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Everything posted by K9Fran

  1. I've been suffering very similar symptoms since Christmas - my GP has done blood tests and a throat swab for Glandular fever, but nothing abnormal detected He sent me away with a course of antibiotics, which haven't touched it, so I'm back to see him next week. Might be worth persuing the Glandular fever thing though - if only to rule it out.
  2. My boss is lovely, I love my job, but.......... I was taken on as an administrator/accounts person - 30 hours a week. Since the start of May I've worked 2 x 6 day weeks and about 9 houirs overtime on top of that. I'm working the same basic hours that my predecessor did, only our turnover has more than doubled. I worked 50 mins extra yesterday, and was told I could leave early today - it's #3 son's 12th birthday, so that worked nicely. When I got in this morning, my boss needed another intensive project done (as part of the stuff I'd been doing yesterday) as well as the day to day admin, so instead of leaving 50 mins early, I got to leave 15 mins early. My boss is one of those people that nobody ever says no to - he asks you to do things, and you find yourself doing them because he's so nice and you can't think of a good enough reason not to do as he asks, but just occasionally, I'd like to be able to leave 'on time' and get home to my family (especiallly as my OH works weird shifts, so we only spend 2 weekends in every 5 together). Now I know you are going to say -'why don't you tell him how you feel'. I don't because I've got myself into such a state about it that as soon as I start to think about it, I start to cry Would it be appropriate to put it in an email, and what do I say?
  3. Rodrigues and the teeny tiny lady look like winners to me - the rest are just freaks.
  4. K9Fran

    Heat Stroke

    Our office Dallie has to have sun screen on her pink nose and lips and be very carefully monitored as she will lie on the decking for hours, even in this weather.
  5. I forgot Kes! How could I forget Kes?.......
  6. I think you and I must be about the same age. I started with Janet and John too (and now roll about on the floor when Wogan does his 'tribute' to them in the mornings). Enid Blyton Secret Seven (as opposed to the more popular Famous Five) and then on to Black Beauty, the 'Jill' books by Ruby Ferguson, anything by the Pullein Thompson sisters or Pat Smyth, Follyfoot, and then on to Joyce Stranger. The only compulsory reading I remember was Lord of the Flies and Shakespeare. Didn't do A level English, but do remember the metaphysical poets.
  7. I am so sorry to hear this devestating news, this hot weather is a nightmare for our dogs when they are struggling to support themselves. I hope she really enjoys many more days with you, and pray for the strength you will need when the time comes to make that one last loving decision.
  8. Don't be fooled by a good website and lists of names - many of the artists I work with in my job have equally good resumes, but being a good backing artist doesn't mean you've got what it takes to push yourself mentally (as poor Susan has found out).
  9. I've never known such a wussie dog, my first dog was another Doodle and was unphased by most things, and since then I've always had bitches - but Barney now has a pink heart shaped ID tag, and a pink vet bed on order! Bless him, I wouldn't change a thing about him though.
  10. Saw three dogs being walked today, at lunchtime (13.00 hrs) one on a lead, walking on hot tarmac (have you ever walked on hot tarmac in your bare feet?) and two others, once a staffie type, the other a collie RUNNING to keep up with their owners on bikes!!!
  11. Sitting down to eat lunch, watching the only working TV left in the house - a 12" which lives on the kitchen table, when a horrendous scream followed by loud wimpering comes from Barney in the back garden! :o #2 son and I rush out there (while rest of the family sit and look at each other....) and he's standing at the top of the garden, near, but not in the prickly bush we had to get him out of in a rush yesterday when he made a similar noise....) Standing on 3 legs with his head down and cocked to one side..... I carefully felt his shouldar and neck, then worked my way down his elbow, forearm, wrist and foot - nothing! Encouraged him to walk and he's still reluctant to put his foot down, but the further he walked, the more happy he was to put weight on it. When I walked away, he happily trotted after me back into the house and OH thought I'd imagined it! He is now lying quite happily, stretched out at the top of the stairs, oblivious to the fuss he caused........
  12. Car crash doesn't come close Oldest didn't even reply. Youngest replied but said don't try and contact me again. His Ex has contacted him and said they are both not his! That means she was having an afair for at least 3 years before she left! Now she wants to meet OH, but he says no............ I'm reading between the lines and wondering if her husband (the man she says has fathered both children) is blackmailing her to claim parentage of both children (there are secrets which would give him that power)......... Gawd - if this story was to be in a chick lit, you'd never believe it would you?
  13. Oh no, hope he makes a swift recovery for all your sakes.
  14. I've tried alsorts - ice cubes, alchol gel (quiet succesful), Tiger balm, special bite relief spray pen..... Currently getting the best relief by having OH give it a good hard squeeze every so often to release the pressure and get the clear fluid out of it.
  15. K9Fran


    If only they could all just fall asleep as peacefully as that and be as surrounded by as much love. Run Free Malcom.
  16. So pleased to hear some good news.
  17. Thinking of you all. Sending you the strength to help Mal on his way to sunshine and green meadows over the Bridge.
  18. I went to my bosses joint birthday party on Saturday night, and I've come how with a gnat bite on my calf. There is a red patch about 4 or 5 inches around it now, and it itches and throbs I've taken a 'one a day' hayfever tablet, but it didn't touch it I've also rubbed it with Lanacane ointment - nothing...... I'm tempted to rub it with an ice cube - any other ideas?
  19. I had an armfull of blood taken yesterday to be tested for anemia, and a throat swob to be tested for glandular fever My Dad was anemic for about 18 months before he died, and MIL has an undiagnosed bleed which causes her anemia - both had to be 'topped up' with blood transfusions. In both of them one of the main symptoms was memory loss/vaugness/confusion. Anemia seems to be a symptom of other things rather than something independant........
  20. Just think how much worse it would have been if it had been blunt! That is impressive, well done Mr Lainey!
  21. According to Wiki - Bryan Ferry had Dave Gilmore (Pink Floyd) playing guitar - was that who you were thinking of?
  22. Sinuses - you can get a cup thingy with a mask on it to make inhalling easier for a couple of quid from Betterware etc. Olbas oil or similar is good, or Friars Balsam is what was recommended to me. I used to get sinusitis every time I had a cold, but since I started inhalling at the first signs, I've not had it
  23. So pleased to hear Mal is feeling brighter, long may it continue.
  24. It sounds just right. My parents are buried together under a Rowan tree in their local church yard, I intend to collect some seeds from it this year and grown my own Rowan tree.........
  25. Do you think I'm gong to have a problem when Barney's Pink vet bed arrives? It's a bit of a joke in the family that he's the only gay dog in the village, and he's very quickly got used to his new Pink heart shaped ID tag, but is a Pink bed a step too far?
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