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Everything posted by elainew

  1. A little update - over 2 months later and poor Sid is still wearing his spacehelmet and allowed very little exercise. The good news is that in the last couple of weeks the hole has closed a lot and we think another 2 weeks should complete the healing! We are concerned because apparently the skin around a mast cell tumour remains very brittle so Sid will only be allowed out of his buster collar whil under supervision for a while just in case he decides to have a go at it again! We had to go with just manuka honey because it is impossible to apply a dressing to the area.
  2. Please, please (cd you avoid the 3 weekends after Oct 23rd Amy? )
  3. Run free of pain poor Lucky. At least you were loved and cared for for your last few days
  4. Oh dear, thinking good thoughts for Sophie and Benji and you all
  5. My OH kindly dropped us at Pill and we left at 7.45 am: we made our way through Bristol: At this point my well worn walking boots decided they could not be bothered with this walk so made my feet as uncomfortable as possible (think it may have been the fault of my new expensive walking socks)so I had to do the rest of my walk wearing my Crocs! had luch at Hanham lock half an hour ahead of schedule Trish did a marvellous job of accosting people en route. Things went slightly pearshaped and put us behind schedule when we found a 'body' in a park in Bath - he seemed to be completely comatose, we could not rouse him so Trish dialled 999 - I then had to run up and down the park trying to get the ambulance drivers attention as they tore up and down the road (not what you want after walking over 20 miles). Upon the arrival of the crew on the scene the body miraculously came to life, tried to grab the paramedics bag and wobbled off precariously. They had been called to the same smackhead only 1/2 hour previously! We had a lovely walk along the canal bank through Bath and Trish's friend Glenna kindly bought us a drink and contributed to the collection at the George in Batheaston. Several people in the pub garden took pity on us and popped some coins in our tin (one offered me a lift to the finish on the handlebars of his bike). 8.45pm we finished the walk at Dundas aquaduct and met up with a couple of Trish's friends who gave us a lift home I am hobbling around today on account of a couple of lovely blisters on one foot due to a couple of little lumps of gravel getting in to my croc, but no other aches and pains
  6. 31 miles completed and and extra £65+ for Oldies. Shall post a little report and a couple of piccies later since Trish is offline until the end of the week.
  7. Interesting idea thanks, shall investigate. Trouble is we have found it impossible to kep any dressing on Sid's leg because of the position of the wound, they just slid down
  8. Yesterday was really hot, hole has almost healed so I ttok Sid's spacehelmet off, he was quite relaxed and went and sat in the garden. I went to check on him - and he had shredded his wound to bits, taken off all the skin. So op 4 late yesterday, a night at the vets and we are back to where we were about a month ago. I am gutted!
  9. So pleased he went peacefully - I know how much he will be missed
  10. Brilliant news! (well sort of) I will be back fostering once this damn building work is done, whic is going to be next year at this rate!
  11. Well, we're all getting pretty fed up. After 3 ops there is still a hole in Sid, the stitches keep splitting. It's just going to be allowed to heal over in its own time, I am not putting him through another op. Poor Sid is still wearing his space helmet and is not being allowed on walks. We're now trying covering it in manuka honey each evening but wound has to be cleaned before we go to bed because I'm sure that would be an attractive place for flies, other dogs etc - and it's impossible to bandage for long
  12. So very sorry. She was a beautiful girl.
  13. Oldies Club Storm (now atb) whom I fostered and was adopted by Trudging Trish was one such dog - his owner was about 90 and spent a long time in hospital and then moved into a home. I belive he was left home alone with just basic care for about a year before Oldies Club took him on. I was his second fosterer, he had been with his first one for soome months - he was completely traumatised when he arrived with her but was a quiet happy lad by the time he came to me thanks to her care.
  14. Thinking of Tyler and his foster mum. Hope he is soon out of the woods.
  15. Sid is feeling very sorry for himself. Good news is that the lump on his chest was only a lipoma!
  16. Poor Sid has just had his third op in 18 days They've sewn him up again and removed the lump on his chest
  17. Unfortunately I've had to take Sid to the vets this evening, he now has a 2 x 4 cm hole in the wound, he's also not allowed any brekkie tomorrow in case they have to operate again We have also discovered another lump in his chest which we'll ask the vet to check out tomorrow. There is no reason to suspect it's another mast cell tumour, but it doesn't feel much like a fatty lump to me.
  18. Fantastic news - it was grade 1 - i.e no repercussions! Slightly less good news - poor lad's got to go in tomorrow for a short op to have a little bit of his wound restitched. We were warned that this might happen but it's still a little disappointing.
  19. So very, very sorry - I know how much he'll be missed.
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