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Animal Communicator


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Although this is mainly horse based I thought I'd put it in here as it does related to dogs as well.


Tonight YO Sam and I went to see this lady, we went with an open if sceptical ish mind. We had to take photographs and she would pick out some that were 'talking' to her. Just before she started she said that had anyone had a foal die because there was one behind her bopping up and down and the foal said to tell mum he was ok. Qute a few people reacted to this but then she said the foal was very young, had a short body and long legs. Sam nearly fell off her chair as she lost a foal at three weeks old few years ago. The lady then picked up a photo and said who is this horse, it was my Dobbin!!!! She said the only thing Dobbin would say was 'I am what I am' and that in a Victor Meldrew voice.she also said Dobbin was happy. That was a bit eeeeek!


Then we asked if she could tell us anything more about the foal, explaining that Sam had lost one and she had a picture. Sam gave her the picture and the lady looked at it and asked if he had had something wrong with his throat or chest and then she became visibly upset and said 'it's so tight, I can't breathe' and was shaking her head from side to side. She then asked Sam to take the picture off her as she could not cope any longer.


The weird, sort of scary thing is that the foal ruptured a pulmonary artery and literally drowned in his own blood so would have been in great distress. Sam said she had goose bumps every since a foal was mentioned and when she took the photo back she felt a sudden, if brief tightening in her chest.


There was much more to it and she was right or nearly right on so many occasions. I'm sending her a photo of Jack dog to see what she comes up with about him and we are getting her up to the livery yard to talk to the horses. I still don't quite know how I feel about it all, it was certainly disturbing! This could be interesting, watch this space for Jack's experience.

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That's amazing! I've never had anything relevant from an animal communicator but I have had messages from humans who have "left" - so accurate that I can't do anything but believe there's something there. The major one was a message from my son through Tony Stockwell and, although I'd wanted a message, I was a mess for several days after it. Disturbing isn't close. But now it's an enormous comfort to know that he's well and that he thinks I did everything right for him. I guess it'll be a comfort to you to know that Dobbin's happy. And that poor foal - how awful it must have been for everyone to lose him like that.


Can't wait to hear more!

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I went on a workshop day in amimal commumication it was fascinating even though I was skeptical! I has just started to foster Roly & Snoopy who have been here 21/2 years now as failed fosters - I took a picture of Roly & everything she said has turned out to be so true!

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Sounds amazing!


I had an experience going to a lady who picked up on my two horses who had died, the things she said about them were so personal I don't know how she would know about them otherwise, it was quite an experience.


I have been thinking about going this route for Loki with all the problems we have been having, does she have a website?

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Another skeptic here - however I do have an avid interest! I have seen and heard things that can and can't be explained. Would love to do a workshop to understand a bit more.


I'm a skeptic too, but like you have seen and heard things that make me doubt myself.


Before I moved into this house I was living in an old detached house with two friends. I went through a three month period of waking up every night at 2:39am on the dot to the sound of somebody running back and forward in the court yard below my bedroom, but when I looked out there was nobody there. One night I went to investigate, armed with a baseball bat expecting to find some maniac, but there was nothing to be found.


I would also come home from work and the windows in my bedroom would be open, even though I'd closed them that morning. My stereo also turned itself on and off on a couple of occasions too. Then one day I had been on night shifts so was sleeping during the day when I was woken up to what sounded like somebody kicking my bedroom door, when I opened it I found a picture lying on the floor outside. It was from my friends room, but her door was shut. It was all quite creepy.


I also went along to see a medium with my sister a few years back as one of her friends had dropped out. I have to admit, I wasn't taking it at all seriously but then she said 'does anyone know a Cyril' That was my grandad's name, but we suspiciously held back. So she went on to say that she had a Cyril trying to make contact and he had a black dog with him called Prince. Now that was pretty accurate, but she then said 'I don't know who Pete is, but Cyril says he doesn't like him'. Pete was my boyfriend at the time and at the time I was quite upset by that, but it turned out that my grandad was right not to like him! :laugh:


So some part of me does believe, but I also think there are lots of frauds out there too.

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Clare, it's the Serenesprit website, Jack has booked his slot for March, can't wait to see what happens.


I've always seen people who have passed on and never really thought much about it, it just happens. I find cold spots in houses and become aware of any presence that is about, there are two lecture theatres at the uni that I would not go in for a gold clock, I just know there is something wrong in there. I can 'feel' what is happening with plants and save all sorts of wrecks abandoned by students at term end, this results in me living in what is pretty much a jungle. :biggrin:


I think I'm just normally intuitive with animals, I could read Dobbin like a book and always knew what was going on with her. She has never left me though, she's always somewhere about, I sort of feel her wrapped round me but not in sad way, she just wants to be near me and I'm happy to have her there.


I was asking Sam which horses she would want to have the communicator see and she said it would have to be all of them because she thought if she left one or two out and they really wanted to talk they would feel awful so she has to save up for 7 consultations at £40 each! Eeeek!

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Um, well, I touch them and sort of feel if there is any energy there, not really energy, do I mean life force? I just know if the plant 'wants' to survive or has gone past revival, some very dead looking plants are still there and want to come back. It's really hard to put it into words because sometimes there isn't a word for it! I do get funny looks in garden centres when I suppose what I'm doing is having a quick natter with a plant but appear to be fondly stroking it's leaves! :laugh:

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slightly less serious but still on animal communication, i had a communication done by someone over the phone on my dog, they had a photo of her. They said some fairly accurate things but i was still skeptical how much was just coincidence..but..and i kid you not, the second she got off the phone to me i turned around to see my female normally quiet around the house 7 yr old neutered dog humping her bed! she'd never ever done that before that i know of and it was the instant the communicator hung up the phone..i don't think that was coincidence..not sure quite what it says but i think she was trying to get the communicator out of her head.. :laugh:

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Good point Gremlin22, should we be getting into our animals minds, how would we feel if our dog or cats popped into our heads sort of randomly and asked if we needed to chat about something. :laugh: The communicator did say that sometimes animals just don't or won't speak to her so maybe they have the choice.

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Sceptical here too, after watching Derren Brown do it very accurately on telly, so I'm doubly sceptical about animal communicator's. I'm sure an animal's owner can have a connection, but a stranger looking at a photo ? hmmmm.

But saying that, I see some of my animal's before I get them, I saw Louie, and both the cat's, never saw Celli or Spud, but did see Ben a heck of a lot this time last year, although I mistook him for a Rottie ( he does have the same markings ) , thankfully I had said to all my friend's at the time that there was a Rottie following me, so at least they believe me laugh.gif

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