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Toilet Training


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I have a 5yr cav x breeding bitch. She has been with me for 6 mths. She has turned into a timid but happy dog, and has learnt how to be a dog by following Harri (lab 6) and a chi puppy (now nearly 7mths old)


The problem is that she is still weeing and pooing in the house, bathroom, kitchen anywhere she wants. I have been putting her outside regularly and some times it works. But sometimes she will come back into the house and have a wee inside. She has totally ruined my landing carpet with wee stains, and the laminate floor in the hall. Help, what can I do, its really getting me down. :unsure:

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Do you stay outside with her when you put her out? Have you tried teaching her a command (I use "toilet", people use different words) when she goes in the right place, and giving her a treat, to reinforce that outside is where she is meant to go?


If she's coming back in and wee-ing, it sounds (assuming she's not got a bladder infection etc) that she's not yet clear on where she should be going?


I had to house train our collie when we adopted him aged 5 and I did the above with him - staying out with him until he had gone, teaching him the "toilet" command and giving him lots of praise and a treat when he did go in the right place. I made sure to take him out first thing in the morning, before and after b/fast and dinner, various times during the day and last thing at night. I know some dogs are great at letting you know when they want to go out, but mine never have been so I just have to anticipate! It didn't take *too* long and he's very good indeed now :flowers:

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I would agree you need to stay out with her until she goes.



I also found it helped to have a specific area for them to toilet in, rather than let them wander round the whole garden.


I took mine out on the lead to that area and waited while they sniffed around. If they didn't, I walked them slowly round the area until they went. Then lots of praise and a treat.


I had one bitch who was rewarded with throwing her toy as she was not food orientated.


I also teach a cue for going which comes in very handy when you need them to go.

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Went through the same with my very first dog, and it was lucky we had stone floors at the time. You do have to go out and stay with them until they do it, and you have to watch them if visiting someone else's house. Even after they have learned where to pee and where not to pee at home, they don't take this knowledge with them when they go visiting.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest flitter
:flowers: Thanks for advice given here. I am training my puppy and he is just slow to get things. Mind you he spends so much time tripping over his own ears he has trouble concentrating on anything else. xx
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