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Everything posted by chasta

  1. A from another one going through the same thing right now
  2. Morning.. Everything crossed for sideboard arrival Alex Stevie Glad you're feeling better Tix T'is half term Aborted walk again this morning... Tilli was bowled over by OB, causing her to cry like a baby, go into shock and have a mini seizure.. Jump in the car, rush home, where she leaps out to demand breakfast... That dog is giving me grey(er) hair Will try again later
  3. Julia, so sorry Poor starved Pickle Morning
  4. for lurgified peeps. I too have an abundance of leftover snot, and am wodering why I woke up at 5am, fresh as a daisy, both weekend mornings, but today feel like ??
  5. Bought this for tea.. thought it looked nice Easy peasy... take it out, bung it in the oven... ta-daaaa So... what went wrong
  6. No, its not that one, I remember it, dodgy white frame and all...
  7. I'm sure we had it when I was a child too, might be in Mums loft.. there's all sorts of treasures in there... isn't there Mum??
  8. Sorry.. that was a bit self -woeful Hope everyone has a good day today
  9. Thank you Phebe, you noticing made me have a little snivel.. I must be hormonal or something, So pleased Tilly is home. My Tilli is all woe with her head in a lampshade.. bless her
  10. T-Cut Lynn? I'm feeling a bit and . Since the ex OH pushed off with his fancy bit at the end of July he has text his daughter twice, MSN'd his son once (which Jay ignored) but today has taken Kenza out today for the second time. I spose Kenza is the easy option, unconditional love and no recriminations, but choosing his dog over his kids sucks even though I'd choose the dogs over him anyday!! Everyday even And breathe..
  11. Not been able to get on the computer all day, so I am soooo delighted that lovely Pixi is safe. Well done that man and the dogs and a biiiiiiiiiiiiig for you all. I'm all and now. More :GroupHug: for you all
  12. Oh No! Poor Cher and poor Pixi , she will be so scared. I wish I was nearer
  13. Thanks for thinking of Tilli She has 'degloved' about the last inch of her tail , at the moment it is in a test tube type thingy (still attached to her) bandaged on. She has to keep that on for 2 days Then she has to go back to the vets to have the dressing changed. I have rigged up a thing like a chastity belt to keep her tail on her back as I could see it was irritating her having it flopping side to side.. I'll get a pic later. Then I think the crate might come out and the bones that are in the freezer to keep her busy, she does love a good bone. I forsee trouble ahead as I can't afford to have time off work to look after her so she might be taking a trip to Nanny's house.. only shhh cos I havent asked her yet!!
  14. Owl Wiggle Duncan Sossij's are important for recovery.. keeping the iron levels up y'know The plan for a 'lovely long walk' this morning went a tad awry when I spotted Tilli looking like this dripping blood from her tail, and the way her tail is over her back, spreading it all over (she didnt look that 'woe' on the beach tho) She is now sporting a fetching (rather dodgy looking) bandage to hopefully pot a stop to the bleeding, luckily our vet has a normal surgery on a sunday
  15. Lots of love for you and Milly Tell her the next time the vet says something to stick her paws in her ears and go 'Lalalaaa not listening'
  16. Aww Pickle :wub: Never have I been so pleased to be wrong
  17. Sirius can keep the tophat and tux, not a problem
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