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Kiera N Me Are Going To Climb Ben Nevis!


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I'll sponsor you too.

Can I add a word of caution? Friends of mine did the three Peaks challenge. There were three of them....and it was just as well as one was airlifted off Ben Nevis (only with cramp but they couldn't get him down) and as it's not really safe to do it on your own, they would've had to abandon their attempt if there hadn't been 3 of them. Just a thought but if you could persuade someone else to join you it would be even safer.



Well, technically there are 3 of us - believe you me Kiera is a personality in her own right! - but I assume you mean 3 yoomunz. Like I said, I didn't know anyone who'd be up for it, so Fiona came to the rescue and suggested it to Kym who kindly volunteered. If you'd know anyone who would want to volunteer as well then that would be fab! :) I see from your location that you are about as "close" to Ben Nevis as I am btw, and if you'd be trainning for 3 months you'd be well fit enough to come along! :wink:

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Hi Billy,


Do you know dates yet? I don't think I'm doing much toward the end of June / beginning July. Me and Katie could come along. I think Cal would bite me if I tried to make him walk that far but K would probably be up for it. We went up Ben Lomond last year - it was pretty misty but I think we were almost at the top when my little sister threw a wobbly and refused to walk any further.


Tracey xx

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Hi Billy,


Do you know dates yet? I don't think I'm doing much toward the end of June / beginning July. Me and Katie could come along. I think Cal would bite me if I tried to make him walk that far but K would probably be up for it. We went up Ben Lomond last year - it was pretty misty but I think we were almost at the top when my little sister threw a wobbly and refused to walk any further.


Tracey xx


I was thinking either weekend of 17th June or 1st weekend in July, but I'll have to speak to Kym first to see what dates are best for her. In any case, sometime round that date. You and Katie would be more than welcome, maybe we can find a date that suits us all? :)

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Hi Billy


I did this last September with Ted. Will dig out my write up and some photies to send you. It's a much kinder climb than Snowdon or Scafell. Ideally you could do with allowing 2 days so that you can pick the best weather day. Could you stay overnight?


If I can I'd be up to do it with you too but maybe not with Ted - it was twice as hard with Mr Clever, 'Look how fast I can do it', Pants tugging me up and down!! Although I do now have a better harness :wink:


How flexible are your dates? A little earlier or later 'might'! miss the worst of the heat and the crowds.


PS. If you fancy the 3 Peaks :wink:

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Hi Billy


I did this last September with Ted. Will dig out my write up and some photies to send you. It's a much kinder climb than Snowdon or Scafell. Ideally you could do with allowing 2 days so that you can pick the best weather day. Could you stay overnight?


Oh that'd be great reds, would love to read your write up and see pictures! :) I've not been up Scafell, but me n Mal did Snowdon a few years back and I'd gathered that Ben Nevis is actually a lot harder? Hmm, good to know it might not be then.

Fiona has kindly offered for us to stay over at hers, but I also like the idea of camping at the foot of Ben Nevis (or the closest a camp site will get me to it). I just love camping, specially with dogs! :biggrin:


If I can I'd be up to do it with you too but maybe not with Ted - it was twice as hard with Mr Clever, 'Look how fast I can do it', Pants tugging me up and down!! Although I do now have a better harness :wink:


Hey, we might be getting a whole group together after all!


How flexible are your dates? A little earlier or later 'might'! miss the worst of the heat and the crowds.


I'm fairly flexible, only I would like to do it during a weekend, simply because I might be running out of days off at work. :rolleyes: Ive gathered that the best time to climb Nevis is between June and September, that's why I wanted to go mid-June - beginning of July, after that it gets to full blown tourist season (says she who is a tourist! :rolleyes: )



PS. If you fancy the 3 Peaks :wink:


I would actually, but I'm not sure how I'll manage that with work, seeing as I want to take Mal on holiday sometime too. What are your plans?

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There is a Youth Hostel right at the base but don't suppose that helps with dogs?? You can wild camp overnight and maybe they'd let you leave your camping stuff at the Hostel? Lots of camping sites nearby though with just a short drive to the start - that was the scariest bit for me!!


It's a longer slog than the other 2 peaks but the steepest bit is at the beginning and once you're passed the Lake, it's much better. The zig-zag paths make it a more gradual climb so it's not the vertical pain filled walk that I'd feared or as strenuous a climb all the way up as I remembered Snowdon to be (major relief that!). Several Fugee's offered their experiences and I'm sure they will again. Think I had it easy though as the weather was unusually Perfect.


The 3 peaks is waiting for something utterly insane to push me into it but am hoping to do the Yorkshire 3 Peaks asap if you fancy a training walk for The Ben? Maybe end of next month?

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I was thinking either weekend of 17th June or 1st weekend in July, but I'll have to speak to Kym first to see what dates are best for her. In any case, sometime round that date. You and Katie would be more than welcome, maybe we can find a date that suits us all? :)


Hi Billy,


I think I could manage either of those dates. :flowers:


I will take the dogs on a test run in the campsies tomorrow or Monday and make sure my back will hold up reasonably well to walking up and down hills. I will also do a bit of a test walk up Ben Lomond at some point - I have a friend who I'm sure would be up for a spot of hill walking with me.


I've been doing a bit of experimenting in the kitchen and I have a recipe for flapjacks that you and Kiera might like. Take about a kilo of bananas, 250g dates (or other dried fruit apart from sultanas or raisons as those are poisonous to dogs) and 250g peanut butter (you could use any kind of nut butter you like apart from macadamia - those are poisonous to dogs).


Slam the bananas and peanut butter in a food processor. Chop up the dried fruit and mix it into the banana / peanut mixture. Then lob in enough porridge oats to make the mixture stiff. Put on a baking tray and bake at about 180 for about 20 - 30 minutes.


My dogs love these (and if I've taken them out early in the morning before breakfast, I sometimes have a couple while we are out as well :biggrin: ).


They'd be just the job for keeping people and dogs going on a long hill walk.


Tracey xx

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I will happily sponsor you. BUT make sure you remind all the people who've offered to sponsor because I know that I, for one, have offered to sponsor people in advance before and have forgotten when the time comes round :rolleyes: Make sure you pm me to get my money!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thought I'd resurrect this thread for an update! :)

A friend of mine has asked if he could come along with his dog too. Mike and Merlin are both pretty seasoned walkers; Mike is of the human species and Merlin is a gigantic white polar bear, dressed up as a GSD :)


I've been thinking about dates and I'm wondering how everyone feels about 1st July? Fiona, would you mind asking Kym if she is still up for it and how that date would be for her?

Reds and Traceymcl, would you be up for the 1st of July?


Me n Mike are thinking of driving up on the Saturday, camp, climb Nevis on Sunday and camp again that night, to drive back down souff on Monday. I've got a spare tent if anyone wants to come and share the ,camping experience', but needs camping gear :)


Give a shout! :biggrin:

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