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Very Scary Walk


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just took my dogs for their walk, we went to the field we always go to at the same time, i tend to go at the same time as one of mine has been attacked and i prefer to allow him to have a good run off his lead, i always thought he was fear aggressive but today he has proved me wrong :biggrin: we got to the field and i saw a woman who i know and saw she had a dog with her that has attacked my lad before (not her own dog) i had my youngest dog whom i thought was fear agressive and my staffy who is 9 years old, we wwalked onto the field, this woman was sat in the middle of the field on her mobile, one dog miles away (but i know he is a friendly little chap)the other was in the middle of the field with the woman off lead, now i couldn't really go a different route as the dog could get us from anywhere, the woman looked straight at me twice and the next thing this dog was hurtling towards me and my dogs.. i called can you call your dog back as both of mine were onlead so could go nowhere, she sort of made a half a*sed attempt to call it back, by then it was too late!!! it went straight for my staff who is 9 riddled with arthritis and has other probs too :mecry: i too am disabled but kept hold of both of my dogs whilst this dog kept coming back again and again, i am sorry but i did kick out at the dog (i wanted to scare it off) i didn't make contact with it i then had to decide which dog to let go as i was being pulled everywhere and neither dog could defend themselves :mecry: i saw my staff would do a better job of defending herself so i had to let her go (i have never seen my other dog bite/snap at another dog) i hate myself for having to decide who to risk. my staff tried to defend herself but this dog was much younger and was soon on top of her so i dropped my other dogs lead and he jumped in DID NOT BITE/SNAP and led the other dog away :ohmy: the owner/walker then appeared full of "oh sorry" and turned to walk away, i am so proud of both my dogs as the instant i yelled get here they both came back to me :biggrin: i thought this is the second time my dog has been attacked by ths one and she thinks "oh sorry" covers it.... i let fly, told her everytime i saw her with that effin dog it attacked mine and i was sick of it, she tried to tell me it was the first time she had had the dog :ohmy: and tried to blame her brother in law (in the lads defence he keeps it onlead until we go and i make sure mine go onlead too)she was then asking oh what happened i didn't see you come on the field..err you were facing me, so i told her i remember when it flew across the road to attack him and on that occassion i had to try and lift my dog away and now again it has flew over to my 2 onlead under control dogs and you say oh sorry!!! then my mum called as she was walking away and she must have heard part of my conversation with my mum as she came back again to flaunt the dog in my 2's faces and then goes oooo as they are barking lunging (i think after a dog had attacked me i may bark and snap too!!)she asked if my dog was hurt and i said i didn't know until i get home (i can't bend/kneel properly) and she said oh well come and see me if she is hurt and off she went, she then told a friend of mine who she bumped into "oo i better go before they attack another dog" she knows the dog has a problem and has told me before "this ones a psycho" so why allow it to approach other dogs, my lad who i thought was fear aggressive will bark at another dog but that is it, will happily stay offlead away from other dogs as long as they stay away from him, if i see an owner/dog i don't recognise he goes back on lead until i can assess if the dog does what its owner asks, this may be overly cautious of me but i never want to be the owner in the wrong and jepordise my dog/s. i really am chuffed that neither were hurt, my older girl jumped in to protect her brother and me and that my lad did not attack but led the dog away by acting as bait and then both returned to me when i asked them to :wub: i am very pleased that we saw a dog we knew 5 mins later and my lad just stood had one woof and that was it and my staff was her usual wiggly self so hopefully no long term behavioural issues! the dogs are fine but i have hurt my back :glare: my mum says i should call the dog warden but to be honest that would just open a whole can of worms and no doubt it would end up being my staff and staffx fault because of their breed :(

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First of all have a :GroupHug:


Can you get in and out of the bath OK as it might be a good idea to have a soak in nice hot water to ease your back.


I get fed up of numpty owners who think it's perfectly OK to let their dogs charge up to on-lead dogs and generally try not to take responsibility for their animals. It's not their dogs fault it's THEIRS :mad:


I can understand you not wanting to contact the dog warden and your reasons why but it might be an idea to get someone to go with you as a witness and to help with the dogs or get any further incidents on camera so you have back-up. I think if you just leave it's possibly never going to resolve itself :unsure:


Anyway I hope you are soon feeling better and enjoy a much better walk next time out :flowers:

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What a horrible experience for you and your dogs. People are so ignorant and stupid to allow dogs free rein to attack other dogs and then make silly comments about it.

I have 2 elderly labs and the bitch can sometimes be off with strange dogs when we're out so I only let her off lead in areas where I can see all round me and put her lead on if needed; it is so frustrating when idiots with dogs off lead take no notice if I ask them to keep their dogs away and let them run up and harrass her.

I hope you and your dogs are now recovering.

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thankyou :flowers: have had a shower and some painkillers and have found my trusty wheat bag so that is going on my knee and back. i am not too bothered about me being hurt obviously it is annoying but i would rather me get hurt than the dogs but i am disappointed that i couldn't protect them both :mecry: my mum has come back and has helped me check the dogs over throughly and both are fine not a mark on them luckily :biggrin: i am a bit gutted as i have only just managed to start walking both dogs together again as my oldest was struggling a bit to keep up but now she is fine and they love pottering around together but it is making me think twice about having them out together which is a shame as they didn't do any wrong. my mum has offered to come and help me walk the dogs but it will have to be evenings and i feel i am losing a bit of independence.. silly really as it would probably be safer for the dogs but that was the one thing i had complete control over (what time they went for a walk, how far, training etc)i haven't told my dad what happened yet but i imagine he will explode, he adores the eldest dog (he loves them both but the eldest is his princess)and i guess the fact it was the same woman involved won't help things :unsure:

yantan i fully agree, i don't blame a dog for its behaviour ever, it is who is with the dog who has responsibility, don't get me wrong, i am not saying my dogs are angels they aren't but like Goldenoldie i realise my dog has an issue and i manage around it (although perhaps now the problem isn't as bad as i thoght!)i have never allowed anyone else in the 4 years of owning my youngest dog to walk him as i don't believe they could read his behaviour, the oldest dog is a babe and my dad used to walk her for me. i tell you the really annoying thing is that whilst the dog began its attack she stayed on her mobile :mad: i really believe there should be a law against being in control of a dog and being on the phone (no probs with hands free usage)

thankyou again i will think about the dog warden but i guess i just feel i will be opening a whole can of worms.... although the attack happened in front of a couples house i know so maybe they saw something

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I carry a spray of very dilute disinfectant, (Teddy doesnt always oblige with easy scoopables,espcially after eating cheese at night)

It may not be the attcking dog's fault , but its the one that may need stopping quickly and a quick squirt oftens makes them switch to thinking about something else, and see the error of their ways.

I know others might not condone such, but TT is very protective and while he will quite happily play with or submit to with any dog 10 ft away , he will inflict damage on any dog daft enough to have a go at him whilst he is close to me; so i see it as saving aggravation and bloodshed.

I think there are certain circumstances when taking evasive action is the best thing all round.

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No wonder you let rip, what a complete idiot of a woman :mad1: well done Laney for not not blootering the other dog into next week, and :GroupHug: for the three of you.

I've been thinking about getting one of those walking belts, my friend has one which I've used and they are quite handy, would that be an option for walking both dogs ?culpeppers

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thanks Lester :flowers: unfortunately the dog came across the field that quick i hadn't even got "call your dog back" out of my mouth before it was laying into my pair, if i had only had the one dog i would have walloped it with my stick (not nice but hopefully would have gone away)

Jane, i like the idea of the belt, the only thing that concerns me is i wouldn't have been able to drop the lead so both me and the dogs would be stuck, defiantely a good idea for getting up the field though :)

my dad was absolutely livid and said it was a good job i was with the dogs and not him :unsure: he is going to have words with the woman when he sees her and make his feelings towards her irresponsibilty quite plain, as i say it is her fault, not the dogs fault.

we went out for our walk at the same time today and i had decided that if she was up there with the dogs again off lead i was going to come home and ask the dog warden to advise her on safe practices exercising a dog agressive dog, it was fine, she wasn't there and we had the field to ourselves and i know most of the people who tend to be up there at that time of the day and all know my dogs and why one barks his head off and all are fine with us, i will admit to being a bit nervous and the walk was slightly shorter than usual but neither dog seemed bothered too much although i was constantly on the look out :rolleyes:

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