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Everything posted by susieq

  1. Snoopy had another fit this evening. Only lasted a couple of minutes and he came around ok, unlike yesterday. I had to go out for a couple of hours and thought I’d take him with me to keep an eye on him BUT I forgot to take the valium that the vet had given me. I’m so tired I just can’t think straight today. I got him home and gave them and he hasn't had any more. Just spoken to the vet again and he said give him another dose in about an hour so that we can both hopefully have a more restful night. I don't like the look of him though. He's breathing fast and irregular, is restless and a bit twitchy. So sorry to hear of what happened to Florence with the Aspergillosis Houndwoman. Sounds like a perfect example of an incompetent vet experimenting with our precious babies. I can well understand your anger and frustration with what happened. As owners we trust what they do and what they tell us. I know that they can’t be specialists in everything but why don’t they refer them to somebody who knows what they’re doing. Snoopy is on Sporanox which I’m led to believe is currently the most successful of the tablet forms of treatment. I had a chat today with the referral place he went to in August and they don’t think it’s proving very successful anyway. Someone asked about how dogs get Aspergillus, sorry can't find the post now. Off the web: It's a very common fungus that is found throughout the environment. Most animals and people will come into contact with this fungus at some point in their lives, however, most animals do not develop infections. It’s a bit disappointing after he’s made so much progress today. Not out of the woods yet.
  2. I've just got back from the vets with him and she's absolutely amazed at his improvement. She said she really expected him to still be in the near comatose state he was in yesterday or pts during the night. By this morning he was holding his head up, ate some breakfast and was looking around more but still could not stand. The vet looked at him in the back of my van to save hauling him around but when I got home I lifted him out of the van and he wanted to stagger to the front door himself. I lifted him over the step and he went through the lounge, into the kitchen and lay down. THEN, I spoke to him and the last inch of his tail wagged. I was in floods. I knelt down to give him a hug and he gave me some big licks. More floods. THEN he got up all on his own, took himself outside in the garden and had three wees and a poo. It took him ages because he couldn't balance very well but he managed it. I can tell the way he's looking at me that he knows who I am now and he's been wagging his tail more. He's still very slow and wobbly but I'm hoping that his responses in the last hour mean that he's got no brain damage. I'll be keeping an eye on his temperature all day as it's likely that it caused the seizures but I'm still worried that now that he's had some he'll be more susceptible to more. Whatever it was that made his temperature soar yesterday did so in a very short time. I wish I could find out the reason. I can't put into words how I feel right now. To see that light coming back into his eyes and wagging his tail when I speak to him. More floods!! I really wasn’t sure I'd still have him today. I posted Snoopy’s situation on a few forums as I wanted as many healing thoughts as possible and I’m overwhelmed by everyones kind words and support. I live on my own and sometimes things like this are hard to cope with alone. I didn’t feel alone last night, I read the messages all through the night (it was a very long night!!) Thank you once again. I’ll let you know how he goes. Sue
  3. Just giving Snoopy a break from cuddles and find all these messages of support. You really are very kind. I didn’t know anything about fungal infection before this but apparently it can be extremely difficult to diagnose. He had a lot of tests for it earlier in the year and all the results came back negative. He could have been transferred to another practice but I was told that they would probably only look in on him every hour or so. If he goes into continuous seizures again I have about twenty minutes to get him to a vet so I wanted him at home where I could watch him all night. The emergency vet has been notified that I may need them in the night and I’ve got tablet valium as a standby. Yes it is Aspergillosis. I opted for tablet treatment first as the surgical procedure is so invasive. From what I can gather there’s not been a lot of change in the treatment of it over the years. There has been a very slight improvement a few minutes ago, he pulled himself up onto his elbows, lifted his head, opened his eyes fully and had a little look around. Up until now he’s not been able to open his eyes at all. There was no recognition there, he still looked spaced out and he’s gone back to sleep now. Like I said, very slight.
  4. Snoopy's been ill most of the year. He has had a fungal infection in his sinuses since March but it was only diagnosed last month so is reasonably advanced. He's currently about a third of the way through the treatment but today started having seizures. Within an hour and a half he went into status epilepticus and I rushed him to the vets. He was anaethetised to stop the fitting and he had a temperature of over 108 but after four hours of cooling him down we managed to get his temperature more or less normal. As there is no one at my vets overnight they've let me bring him home. He can't stand, can't keep his tongue in his mouth and is incontinent. There is a slight chance that he is so exhausted from the fits and then the anaesthetic on top as to why he's like this. However, there's a bigger chance that his very high temperature has caused brain damage. I'll sit up with him all night and make a decision in the morning. He's my very special boy. This morning he was playing ballie at the park, tonight he doesn't even know who I am. Please light a candle for him if you can.
  5. Can't log in to the temporary site. Do I need to re-register?
  6. Sweet dreams in Hammy Heaven
  7. What a long life Scatty had Glad that she had the chance to experience some tlc in her old age
  8. This is so sad Sweet dreams little one
  9. These gorgeous little creatures don't live long enough. They are such lovely pets, I adored my 'rat bags'. Bye pretty Dylan.
  10. susieq


    Nine years ago today I had to let my beautiful Collie make the journey to the Bridge because nothing could stop the fits. He was just eighteen months old. Such a funny puppy. Like a little wind up toy running around the floor and inseperable from his yellow rubber duck. He turned into such a handsome, loving boy. I can't believe that all these years have passed. Paris, my beautiful blue eyed boy. I hope that you knew I was there holding you tight in my arms as you drifted off for the very last time.
  11. Thanks Owl. Forgot to say, looked like an adult.
  12. Some information just been passed to me. White and tan (from what was seen) rough coated Jack Russell sighted at 8am today trying to cross the A41/A463 in Bilston, West Midlands. Non residential so not an area you'd expect to see a dog on it's own.
  13. Sorry there's no news about baby bun. Neighbours haven't seen anything have they.
  14. Beautiful babies. Hope you find your little bunny.
  15. I used to keep rats and I was devastated when they died. I used to call them my little rat bags and they were wonderful. Sleep tight little Mo.
  16. How sad for Deanna and for you when you were going to give this lovely girl a home.
  17. All your days will be sunshine days for ever more now Jazzie.
  18. susieq


    So sad. Sweet dreams beautiful.
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