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Roxy Just Keeps Getting Worse.


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:GroupHug: Hope Roxy is feeling better today.


Just as an aside quite often once you get Cushings regulated it can often bring out other problems that the dog may have had but the excess production of cortisol from the Cushings has been surpressing.

So you quite often just sort the Cushings out and then you are bombarded with another list of ailments! So please don't start questioning why she has suddenly got all these things with you :GroupHug:


Has she had her thyroid tested too?

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Thanks again for the support everyone :wub: I'll try to answer some of the questions -


She has had her thyroid tested and it was normal, which is why they tested for Cushings. She had an ACTH test last month, and the Cushings was all under control so they kept her dose the same.


She's looking much less puffy today, but not quite normal. :( She's still itching at it though so I have to keep stopping her. I'm going to ask about vitamin E on wednesday when I take her in, I'm also going to take the photo of her swollen face in (as my regular vet didn't get to see her in full puffiness) so she can see how bad it was.

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Oh Roxy :GroupHug:


Rachel I just want to send loads of love to you and your little piglet :wub:



me also, no advice at all..useless or what?, but I want to send your pretty girl loads of love and hugs :wub: :wub: :wub: positive thoughts being sent too for her quick recovery.

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I got in touch with a friend today who is very involved with EBT's as I know she has had a lot of experience with bad skins ( Bullies are notorius for it) she has sent me a link to a page on her own Bullie site Arcazy which details a Bullie she helped who had very bad skin and was helped by using a herbal supplement, there are some pics at the bottom of the screen which show quite a dramatic and fast turn around once the herbs were used.

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i used a product called "bob grass" on my boy after he had mange, he had hair loss on his throat and lower legs, his skin wasn't broken though, if you have a google, see what you think and if you want to try some instead of having to fork out for a pot i have about 3/4 of a pot left that you can have :) i must warn you it is really smelly and if you have light coloured carpets etc may not be ideal :rolleyes:

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Just a quick update - Roxy's swelling has gone down completely today, and lo and behold, npw it's gone down her skin looks 100% better than it did before she had the bath. It's obviously helped loads already with the mange; before the bath/swelling her face was covered in open sores and very red/sore looking, now it looks a normal colour and the sores are almost healed! I wasn't expecting such a quick result, so the aludex obviously has done a good job in the end.


Spoke to our regular vet again today (she has been on holiday whilst all this went on and was horrified to hear about Roxy when she came back, rang me straight away) who knows her and is IMO much more help and much better than the bloke we were seeing while she was away. She said that Roxy's biopsies had been absolutely swimming with demodex mites, whereas normally you're lucky to see one or two in a demodectic mange case. She thinks that what may have caused such a bad reaction was a sort of mass mite death - as they die they secrete nasty stuff, and as there were so many it may have caused the reaction.


It seems worth trying to contimue with the baths as it's worked like magic already. She's going to keep up the piriton and do a little patch test of aludex on Roxy's face, as with less mites this time round she may not have the reaction. If that goes ok they'll give her very dilute baths, or maybe just bath her body and leave the head. Other than that there's advocate, but she said that with cases as severe as Roxy's it doesn't tend to do very well. So we'll see anyway, but for now Roxy seems much more comfortable, more so even than before she had the bath.

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That's much more positive and thank goodness Roxy is feeling so much better. You must be very relieved :GroupHug: I hate it when my vet goes away as we get locums in and they are not always as up to snuff as our regular man.


Keep us posted please :flowers:



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