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Semi Outdoor Cats

Mrs B

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Forgive me if some of the details here are a little vague - I don't want anyone to recognise themselves from the description I give (although I'm pretty sure they're not around here anyway).


I have 'known' these cats since they were kittens - there's three of them left now - two boys and a girl from the same litter. I can't quite remember how old they are, but think they must be about 15.


Anyway, at one time the cats lived in the house, then the children came, and I did realise that, with time, when there were visitors there were no cats in the house - but thought that was to do with some folks not appreciating cats climbing all over them.


What I hadn't realised was that for the last year or so the cats have not been allowed in the house at all. :unsure: They are still fed and have an "outdoor kennel" (I haven't actually seen this - or if I have I haven't realised what it is). I just hadn't realised as I still see the cats around the outside of the house at feeding time.


Although I'm not particularly a cat person, I find this quite sad really - I know how much they used to enjoy climbing on our knees for a purr and a cuddle, and just feel that they have been discarded in some way.


Am I over-reacting? Are cats happy to live in this way? Should I feel sad or just accept that this is life?


As I said, I do know they are being fed and have shelter of some sort - and am fairly confident they would get veterinary treatment if needed. But no new flea collars for Christmas this year - "because they don't come in the house any more". :mecry:

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That's very sad. It might be an acceptable way to keep cats that had always been outside, if they were cats that have great difficulty adjusting to a new way of life.


It's definitely not an acceptable way to treat cats that were raised as pets and have been used to indoor life, especially given their age, exactly in the same way that it would not be acceptable to dump three old pet dogs outside in a kennel.


I must say I'm dubious about whether the owners can really be observing them closely enough to notice medical problems either, given that they aren't being flea treated, so presumably, the owners are not regularly handling them (by the way, flea collars are awful things, but from what you say, it sounds like the cats aren't getting any more appropriate flea treatment either).


My cats would be very upset to be treated in such a way.

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I agree in thinking it's very sad.The cats must wonder what the heck they've done to deserve being shut out in the cold.It's not fair on them,especially having been used to an indoor life and particularly as they approach the time of life when a bit of cossetting and spoiling and pampering should be in evidence.


I have a friend who shuts her cat out all day and night and he only really comes in during the evening for his tea and a couple of hours till they go to bed.It upsets me when she tells me about it.I've persuaded her to build him an off the floor bed with shelter from the wind and rain as I figure that's as good as it's going to get.Maybe you could try doing the same.

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The thing that would really ring alarm bells with me is the lack of flea treatment, although one collar a year is not great. Fleas are not just an inconvenience for owners, they are uncomfortable and a health risk to the cats as well. That makes me dubious that the owners are actually looking out for these cats.

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Poor cats :mecry: I have 4 young cats who ask to go out and 5 minutes later they are asking to come back in as they're finding it too cold. My 15 year old cat asks to go out but promptly changes his mind once the door has been opened for him and he feels how cold it is, he also comes to bed with me every night and snuggles under the duvet to keep warm.


The poor cats must be freezing, at their age they should be snuggled up in a nice warm bed with a hot water bottle.

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poor cats, these cats need to be indoors, when Sammy and James got to about 15 they only ever ponded out now and again and their fav place was their bed by the radiator or looking out to the garden was enough for them, well they were pampered but they lived to 20 and 22 years of age...i would hate to think of any cat out at this time of year its freeeeezing...

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I was kind of hoping that I was overreacting and that you would all make me feel better by saying that cats would be happy like this.


Obviously not!


I will now have to cogitate on what I can say or do to help this situation – going to be a very delicate negotiation I fear. Not back there till late January, although I may be on the ‘phone before then.


My best hope is probably going to be that the cats choose themselves a new owner(s) with a nice cosy bed and warmth for themselves.

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