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:ohno02: i cant believe that no one was suspicious about the location and lack of a proper clinic or that he prescribed treatment (from a shed) without noticing that ely didn't have anything wrong with her teats, his attitude alone would have sent me somewhere else


those poor animals that passed through his 'care' :mecry:

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I heard some of the recordings made undercover on the radio this morning. I honestly can't understand how he's got away with it for so long, or how anybody could have been fooled into thinking he was a vet - he didn't even sound as though he knew what he was doing and his attitude to the animals was horrible. People must either have been very ignorant or just wanted 'cheap' treatment and not cared very much how it was delivered.


I'm just sorry for any animals who were harmed by this man - or pts by being shot in the head :mecry:

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Having read the undercover report, I can't remember reading anywhere that the reporter actually brought the dog for examination. Would no one ever think it rather odd that a vet would prescribe medication without having examined their animal first? I know that the reporter was doing an undercover piece, but how many people will have accepted 'over the fence' medication without having had their animals examined first? Surely this "vet" wouldn't have gotten as far without idiot/uncaring owners of his patients? :unsure:

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:ohno02: i cant believe that no one was suspicious about the location and lack of a proper clinic or that he prescribed treatment (from a shed) without noticing that ely didn't have anything wrong with her teats, his attitude alone would have sent me somewhere else


I thought the same about people not wondering that something was up from the location/going to the shed for medication etc. Sounds as though some people may well have used him as a cheap "vet" while ignoring the very dodgy surroundings :unsure:


Not the case for Elly though as she was "borrowed" by the journalist for the purpose of helping to expose this twit, from reading the report - the reporter was already onto him at that point.


It's worrying for the health of the animals he's supposedly "treated" in the past isn't it. I also hope the poor lurchers in his "care" are ok.

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Just been googling a bit about this guy, makes interesting reading. He's well into the lurcher/terrier working dog scene, and has been supplying cheap meds for patching up injured dogs off the back of a lorry for years. Also a 'breeder' of huge numbers of lurchers (presumably hence the 120 lurchers on his premises).


Tbh, from a discussion I've just read about him on another forum most of the people who used him weren't pet owners and were well aware he wasn't a vet. They just wanted cheap meds/treatment and didn't give a damn who provided it.

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