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Everything posted by K9Fran

  1. If it's not fox - could be hedgehog, theirs tends to be long and black (and smaller, surprisingly )
  2. There you go - that's a good one isn't it? I'm struggling with some 'stuff' and would be good to chat to anyone who understands/knows where I might be coming from......
  3. Banging doors have Missy the springer in a blue funk. especially at around this time of year - which ties in with when we got her from the kennels. We have to be really careful when the front door is opened if either of the back doors are open, as she will bolt out of the front door (normally then hides under one of the cars on the drive, thankfully, and doesn't run). Not sure if Prozac is the same with dogs, but in humans it can take two or more weeks of regular tablets to have an effect.......
  4. In my Borders it was marked half price in the sale (normal price £18.99) Made for very interesting reading, especially the bit about Cesear Milan and 'pack leadership' and why it works for him. I'd really recommend it as it not only covers dogs, but cats, horses and zoo animals.
  5. As others have said, yes, under the right terms and conditions I believe they can do it. I manage our joint account very tightly - only direct debits and standing orders go out of it and I transfer the balance to another account with a different bank where it is the only account I hold with them.
  6. Glad it's sorted. Some on here will remember I had a lump in the roof of my mouth which would come and go - no pain, just a bit tender. It was an abcess, but because it was protruding into an area with no nerves, I coudl't feel it. Offending tooth was removed and no more problems. Hope Emily makes a quick recovery.
  7. Had a lovely chat with my boss (whose a very trendy sporty guy in his mid 30's - aren't I lucky?) I took Friday off sick, so I suppose he was doing his 'caring employer' bit (last employer I had that did that made me 'redundant' after 6 months). He's prepared to change some of his ways of working (ie not interupting my lunch break), and wants me to meet him half way, to tell him if I'm snowed under and that it's a strength, not a weakness - bless him! Feeling a lot more positive now
  8. So sorry to hear your news. I was hoping you might have longer, but he was obviously needed elsewhere. It sounds like you have some wonderful memories to treasure for ever.
  9. That's what OH said re the menopause, but Dr never mentioned it at all.
  10. I've had a sore throat for over 5 months now - Dr has ruled out glandular fever and anemia, given me a weeks work of antibiotics which didn't touch it. now thinks it's a symptom of over work (so I've asked my boss to lay off the 'over time' and phone messages/phone calls outside of working hours, don't think he's too happy about that ) I am still getting weird panic attacks - my legs turn to jelly, I get a crushing sensation in my chest, I feel shaky, I want to hide away in the house or go somewhere far away near the sea. My throat keeps flaring up, slight temp. swollen glands (like mumps ) And that's when I'm not at work!
  11. I wanted a hitodonomus when I was wee (hippopotomus), and if there wasn't enough room, I'd ask people to mooz ober (move over). #1 son told me the friend staying for a sleep over had the turn overs (it was Passover and he was Jewish)
  12. I would have thought the land owner would have every right to request certain conditions are adhered to by anyone who uses their land.
  13. Yes, Rodriguo had to convince another housemate to let him shave off their eyebrows - the Irish lass whose name I can't remember was up for it. And the BB called a male and female hm into the diary room and asked them to change their names by deed poll - they weren't told what they would change their names too. Freddy and one of the blond bimbos went in - Freddy was game, but the Blonde didn't understand what was being asked of her, but both did it anyway. Freddy became Halfwit and the blonde became Dogface.
  14. LOL - no even easier than that <G>
  15. Thanks Mrs B, no, I'm really lucky, I work from my bosses house in a lovely residental area. Phone rang three times in 30 mins, then boss walked in complaining that somebody had phoned him because they couldn't get an answer on the office phone (they hadn't left an answer phone message) - I told him I must have been in the loo!
  16. Sorry to hear you're having a tough time cheryl - employers like that don't deserve employees like you (and me ;))
  17. Update - made a Dr appt first thing, as been feeling rubbish all weekend - panic attacks when all I was doing was watching F1 (go Jenson!). His diagnosis - my employer is overdrawn at the bank of Fran! I told my boss when I came in, he seemed fine, then got a weird phone call from a friend of his ex wife (of 3 years) and has now bolted to his GF for a cuddle, leaving me on my own for lunch........ I'm ignoring the phone while I'm taking my lunch break
  18. Sounds scrummy. My slow cooker cooked me a rice pudding today, lush!
  19. Run free at the Bridge Patch. Thinking of those who loved you and who you had to leave behind.
  20. I've also got the dryer balls (I'm a sucker for 'energy saving' stuff) I find they work well enough on small/medium loads, but I do tend to over load the drier, they don't work so well on seriously 'full' loads. Besides, Barney thinks they are funny shaped tennis balls!
  21. Yes, I've used vinegar for softening clothes, although I've switched back to fabric softner because vinegar didn't leave them soft when line dried (worked fine if they were tumble dried though) all the MSE peeps seem to say use white vinegar, but I used malt vinegar and it was fine. Kept the washing machine draw clean too. Costco own brand of washing powder if very good value too - comes in a plastic bucket, and you only use very little, so a bucket lasts us a good 6 months or so (family of 4, one load at least every day, so probably 10 loads a week) The only thing it isn't too good on is whites, so I use a good quality own brand for the whites.
  22. You shouldn't be able to touch any of the sides when wearing them (which is probably why they do look so ugly). I'm a ladies size 8 'ish, my Holey Soles are a L (Mens 8-9, can't read the ladies bit as it's too worn )
  23. Thank you lovely sensible Fugees. We are a very small company - it's literally just me and my boss (and the office dog, who is probably on my side, as she hates it as much as I do when work interupts her family life), so I AM the secretary - so note to self - book meeting with the boss! I couldn't believe it when I looked at my mobile this morning, to see a message from him asking about a booking we'd made for one of our performers -had I asked for the payment cheque to be made payable to the right person?...... I replied asking what he wanted me to do about it, the performer had the contact details for the client and should have contacted them, and he came back saying nothing, the performer had contacted the client. But it's disrupted my whole day. It's complicated by the fact that although it is my mobile, the sim card is a contract which is paid for by the company.......
  24. Has anyone mentioned constuctive dismissal - changing the terms of your contract to such a degree that it's not the job you originally signed up for? Hope you can get it sorted Cheryl.
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