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Mommy Bear

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Everything posted by Mommy Bear

  1. Gooster, oh wise one, a question. At the opticians yesterday for annual inspection. She told me everything is fine, just a small adjustment to my prescription for my right eye. Then she said that I have the very early signs of cateracts in both eyes !!!!!!!! but its nothing to worry about!!!!! Worried, moi ? Course I'm bloody worried, Should I "mention" it to my doctor?
  2. As I understand it broiling is direct dry heat cooking ....... grilling. Although there is such a thing as a broiling oven but no idea how that works.
  3. Have you checked that the ABs are not out of date ?
  4. Hi Helly, nice to see you back. Sorry you've had such a rough time
  5. Perhaps she's looking for frozen peas for her ear
  6. Thinking healing thoughts for you both at this sad time
  7. Snow and good prognosis thoughts for your mum.
  8. Benign lumpy thoughts for Neo. Good luck with the car. Had to take Mungo to the vet this morning - Ben stomped in his ear yesterday - discovered it last night when Mungo kept shaking his head. Rifled through my basked of dog stuff and found some baby wipes and ear drops and it looked a bit better this morning. I took him to vet just to be on the safe side and she agreed with my diagnosis and treatment. Keep on with the drops £28 please First time I have left Ben completely on his own. He was fine - came to the door carrying my shoe and is now sitting in the back of the Jimney happy as a happy thing.
  9. Good Luck at the Docs Jazz. DB has gorn orf to Liverpool today, until Sunday, to a Astronomy conference. Wheeeeee. Today I will be mostly baking. Banana cake is in the oven already. Scones next, when I've managed to defrost the butter. Apparently cholesterol lowering Flora is not suitable for baking!! Then there's some cleaning I could do and if the weather improves some gardening too. Or I might just dos around and read, eating banana cake and drinking coffee
  10. What a Bunch!! Think there might be some cat-fights there
  11. Ooooh Bitie Face,,,,,Mung and Ben's favourite game!!
  12. Aww Freddy - looks sooooo comfy. Happy Birthday Freddie
  13. Thank you Blackmagic. So, I had honeycomb on toast for my breakfast this morning. MMMMMMmmmmmmm ! !!! it was delicious.
  14. No I'm not talking phones. My neighbour, who keeps bees, brought me a piece of honeycome today,. I had a little taste and the honey is wonderful. Is there something special you are supposed to do with honeycomb? Any recipes using it? I can't seem to findy anything on the net except phone gobbledegook ! What would Fugees do ?
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