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Training Disasters


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Somedays don't you just wish you hadn't left the house?

Running courses last night at Training and Merlyn was in the early class and ran third. Course started: Jump,Tyre,Jump,Left turn to Tunnel,A-Frame, jump, snake of three.....

Left Merlyn at first jump and went to Tunnel before calling him and although I heard him clatter through Tyre I thought nothing of it and ran him right until he came over the jump after the A frame and turned right to begin snake whereupon he went under a jump on 3 legs! He appears to have bruised his left Hip (he was stiff this morning but not so bad) and he was hopping lame, I was devastated that I didnt notice earlier and made him jump further after he had hurt himself :( He had some Arnica and went to wait in the LandRover until my OH could come and collect him.

In the next class I ran Kleine and as it was a big class it was 20 mins before her run which she spent giving "advice" to all the other dogs. I ran her up a warm line of jumps and she cut out after the 2nd and ran back into the LandRover and practically refused to come out. When we did get her out she was obviously lame in her shoulder which she has been sound in for weeks.

So I managed to complete 7 obstacles and broke two dogs doing it - how rubbish do I feel :(

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:GroupHug: That's the worst thing about dogs when they're having fun, they don't have the sense to stop and go "ouch".

One day last week I did agility and flyball training with my girl, then went home and she had a mad half hour in the garden and knocked her leg on a wall that is only 18 inches high, some agility dog :biggrin:

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How are Merlyn and Kleine doing now? :flowers:


Merlyn has been jumping on the bed and tearing up and down stairs all weekend so fingers crossed he is better. Kleine on the other hand is not and her intermittent lameness continues - she'll be going to the Vet Wed/Thurs (dependant on when good Vet is working) for a Look.

If Agility is not rained off this evening I'll take Merlyn and see how he goes.

Edited by Amaranth
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