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Everything posted by krusewalker

  1. I think Horse and Country channel are looking into it
  2. i thought that was quite well known on the net? amazon own it i think?
  3. its the same for everyone, whatever the company there was a big hoo haa last autumn about this we dont use our heating, aside from the odd random half hour
  4. oh, twas only ever my plan to live their the 6 months of daylight the 6 months of darkness i was gonna move somewhere else! i spent as week in edingburgh once in the summer and was impressed how it didnt get dark to about just after 11pm. i think parts of scotland are on the same line as denmark in that sense?
  5. s*** - only just seen this. your town is normally so crime free as well shocking reading - im glad you came out of it not worse. pleasing to hear you got some good shots on the little shits is there anything anne and i can do, we can be there pretty quick
  6. You say your collie renewal has just come thur for £118. Does this mean it has gone up since last year? Did you claim against him last year? With petplan you dont have to renew each year. The reason some companies make you renew each year is so they can exclude the condition you claimed upon the year before. This would not happen with companies like petplan, as they dont make you renew your insurance each year.
  7. I think i have might have discovered the source of the confusion. I did a search on the e-petition site, using "DDA" This came up: Stupid petition - only got 61 signatures! - now closed I'm guessing that someone on Facebook mistook this petition as a law planned by the Gov and so started an opposing petition and Facebook group, in turn this inspired the thread on nannydog then RHU?
  8. thanks for that rumpole thats what i thought i think there has been some confusion along the way
  9. There is a thread on the RHU inspired by a thread on the nannydog inspired by a group on facebook asking folks to sign a petition on the Gov petition site to fight the new proposals to add staffies to the DDA. Ive asked for evidence from both sites where they got this story from, and to point me to the facebook link. None given so far. I cant find the group on facebook myself. This is the petition: Staffie petition Which in itself gives no evidence either, just a statement with nothing backing it up. I've said that this all sounds a bit unlikely yo me. Espesh as you guys have said nothing about this, and you are the experts. Right now there are people on both forums getting all hot and bothered and signing away despite my pointing out that we don't actually have any evidence that this is even true yet. Unless you know something? I hope it aint true.
  10. media headlines: Arctic Freeze! Siberian Weather! yeh yeh
  11. I've never noticed that one, but have noticed genius, diva, legend, pioneering, cutting edge, are applied freely to people that are usually defintively not. similar thing i suppose i have also detected the phrase 'i am offended, or 'i find that offensive', etc, etc, is a lot more prevalent in society these days.
  12. i got sent on a 2 supervisors course covering this i found it very useful
  13. the first one, thats more like it! where did you get that? the second isnt bad, but still has a concerned/slightly worried look thank you
  14. has someone died! but quite the contrary, that's what i see instant reaction, before thinking still looking for my perfect shrug shoulders smiley....anyone know any good places to look?
  15. that's more like "i dont know", isnt it? the face and eyes looked furrowed and confused. i mean one where you shrug your shoulders and have a so what look
  16. Of course he isn't holding the sun, anyone can see it's the moon!
  17. ive always wanted a shrugs shoulders smiley
  18. LOL. i wish i meant reef! but i mean wreath. touche!
  19. maybe its just me then LOL. i just cant shake this instant reaction, so everyday i visit The Refuge i have to keep checking myself from wondering whom has died!
  20. i've noticed this smiley is quite popular on this forum: i havent seen it on other forums ive been meaning to ask for a very long time, does anyone else think it reminds them of a reef? quite seriously, everytime i see it, i cant help but think has someone died?
  21. yes, i know the feeling you are talking about. i call it a dark fog in your head. i hate figs as well, and dont fancy living under a tree.
  22. Fair play to you Jacqui. But you have deleted my second post where i posted some good advice about figs and discussed SAD/vitamin D etc. How about returning it edited?
  23. As i gather it, you are looking for basic level user friendly pamphlets regarding the most common issues re dog training and ownership? The ones I have found written from this point of view have been on the big rescue websites such as Dogs Trust and Battersea. Thinking like this lady, i dont think i'd be too inclined to scour the net studying the 'professional' organisations like APDT, nor read a big book. But id go for the sources that the mass media make me aware of, ie the Sun Newspaper has featured Battersea.
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