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Everything posted by chrissie

  1. I use a bootie for a week or two after bandage removal after cut pad/foot, for a little added protection. I use these sort (scroll down page); they do tend to come off at anything more than a trot, though.
  2. By the bedside, eh Millie's not complaining! I love that photo Sarah. We've not made recent WL walks for very boring but necessary reasons, but hope to see you & the handsome man himself before too long.
  3. Happy first homecoming anniversary Mortimer, you gorgeous hound. Hope you've been ing all day and everyone's played with you. An especial from Millie, and of course from me and Bess too
  4. Good to hear of possible sightings. hope this lurcher is caught soon, and that Ziggy is home soon.
  5. Harness attached to seat belt on back seats for long journeys & motorways; without the seat belt for short local journeys.
  6. This was such a sad waste of a life; candle lit for Bushmills Major
  7. I'd leave the Club on basis other dog's owner's behaviour entirely unacceptable and Club's behaviour backing them completely unacceptable: would inform them why I was leaving and look for somewhere with more responsible and caring attitude. Hope your dog's ok.
  8. Sending loads of positive thoughts Alison. Is this because your pneumonia hasn't cleared up yet? Shall hope all is well. Bess & Mille send get well quickly ear licks.
  9. So sorry there's been no news or sightings recently; don't lose hope, keep up the postering and phone checks
  10. me neither, Victoria. hope they find loving homes really soon.
  11. Likewise; will continue to cross-post any news. Was hoping by now you may have had a lead from his former owner
  12. Ditto; saw his picture posted elsewhere and thought how like Salada he looked. Great that he's staying with Mo.
  13. Likewise; hope you get help from his previous owner with the locals, and he comes home/is given up soon.
  14. You're doing everything right; sure there must be positive news before too long. at crank phone calls; as you say, to be expected.
  15. ditto; hope you get lots of help door leafleting locally
  16. Sorry you've not had a new potential sightings; good luck with your hunt with the DW. I guess posters up even a bit outside the area would be good - if he's been taken in by someone rather than handed in then it may be outside the immediate area. Keeping everything crossed for better news soon.
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