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Muscle Rub


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Does anyone know of a deep heat for dogs?

My Gypsy doesnt realise shes getting on in years and goes after a ball as if she were still a pup. She manages to keep up, but boy does she suffer for it later! The muscles on the inside of her back legs right near her tail become as hard as rocks and she finds it hard to walk or get comfortable. I gave her a hot shower down once with a small massage and that seemed to help, but i cant bath her everytime she goes for a walk, so i would really like to find something like our version of deep heat to massage in. i'm sure our deep heat would be too strong to use and nasty if she licked it off!

Any ideas anyone please? :flowers:

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Does anyone know of a deep heat for dogs?

My Gypsy doesnt realise shes getting on in years and goes after a ball as if she were still a pup. She manages to keep up, but boy does she suffer for it later! The muscles on the inside of her back legs right near her tail become as hard as rocks and she finds it hard to walk or get comfortable. I gave her a hot shower down once with a small massage and that seemed to help, but i cant bath her everytime she goes for a walk, so i would really like to find something like our version of deep heat to massage in. i'm sure our deep heat would be too strong to use and nasty if she licked it off!

Any ideas anyone please? :flowers:


Although in Joyce's case it was probably mal treatment rather than old age a decent diet (chicken & mixer) and a spoonful of cod liver oil each night made a big improvement in her mobility very quickly.


As for heat rubs etc I havent needed to try it but the following article might be of interest


Alternatively, whilst again I havent tried it & it's not stated to be for pets so you may need to ask but there's a natural based muscle rub & various pet elixirs here

Edited by Ian
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You can get funny squishy gel bags that you can either microwave or freeze, I expect a chemist would have them as they're the same for humans. I took my old rottie to a physio and he taught me how to massage him using big long strokes with my palm towards his heart firstly along either side of his spine then little tiny circular movements with two fingers up each side of the spine (not on it) pressing hard-ish so you can feel the texture of the muscle and then repeating the long strokes and circular movements on his back and front legs - five mins for each a couple of times a day. Also to use the bags after the massage. Different ailments respond better to heat or cold but I can't remember which way around it was. He is also a great believer in slow walking to improve muscle tone and gait - he recommends lead walking very slowly so that a dog can think about placing each paw on the floor, building it up over time and using inclines. It all seemed to help, I did use a magnet collar as well and that reduced the amount of pain killers he was on too.


You can get a couple of muscle rubs from Hyperdrug

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