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Everything posted by Houndwoman

  1. Loads of good thoughts for dear little Minnie and all who are trying to get her better
  2. Billy. You will see Mal again I have no doubt about that. It's just this separation in time that is difficult.
  3. I wish I had seen this earlier Kathy as it's one of the many quotes that I use and I remember you saying how meaningful it was when I quoted it somewhere (but can't remember where) I used to put together a AR newsletter many years ago and I always included that quote on the front page. I just think it says it all really. Well done Helly
  4. I feel your sadness Billy and I am in tears also as I really hoped he could fight on a little longer-long enough for his new medicine to help him He battled on so hard and you fought hard with him. Many folk would have given up before you did. He is at peace now and free from his poorliness. It sounds like he had a lovely peaceful end to his life here and surrounded by so much love and tenderness Run free Mal you were a very special boy and will be missed by so many Billy.
  5. So sorry that he couldn't be saved Sleep tight little pup Sam and all who are sad at his passing.
  6. and good thoughts for you and Ollie.
  7. I know it's not ideal using preds as John Carter used to say but needs must at times so do it if you have to. Jan is on preds still with CV247 as her problem was that her appetite was waning but at least the preds will get them eating again so it is really the only way sometimes. If it gets him eating better Billy then do it. Our vet seems quite happy for Jan to continue as she is for you and Mal.
  8. Sending loads of healing thoughts to Wiggle and strength to all who are nursing him and trying to heal him
  9. Don't get too down about it Billy The diet is a very important part of the treatment but a friend who used to travel down to John Carter's surgery with me all those years ago had a great problem with her dog sticking to the diet The strange thing is that her dog had lung cancer and was given 4-6 months to live by her own vet but she actually lived for another 3 years and died at the age of 13 so she responded remarkably well Just a thought, how about cooking the veg in with the liver cake so that it's a sort of veg liver cake. I know it's not ideal as the diet goes but at least he will be taking some vegetable matter in.
  10. Mark Cyril Squirrel sounds good to me
  11. No problem at all with that Billy-more than happy for you to mention Jan's case to her. Let me know if she would like to to speak to our vet as he is very co-operative If so I will pm you the contact info'. Hope Mal is battling on ok
  12. I am pleased to hear that you can get Mal on the CV247 I can't remember now whether the details of the diet were in the link that I sent you. You should have a diet sheet anyway when you get your supply, if not let me know and I will get one to you asap! I think you are probably getting it off Barbara Jones the vet there as I know she is one of the first four vets to be using it though I am sure there are more by now! Our little Jan is doing fine and she was diagnosed with T-cell Lymphoma 6 months ago. It's easy to administer but you must have Linus Powder to mix it with but I am sure all that will come with it. If not. again let me know as we have some here you can have. Good luck Keep fighting Mal
  13. Still sending good thoughts out to Dillon and you
  14. So sorry that you have lost dear little Sid Chasta Run free Sid and play happy at Rainbow Bridge
  15. I am am talking a lot about it Carole to folk as I just want people to be aware that there is some hope elsewhere. I always hope that vets will take it on board and try it and of course it's up to the owners whether they do or not. It is pretty inexpensive to use also-it's not like it is going to cost the earth which I think is wonderful All too often we hear of new treatments but the costs are sometimes so ridiculous that people cannot afford to do it and I think that is such a sad situation when an animals life is hanging in the balance I still have Mal very much in my thoughts Billy It is so difficult when you are struggling with their appetite.
  16. Happy Birthday Andrea! Hope you have had a great day
  17. Wishing you all the best Karen I hope you are soon fighting fit
  18. Great news Billy Keep fighting Mal I am really pleased to hear that your vet is willing to give it a go-that's fantastic
  19. Marion and George glad you survived that ordeal. You will now have to start writing your book now about your adventures I still remember the saga of you and Dorothy falling in the poo to rescue her doglet
  20. Go for it Billy-as you say you will not have lost by trying It's not expensive either and you administer it yourself, you just need to get a bottle from your vet to take home Carole, I put a post on here somewhere with the link to say it is licensed here now and there are a few vets using it including ours. Our little Jan is on it for her lymphoma. It is available to vets through Ivy Medical Chemicals which is the company that John Carter set up to research and promote it Any animal that has no hope elsewhere should have the chance to try it and be given the chance. I have known about it for about 16 years and I have been praying for it to be available here as it helped some of my animals to live a life that nobody else could offer them. The story of Bramble on the blog spot is about my little dog who John Carter helped so much when I was told she had only weeks to live because of a very aggressive tumour in her bladder. At the time it was available for animals but John Carter was the only person allowed to administer it because of red tape I was over the moon to hear that it was licensed (January this year) at last. The license was actually granted in Hungary where the project was taken after John died and thus it became available here.
  21. Dear Rory, you will be so missed by so many Free from poorliness and now at the beginning of your new life Abigail and all who are sad at his leaving
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