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How'S It Going?


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Seems to me that rehoming of Oldies Club own dogs has slowed down a little recently and I just wondered how the Oldies Club is doing compared to previous years and how much the economic climate seems to have affected things. There are some lovely dogs in OC care right now which seem to have been waiting a while when you would really think they should have been snapped up by now. Do we have any figures for different periods of the year and previous years so people can see how things are going? It really would be good if a few more could find homes before Christmas comes and that would also free up some spaces for the Christmas drop-outs. When I helped out at a rescue kennels there were always extra oldies just around Christmas when they were dumped to make way for new puppies and I don't suppose this year will be any different. mecry.gif Thank goodness for clubs like the Oldies which can help a few of them to have a safe and happy old age.

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We had a really busy summer, then you are quite right - things just slowed to a crawl for a month or so, it was really odd. Suddenly we were still getting the requests for help but no homes!


However, the good news is that things have really picked up over the last couple of weeks, and a lot of the dogs that seemed to have got 'stuck' do now have interest (I'm not saying which ones because I'm afraid of jinxing them is that silly...?) Home visits are being done and quite a few adoptions are in the pipeline, so the figures are probably going to change quite a bit shortly.


For some reason though, STILL we have no interest in Pip ! Can't work out why!

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Brilliant.....that all sounds really good. Everything crossed that all goes smoothly with all the possible offers and many more dogs find their perfect couches for their twilight years. It isn't always easy to judge from checking the website and the forum, just how things are going, so I am really pleased that the year has been a good one despite the recession. Looking forward to reading of some more happy re-homings very soon. :cheer:

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Doesnt help much for this year but I'm working with an organisation in the north east called Bright Paws. They are a canine therapy/training centre, only been open a short time and very keen to help raise awareness and funds for Oldies. Rebecca is letting me have an Oldies noticeboard so I can put up posters for help, so will also put up posters for Ginny and Pip.


We're also going to organise a Valentine fundraiser "fall in love with an oldie which will include a fun dog show and a seminar on caring for oldies, as well as "meet an oldie".


In the meantime, good luck for all the other dogs, let's hope they're all settled in time for Christmas xx

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