses and masses of Reiki, and also wondering if a Homeopathic Vet could help him more? To talk to one, try here
  2. Muriel


    Godin, I realised you were trying to be helpful, and I apologise if I seemed snappy, I didn't intend to be I read it as you thought 30c wasn't safe for kids or dogs and I was trying to say that it is in the right circumstances, ie acute situations, accidents etc. Your info was helpful Gundogsgalore, yes, I'm sure That's the general advice for us lay people using Homeopathy. I imagine your homeopathic vet will have a very good reason for starting with 30c, which I'm sure works very well. Homeopathy is a vast subject and extremely complicated
  3. Loads of Reiki on the way. Homeopathic Arnica 30c, one tablet three times daily will aid healing and recovery.
  4. Ok, I'll do that, would have thought the lines would be too busy for info requests, that's why I didn't. Just would have liked some info on where she is and if she's still needing help, then one of the Weimaraner Rescues could help?
  5. I know some of you are on doglost too - I have registered and logged in so I can ask about this girl but there's no way I can see to start her thread????? Can anyone tell me where she is and what's happening with her please? Or start her thread on doglost? Thanks
  6. Muriel

    Reiki healing

    Masses of Reiki on the way to you both.
  7. This dog was picked up on 30th June in Hurst, Wokingham. She has some white on her chest and is wearing a fabric collar. She is an adult, with a large white patch on her chest. Link to doglost : No thread about her, so I don't know any more. (can't see how to start one to ask either )
  8. Muriel

    Reiki healing

    Certainly Homeopathic Arnica 30c, one tablet three times daily for a few days would help her heal. From chemist/health food shops.
  9. Muriel


    HI Alexis, I've had quite a day and will respond properly tomorrow, but what I do want to say right now is that a Homeopath wouldn't dream of trying to diagnose simply by looking at a patient - that's what GPs often do. A Homeopath will take at least 1 and 1/2 hours for an initial consultation which will consist of observation, and asking dozens of questions to try to arrive at a place where they can recommend a remedy. Each follow-up appointment will be a minimum of 20 minutes and that's on the NHS!! I suspected you'd struggle with the energy concept, there was a time when I did too. I'm not saying that the body says 'I got to fight this' when for example an antibiotic is administered, what I'm saying is that the antibiotic is intended to set up a fight in the body - look at the name "anti" as in against - it's been designed to fight something as all the anti drugs are.
  10. Muriel


    Something I forgot to say - Allopathic Drugs don't even attempt to cure - all doctors and vets try to do is alleviate symptoms. Now that can be fine for a while - you've had a dog scratching for example and the dog stops scratching after ABs...... for a while, then he starts scratching some more so you get stronger ABs, it stops...for a while, you then get steroids, scratching stops for a while maybe, dog also swells up like a ballooon, etc, etc, before you know it you have a dog who is pretty ill, looks like an old man at 3 years old, and all the vet can offer is more steroids or whatever. ( has and is happening to a wee dog just up the road from me) BUT if that dog had been seen by a Homeopathic Vet instead, they would have looked to see what was causing the scratching and then given a remedy and/or advice that would have cured the underlying dis-ease that was causing it whether that was emotional, physical or an allergy to something in the environment. Homeopathy, herbs, flower essences, reiki, acupuncture, etc, etc all seek to cure and restore to full health, not simply to alleviate symtoms which will only recur possibly as a more serious illness next time as the original problem has not been sorted. You may wonder why I keep spelling dis-ease with a hyphen - that's because 'dis-ease' is exactly that - the body is not 'at ease' - something is going on to create dis-ease or discomfort in some way which manifests as illness until the 'dis' part is sorted. I too initially found the concept of Homeopathy very difficult to understand, BUT I saw it working on Hannah when someone advised me to try a particular remedy for something, so despite not understanding it I accepted that yes, it works. When you've got a Weimaraner with her ear swollen up like a balloon and give her Homeopathic Hammamellis and can watch that ear go back down to normal within 36 hours you gotta believe it works I had previously had another Weim with same problem which took a couple of weeks to go down. A vet would have given an anaesthetic, cut the ear open and drained the blood, sewn it up, it would take a few days to stop bleeding as ears bleed forever, much like tails, stitches to come out etc, a lot of discomfort and drugs for the dog which I now know is unnecessary. It also beats me why this blood which has been inside her body for a long time is suddenly deemed surplus to requirements just because it has collected in the ear temporarily. That's just one example. I've watched a big bruise and egg disappear with Arnica too. Try checking some natural health, herb and homeopathic books out the library and having a read, they may surprise you
  11. Still sending Reiki, how's he doing?
  12. Muriel


    Alexis, that's a load of questions, but I'll start with the Homeopathic one - Homeopathy is an energy medicine, ie precisely beacause there is so little of the original substance is what makes it work, it's the energy of the substance that is interacting with the body, ie tuning it into the correct frequency to restore health, does that make sense to you? Think radios and wavelengths. It's a different concept to allopathic. Herbal medicine works differently, but more like allopathic in that there is an appreciable measureable amount of the plant ingested by the body. The plant is administered with the intention that it will work with the body to restore health and people who have studied herbalism will know what amount should be administered in what way for how long to achieve what result. Allopathy is different in that it is administered to fight the body - antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, anti bacterial, etc, etc.......... It is setting up a fight within a body whose health is already compromised, and is struggling to regain health. Every physical body's optimum state is health and we, animals etc are always trying to be in a state of health. The food we eat, the air we breathe, the emotions we feel, the water we drink, etc, etc are all constantly affecting our health. When we are knocked off balance, off centre, we can become ill - when we are ill if we ingest something that works with us to restore health gently I believe that is the optimum way back to balance/centre/health, whereas if we take an antibiotic for example, our body then has in addition to trying naturally to restore itself to health, to fight this antibiotic which is imparting other toxins into our body. So then we have set up an extra struggle in an already struggling body. Actually it is a miracle to me at times that our bodies can so often overcome not only the original dis-ease which made us unwell, but also fight the toxins the well-meaning doctors/vets have added in to our already struggling systems. Sadly sometimes our bodies can't defeat the toxins thoroughly and cronic illness/ low grade health can result, and of course sometimes sadly death can. Watch an animal who is allowed to self treat - they will seek out the very plants that will make them well. Hannah, my first dog was a wonderful teacher. There were times she could barely walk, but she'd struggle to get to the plant she wanted, chew a leaf, lie down and wait - in a while she'd get up and walk in, perhaps to sleep for a while. She always made herself well if she could get the right plant. I recall letting her out very early one morning, much as I described - she went and chewed on horsetail which to me was a weed, now I was quietly freaking out at her chewing this weed, praying that she hadn't poisoned herself. I waited with her as she lay on the grass, stroking her, loving her, and after one of the longest half hours of my life she got up and walked in, went to her basket as I grabbed a herbal book I was given about 20 years earlier and had barely looked at - horsetail is for upset stomachs - just what Hannah had........she knew! I never saw her go near it before or since, just that once when it made her well. Another time her tummy was upset, to me seemed the same as that day so I went and got her some horsetail, she wouldn't touch it, obviously wrong at that time. What made Hannah's stomach bad and gave her serious Colitis? Aspirin and Metacam prescribed by the vet. And yes, they were always given with food, and the surprise to me is that Hannah always went to the part of her food with the Metacam on it first, I can only assume there's something in it to make it taste ok as I talked to a lady once who was on the human version and she told me it burnt all the way down! God gave us a medicine chest, we learnt to use it, but haven't quite got it right so are still arguing as humans are wont to do about the ways to use the plants. All forms of medicine as you rightly said start with the same base ingredients- plants - it's what we do with them that makes the difference. Like you and most people, I grew up being told that doctors knew what they were doing and gave us drugs to make us well, but sadly I and others have actually been made unwell by those drugs. It took a dog who was much smarter than me to start opening my eyes and see that there are many routes to health and now I prefer to choose the natural one for myself and my animals. My dogs do much better treated naturally. The vet assured me Hannah would not see 12 and if I had kept her on Metacam I know he'd have been right as she was quickly getting worse. Fortunately I read about Runaround and tried it as I had a strong gut feeling about it - she was running within a week and lived to 15. That vet retired, I would have liked to have been able to tell him as he was a carer and I'm sure would have been open to it for other dogs. Hannah liked herbs, Cassie liked Homeopathy and Millie so far is physically healthy so we'll see. Animals can even choose a Homeopathic remedy - I have tried putting one on one dish and another on another and allowing Cassie to choose if I was in doubt which one was right for her - she chose and got well quickly I have to agree that any medicine whether herbal, allopathic or Homeopathic if taken/given in the wrong way/doseage can have serious ill effects which is why I am often reluctant to advise and instead send people to a Homeopathic Vet who is much more experienced than I am. I am very careful about when I recommend a remedy as my intention is only ever to help. Flower Essences can do no harm, as can Reiki, so I'm much more likely to recommend then. Herbal medicine has been around for thousands of years and Homeopathy for hundreds, Allopathic is relatively new, being less than a hundred years old, closer I think to 50/60, so it's still in it's infancy. I think one of the problems with 'trials' of herbal and Homeopathic is that the scientists who are conducting them do not understand how they should be used and then use them wrongly, so it then looks as if they don't work, they seem to disregard the times they have been proven because they can't believe that they work. Sadly I think a lot of it is about the fact that plants can't be patented and a fortune made from them - me , a cynic? never Did you know that your doctors and vets get lovely free cars, holidays etc for selling/prescribing 'x' drug so many times? I was shocked when I saw the shelf full of Metacam in my vets office once. I'm shattered now, but hope I explained it in a way you understood what I tried to say. I probably better read it in the morning and see if I do
  13. Muriel


    Exactly Ange! That's why I started learning after aspirin and then Metacam nearly killed my first girl despite the vet assuring me they were perfectly safe! Fortunately I have eyes that can see if a bit belatedly at the time as I made the mistake of trusting him as I did the doctors who filled me full of drugs that have harmed me badly. In my experience dogs tend to do a lot better if treated with herbal/Homeopathic or some other form of natural 'alternative' as they are gentler on the system and seek to work with the body instead of fighting it with a toxic substance. There are occasions when I would use a chemical, but not often now as I know more. Alexis, I'm perfectly well aware that Aspirin and in fact many prescription drugs have plants as their base, but nowadays I prefer to use those same plants in their Herbal or preferably their Homeopathic form as they are generally safer. Naturally anything should be checked for side effects, interactions etc before taking whether it's herbal, homeopathic, or allopathic, I think most people are aware of that. Taylor, the Green Lipped Mussel I used for Hannah was in Runaround from Stock Nutrition It also has Shark Cartilage and Vits C & E. You can get Green Lipped Mussel in most chemists. Obviously if the intended recipient is allergic to shellfish it's not a great idea
  14. Muriel

    Reiki healing

    Annie, It's difficult to say what may help best without knowing more. I think your best bet is to talk to a Homeopathic Vet even if just by email or phone, you'll find one here Generally any injury calls for Arnica, Rhus Tox and/or Ruta Grav may also help. Until you can get professional advice one of each in the 6c per day would not do any harm and may well help a lot. Give them all at different times - one morning, one lunchtime and one teatime, same one at same time roughly per day. Arnica 6c Ruta Grav 6c Rhus Tox 6c Ideally given away from food with out touching them - tip one into bottle cap and from there onto a clean plate and see if he'll take it, if not, add some bland food. Don't get your k..........s in a twist about it, just go with the flow, see what works for him. Perhaps some gentle massage if he'll let you? Or acupuncture?
  15. Muriel


    Sorry I didn't see this yesterday - ok, Homeopathic Arnica 30c one tablet three times daily for a few days after surgery - helps swelling, bruising etc, generally helps heal quicker. Also great for any injury - bumps, falls etc. Any surgery planned in future, you'd start Arnica two days before and continue for a few days after at that dose. Echinacea is an immune system booster which is also great for colds etc. But great at any time, and surgery is a time when the immune system has to be strong so would be great now too. How much? Depends on weight of dog - take it as a proportion of your weight and dose accordingly - ie, my dog is about 6stone, I'm about 8/9 stone, so 2/3 of adult dose would be right. Godin - both 6c and 30c are perfectly safe for both children and dogs, babies even - the difference is that 30c is best in an acute situation such as surgery, accidents etc, and 6c is more often used for long-standing complaints If, however you have an acute situation and only have 6c you would give one extra tablet per day. ie, surgery and only 6c to hand, give 4 per day.
  16. Muriel

    Runny Nose

    Maybe just an slight allergy? Unless anything else happens to make you worry, I'd just keep an eye on her. You could always phone the vet. But of course, go with your gut.
  17. Muriel

    Bio Flow Collars

    Well worth it, but have a look on ebay first as they're often selling there for round about £20 so a tenner saved I wanted one for my old girl, but kept getting blocked and then a friend sent a different make of magnetic collar. It took 5 or 6 weeks, but one day she just got up and walked across the road which she hadn't done for ages
  18. Muriel


    You're probably all fed up reading my story of how taking my oldie, Hannah off Metacam and putting her on Green lipped Mussel gave her at least an extra three years. I wish I'd realised at the time that Glucosamine was natural as it may have helped later when the GLM stopped helping as much, but a pharmacist friend talked about it so I thought it was a chemical thing and wouldn't touch it! Now that I know better, I'd try it too. Really glad you've been able to help your pal
  19. Muriel

    Reiki healing

    Loads on the way to teq's mum an those who care about her.
  20. Muriel

    Reiki healing

    Loads of Reiki on the way for Sid and Katy. For Sid, Homeopathy could well help. Katy, try not to worry unless you have to - difficult I know. Rescue Remedy could help you feel less scared.
  21. All the best to him Please tell me you also posted this on dp and I replied there and am not going crazy or did I dream that I replied?
  22. love the pics, she's gorgeous! I'd try cranberry juice too, make sure it's real cranberry juice though, not all additives and sugar etc. I'd talk to a Homeopathic Vet, she can't keep having all those antibiotics, they're going to end up harming her. To find one try here You mentioned on the other thread about wanting her to have meat etc, well, just give her meat - raw chicken wings, steak, whatever you fancy except pork probably - a lot of dogs don't do well on pork. Veggies are good for them, throw a pile in the processor/ toss her a carrot, whatever works for you. My girl loves an apple too, and most fruit except kiwi fruit I'll send her Reiki if she wants it.
  23. Lots of Reiki on the way for all of them, particularly Max. He's not had any vaccs, wormers or anyother treatment recently, has he? that could have upset him?
  24. Muriel


    Having lived 99% of my life in Scotland, I can guarantee that no amout of clothes protecrt you from midges, it's worse when they find their way in. I get bitten in the most intimate places despite being fully clothed. As someone who has spent most of my life being eaten to death by the, I've tried most things and the only thing that's worked for me is the Homeopathic remedy Culicoides Impunctatus mix 30c from Other things have worked temporarily. Last year I got Avon Skin so soft dry oil body spray which seemed to help too, haven't used oit this year, just the homeopathic stuff and have been walking through them without being eaten.
  25. Muriel

    Advice Please

    ah, Reiki's wonderful stuff, I'm always sending to all the dogs and people on here who need it, as are other folk, so he very possibly picked some up earlier.
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