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Everything posted by uke

  1. I have cufflinks. My new shirt is a cufflink-y shirt too. Time to go home. After I meet someone in the carpark to hand over a cat trap. This may damage my work cred
  2. If you do end up staying any distance from the port and need rush hour traffic reports tune into Dublin City FM 103.2 between 7am-10am & 4pm-7pm Monday-Friday and listen to the Livedrive. You'll get up to the minute traffic reports based on the traffic management camera networks and drivers texting in and if you text in a request they'll tailor a traffic report for you. And there'll probably a few texts in from me complaining about the M50
  3. When Moo was 17 months old she was going through a phase of chewing everything and anything so we didn't dare leave her alone for more than a few minutes. One day I nipped into the loo, leaving her in the hall outside. 5 minutes later I came out to find her eating through the plasterboard and chewing on the breezeblock underneath
  4. uke


    Sleep tight Shadow
  5. uke

    Frog Dogs

    Budda the spaniel x does that too.
  6. Myself and Budda were admiring the range of similar toys in the other petshop today and have made a shortlist to bring back to Carwash to get her to order them in. Penny might like the Kong Snugga when it comes in - it's a Wubba covered in supersoft fleecy material.
  7. Sleep well Trish. Hope the rest of the herd are ok Nouggatti - sending good wishes to your BIL and coping thoughts to your SIL and the kids Mooandboo - sometimes before a mega migraine attack I stop being able to see colour properly, words don't make sense and then I start to loose my balance. Then the headache hits. Is that any help? Billymalc - hope your back feels better soon. After Nouggatti & Ben left myself and Bud stayed around to help mind the guinea pigs in the shop for a bit. Then we went to Equipet to book him & Loki in for a grooming session next week and all the staff & customers there made a huge fuss of him too. Budda had a brilliant day - visiting two petshops full of people who fussed over him and then home to have some fish jerky.
  8. Phew I'd say it depends on your answer to the following: Say you were distracted by a poooopie and when you got back to the tea with the aforementioned milk (the one that isn't going anywhere near the mint) more time had elapsed than would be usual so it wasn't tea like you normally have it. Would you throw it out and start again or just drink the tea? In other tea news, Eldest Little Brother came to visit and wasn't overly impressed by any of my teas or OH's extensive coffee collection. So I gave him a cup of hot water His face was priceless.
  9. You put milk in peppermint tea??? Forget about the tea bit for a minute - Mint and milk?
  10. That is very true. Making tea with those kind of teas and not following the basic brewing steps would be like making a toastie cheese sandwich using Brie or Danish Blue cheese.
  11. lol OH can't assemble a shed on his own so I doubt you'll manage it T. There are quite a few online shed companies that will deliver and assemble for you too - Abwood are quite good and there's a sawmills somewhere in Offaly that's very reasonable too iirc. I'll check my bookmarks on the mac tomorrow for you
  12. Definitely time to go see the doctor. I spent a large portion of last year in and out of the doctors & specialists as I suffer with migraines. At one point I failed the walking-in-a-straight-line test and also walked into several walls and doors, fainted from the pain etc. It would take me 4 days to recover from an attack. I'm now on a high dose of Topamax (an epilepsy drug) to control them. I also have a lump in my head (found 9 years ago and showing no signs of growing yet) and several other health problems. Yet they won't neuter me? After keeping notes I noticed that among my migraine triggers is pain. So if I get a headache it may spark a migraine And stress. And I find being in pain and gettting migraines to be somwhat stressful funnily enough. It's a vicious cycle causing your body to tense up and leave you open to more pain so you really need to get to the root of the problem and deal with that Your doctor should be able to recommend a good physio. I really can't stress enough the importance of getting to the root of the problem. Headaches are your body telling you that something is wrong but it tends not to be specific
  13. Jesus T - you are so not getting your camera back Well done Mel - that is an impressive set of pictures one handed And Mr & MrsPWitch two thumbs up, one for the blood and one for the camera close by ->
  14. I got a new teapot for work to stop all the people I work with mucking up my tea "ritual" (bung tealeaves in pot, add hot water, ignore til I suddenly remember I was in the middle of making tea, pour) and I'm wondering if that counts as a ritual to drive Alison mad?
  15. Really glad to read the updated news that it wasn't as bad as first thought Get plenty of rest Cher and stay away from the PC
  16. uke

    Jasper Pictures

    Aww Jasper Don't envy you that coat - bet it'll be fun to brush
  17. uke

    Please Welcome

    Are there still no pictures?
  18. Claz, Madmerle - Hope you both feel better soon. Aww, Henry poopie Are you crying because you're not getting enough sleep or because you're not dreaming anymore? Just how good are the dreams? And is he good looking? Have a good haircut for Barney at the vets. OH had to forcibly remove Yama from her crate this morning to do a pee before we left for work. She was still wiped out from yesterday Wussy Dane
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