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Everything posted by Jemimap

  1. Will have to get me some of those then. I do think its only safe you test a couple more, just to ensure consistency
  2. Ooo are they nice then? I saw them in Tesco's the other day but only in multipacks and i didnt want to end up with 8 if they were minging.
  3. Annie that's heartbreaking Surely its the whole point of being a pilot i would of thought. I was worried about sounding pervy asking for pics but Melperv beat me to it Edited as i'm unable to make any sense today
  4. Morning all. Khyra has decided to get something stuck in her pad on this mornings walk. I have tried to get it out but that caused much yelping and biting of my hands. At the vets at 4 Had arranged a lovely walk in the light at 4 oclock walk for today so that's out the window too
  5. Hope you're less sore soon. Don't overdo it Elaine. It is bound to be hard but talking to your dad about it can only be a positive thing
  6. The Synflex worked really quickly, I saw a massive improvement in Dylan in about 12 days. Prior to the Synflex he was refusing to walk further than the end of the road and now he's back to bounding about the place (in between his sleeping )
  7. Ooo were they, i couldnt see them very well. I may have to go off and look for screen caps. I've been avoiding being spoiled so far but i really really want to know who 'HIM' is
  8. I agree although he is looking very sweaty and dirty which i like I still like Locke and at the moment he and Sawyer are making a good double act. Miss Bejo what makes you think it was Eko's gran?
  9. Tracey my 2 have just moved from Supadog to this as Dylan had decided he was no longer eating Supadog. They are doing really well on it and i got 30kg of sensitive delivered for £28. Its a family run company and the food is made with good quality ingredients.
  10. Morning all. I have walked dogs, done a load of washing and am now having tea and toast while i decide which things on my list to do.
  11. Absolutely gorjuss Dylan saw the picture and wants to know when he can have one
  12. Cheryl That must of been so hard. I'm glad she's gone to somewhere that you'll be able to get updates from
  13. Welcom the the Refuge - i'll second that request for pictures
  14. Sending lots of good thoughts for him Have you tried Synflex? Its worked wonders for my Dylan and lots of people on here have recommended it. It may be more effective for him than the glucosamine he one at the moment
  15. I know you didn't mean to be horrible and you weren't. I asked because i wanted advice Glad the interviews went well. With regards to time off for interviews i've always arranged them for before and after work, prospective employers should understand that you can't just have time off your current job. So sorry Snow. I do hope you get to enjoy your silver wedding together
  16. Cheryl, it must be so hard but it will ultimately make you all happier
  17. Hope Aggie's feeling better soon I have sorted it. I have rejigged my budget, nicked some savings and will empty my £2 coin jar. I have booked a table at a lovely restaurant so we can have our time there and include Sam before we go out. I feel better now, skint, but better
  18. Yep, you're all right - its her home. I think i find it difficult because i wouldn't ever actually choose to have a lodger but she's here because she needs to be and i promised her she would always have somewhere to live (she has the world crappest parents). I'm not all bad - i have made her some chocloates which spell 'I LOVE YOU' I will try and speak to her about dogsitting and sort something out about going somewhere with OH. The thing is, she doesn't ever stay in if i'm not there
  19. Hmmmm. See i woke up this morning still feeling really really bad. It is her home and she does pay (nominal) rent but she also knows we can't really afford to go out and that i wouldn't leave the dogs on a week night. I feel that at 30 years old when i own my house i shouldn't have to struggle to have an evening on my own with my boyfriend. Its the only time i've asked her to go out and the only time that i would. I can't for the life of me understand why she'd want to stay in with us tbh. Thinking good thoughts for Zara
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