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About kirtie_uk

  • Birthday 02/24/1983

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    Everything animal related

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  1. Haven't posted here in ages i've been so busy and have been told i need to post this pic here by nicky , but the o/h had an accident last night and walked ito a few inch thick glass pane from the fishtank that was poking out of the bin, blood gushed out everywhere and had to go to A&E, have an xray to make sure no glass present, then have it cleaned,unflap the skin pull back over and use plastic stitches to hold it all together then dress it then bandage it. Had to wait hours to be seen even though he was as white as a sheet an bleeding all over the show. Looked like something out of a horror movie in the flesh so to speak
  2. Yes she killed my rabbit, there are other rabbit owners that have had this happen to them. It's not just me you know, i didn't know princes would jump out of her run and get killed. I don't know what your trying to do here, your not trying to help it's like your rubbing my face in the fact my dog killed my rabbit. And trying to make me feel like i shouldn't be allowed a dog, for gods sake i don't even know what to say to you, there is no point trying to talk to you anymore. I shouldn't have to defend my position as a dog owner to anyone, i came here for advice and your just making things worse.
  3. I was talking about your comments, you've always got something mean to say whether you mean it or not. I don't shout at anyone i take in everyones comments if they are helpful. I didn't like being told that maybe i'm not equipped to have my dog etc nobody has the right to say things like that to someone, especially a person they do not know. Don't you think i'm upset over my bun, why do you think i posted on here. Taz isn't allowed outside anymore alone either me or my partner has to be with her until i have an area of garden sectioned off for the buns. So i have taken in peoples advice. And i'm so glad my post about my dog killing my rabbit amuses you
  4. What was so funny before you edited your post, what was with the laughing emotes? If you have a problem with me, which you seem to don't reply on my posts. No need to make what i said massive, i know what i said i wanted help not bitchy/snidey comments from people
  5. I asked for help not to be criticized, i don't find your post helpful it's just nasty. Tazmin is very stubborn she doesn't play with toys she doesn't use her kongs she gets bored easily. Don't you think I’ve tried these things over and over again! As i said before the time isn't right to get another dog yet, but that is my decision nobody else’s I’d be a fool if i went out and adopted one now.
  6. No because of where they are, they are placed on flags then step down is mud as they are at the side of my garage so i can see them from the window. I am trying to get more flags but no joy yet, until then i'll have to limit her time in the garden.
  7. That's why i have stopped looking for now, the way the garden is i can't fence off where the buns are kept . Taz doesn't respond well with me trying to train her, she's to busy jumping up at me and getting over excited
  8. Tazmin my gsd bitch has started to become very evil around my rabbits. About a month ago she caught my bun princess and basically played with her until she had a heart attack which was when i'd just managed to grab her and hold her until she died. Now she won't stay away from my hutches, i've been out to check on them and she's punched in ivy's double decker sleeping areas door. I didn't think it was her but there's 3 muddy claw marks on it. The wind wouldn't have put it through as it was fine last night when i put more hay in for her. I don't know what to do with taz now as i have a lot of cats and have a few buns and pigs. I know she is bored and i have been looking for another dog to adopt but it just hasn't been right yet. Any advice greatly appreciated
  9. Today when i came to take the baby buns now 6 weeks to the vets for sexing i have found one has gone. They are kept in a run on my decking in there hutch, either someone has taken one or it's escaped or something worse I don't know the sex but he/she is white with brown spots and is still timid. If anyone hears anything please please let me know thanx Baby looks like the white one's in the pics below with brown spotting.
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