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Everything posted by purple_mog

  1. tee hee Sam is my nooo boy - friend of a friend, vegan, into fitness stuff, smart and rather gorgeous too. Just getting to know each other, nothing serious or monogamous as yet but we'll see how it goes. And yes, I'm rather happy for that, and lots of other stuff too Oh no hope we can see it later then, bet you look gorgeous!
  2. We need pictures of the mane of hair pleeeeease
  3. Hey folks! Xmas night out was very successful and everyone seemed to have a good time. Met lots of peeps I knew from other places at the venue so super sociable butterfly, all finished at 12 and then I went on to another gathering - this must be a whole year of socialising in one evening!! Was very much good fun and I got to spend some unexpected time with my noo boy Sam Thinking lots of healing thoughts for Flo and Wispa, though I'm still struggling with the idea of a vicious pineapple
  4. lots of for Wispa, only she could find a snake in winter Must be more productive at work today
  5. Well I am food diarying and you're right Billy - it so makes me think twice about what I'm eating! On the plus side I weighed in this morning and was given the lovely numbers of 11st 4lb which is a big improvement on the last upward swing and slightly lower than the last low reading of 11st5lb so all good I think? *mantra to self* must think long term and accept that my weight really will fluctuate by anything up to 5lbs at a time
  6. I also have free range wellies which wander around my kitchen/utility space depending quite how muddy they got. What I don't understand is how people can not own wellies - can someone please explain this baffling concept
  7. morning everyone Wonderful and very busy/long weekend, back is still a bit iffy but at least I can sit at my desk for a little while now. Finn managed a nearly 9 mile run out with us at the weekend (almost all off lead which lets him find his own pace) and was looking great - so bouncy and chirpy since we switched to home cooking
  8. fantastic photos especially if you were just pointing and clicking! MillyMerleyGirlie is looking very well indeed and I especially love this picture
  9. I haven't used it for any of my dogs, but I know Tracey McLennan (who sometimes posts on here) used it with Cal her bullmastiff with horrific results (major aggression out of the blue, no bite inhibition etc) I'm fairly sure if you search for previous threads here or on DP you'll see her experiences. Unusual, but worth watching out for?
  10. love the pictures!! would make fantastic images for Xmas cards
  11. love it!!! actually laugh out loud funny Shall send to my friend who absolutely would say all of those things (she's a northern lass too....)
  12. space has been made! what do I need to to payment wise??
  13. hmmmm upsettingly my scales do measure bodyfat, and it is going down reeeeeeally slowly - last time I dared to look I was still well over 30% BF and seriously I am only just under obese and still in the properly overweight range I know full well that one problem is I don't get results and then end up splurging on unhealthy crap - though much less since going vegan, almost wish I didn't know which biccies are vegan friendly! Right, food diary it is *sigh*
  14. mmmmmm mostly I'm posting to express my shock at Sam - I hope Mark is being more faithful to poor Mr Wii? My weight is *still* fluctuating by anything up to 5lbs at a time which is deeply unhelpful. I would like to try and do a food/calorie diary just to check what I'm taking in, but really struggle because almost all of my food is homemade - how on earth do you count it up, or does it mean having to weight everything??
  15. good morning all its frosty here and the doglets are having lots of mad turns frost always gives them extra springy paws
  16. excellent suggestions - thankyou all! Finally getting round to doing something about it all and am checking prices with Bleakhouse for the moment - also realised that since the beastlets have Indigo tags to fit 3/4" collars we need to make sure the new ones are the same size
  17. Ahem - mind you only do an easy run missus what with tapering to the big race on Sunday
  18. Hmmm well I managed the scheduled long run on Sunday, Monday took off and Tues I managed a short 2 mile run, but since then absolutely nothing Fingers crossed I wake up with enough energy to at least swim tomorrow and maybe run too. Sunday report it ended up being a run with route finding, stile climbing and mud wallowing too! Was out 1hr 45mins, av pace 16min/mile, and about 6.3miles - felt really good actually but too much walking because of the mud/path/stiles etc.
  19. I'm trying to sort out family Xmas pressies and want to get a digital photoframe for my mum. Happy to spend up to about £30, maybe a little more if its a very good deal - obviously it needs to be decent etc but most importantly easy to use for the less techy minded! Any suggestions, recommendations or warnings please?
  20. Survived three days of teaching plus one evening of teaching dog classes, just this evenings class to get through now and trying not to relax too much until its all done Hoping to try and catch up tomorrow sometime - hope everyone is well
  21. same here at the house of Mog - though because I'd also ordered a fabric crate for Finn-dog's Xmas the whole parcel arrived at my work and was described as being the size of a small bungalow
  22. hey peeps - utterly snowed under so no time to catch up, but thinking of you all
  23. Woo hooo for Pickle!!! Sparkle - just don't tell him you forgot?! Cheryl - excellent news and make sure he buys you lovely food I slept in and still haven't quite caught up with the day
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