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Everything posted by tracey.s

  1. She's my first Bull breed foster, and she is utterly amazing. I have NEVER met such a loving little dog. She adores the kids and goes round one person to another stealing snogs and cuddles. Her tail wags so hard it could break your legs. All she wants is to be cuddled and adored We settled on calling her Jazz. But, it was a close call. Holly was adamant she needed to be called waggy Sally
  2. My new foster dog. Let me eat your face little yooman
  3. Morning Good luck at the vets Cassie Holly went to school as sleeping beauty this morning. Her head teacher was dressed up as the queen of hearts By the time we were walking back out of school, said headteacher was shivering and regretting her choice of costume
  4. tracey.s

    Fao E ;o)

    I think i've twigged what you've all been on about now (it usually takes me ages )
  5. It's a pity you're not up this way. We're selling our Mitsubishi Shogun
  6. At least you had on pants in which to piss melpy
  7. The video is further down the page. The yelp when it hit the floor :mecry: I bet America are really proud of those marines
  8. Is it just me or does that poor dog look terrified when it's in the shop?
  9. Not Hugo I'm so, so, sorry for your loss.
  10. I'm not far from Manchester in York. There's some lovely walks, and if you do find yourself up this way, my door's open and you're all welcome
  11. I don't know what to say You're in my thoughts, and i'm, sending you both lots of love. I'm really sorry it wasn't better news.
  12. Basil, you look fabulous darling I hope he thanked Perry for lending him his pocket money. I'm glad he likes it, and thankyou for winning it
  13. It gets worse as they get older as well It's hormone city here at the minute with that time of month for 2 of them Oh blimey, i hope he feels better soon. for you both
  14. My Bridge boy Ice With his special yooman Holly Foster Buster again, with Holly. Dogs just seem to love her. Foster Pebbles mugging Megan Foster Bonnie being adored. Foster Flounder. The abused puppy that broke many hearts. Rio and Floss with holly.
  15. Oh my. I tried so hard not to laugh at that i really did.
  16. Sending you both lots of love and luck for today.
  17. I am so shocked. I didn't see this one coming at all. :yeah, right, Welcome home snoopy
  18. Fab piccies. Your collies are soo beautiful
  19. I'm so, so, sorry for you loss of Bow. :hug: I can't think of a better place on earth to spend your last few months. Envoloped with love, warmth, and as much Grandma squirrel stew as you can eat. My thoughts are with you all. Enjoy the bridge Bow, reunited with your Daddy.
  20. Sending lots of love to both Bow and Grandma squirrel
  21. It's got something to do with how she was referred. That's at the NHS price as well. Private would be £2500 - £3000 She was referred under the old system which meant one lot of treatment. She was then referred back to the hospital for them to check progress. Her twin blocks worked well but, then the Nhs changed over so she got stuck between the two. We could either wait 3 years and risk undoing the work she's already had or pay for it. They look fab though. They are pink and purple
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