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Sunshine, Day Off, Cannock Chase, Teddy And Annie...


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Annie was in the wars on Sunday as when out with my Dad she picked up a stick on the ground (she's play mad and is always picking sticks and other objects up). Unfortunately it got wedged in her mouth and grazed the side of her mouth and had to be removed by my Dad. Sunday night she was at the vets and Monday morning her throat was all swollen. Two days later, 3 vet visits, worry over a possible endoscopy and tear to throat, hence stitches, antibiotics and anti-inflammatories later, she had her first walk since the incident and so far all seems ok :) . Have to wait until the meds. run out to know for sure if it's just scarring or a tear but she is nearly 100% better so the signs are good, majorly thankfully. Annie will always pick up stick as that's her nature but now there will ALWAYS be a ball or toy to swap it for - until they lose it when running after a squirrel of course :rolleyes: :laugh: :wub:

There are more pics. of Ted. only because Annie is the original RoadRunner and doesn't do staying still and with me and my camera we need still shots :wacko: :laugh:


Anway, sun was out so the camera came with us too. It was too much for Twiglet so she stayed home but she's ok at the moment and still telling everyone what's what :wub:
















This is what happens when Annie leaves the ball in a puddle and waits for Teddy to nick it! (this is after he licked most of it off and Annie had had a good laugh!!)


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Blimey they were a bit big :ohmy: . Annie is a failed foster Caroline, adopted by my Dad! but she's not one for big groups of dogs - she much prefers people.


The old quarry:
















The feet washing and thirst quenching stop where we once saw a naked man sat in the Summer!! :ohmy:









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Lovely pics. Great to see the beautiful Annie baby doing so well. Those pesky sticks eh?! Whisper is just like her - anything is a bloomin toy. Even a piece of plastic that was once a football! Yes, she recognised it as a ball...

Teddy is so gorjuss too. I have a thing for collies and red ones are bootiful (I might be biased though).

Hobbes and Whisper say 'ello.

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